Eight practical tips for preventing depression
1) Be interested in others. depression involves a withdrawal from self-centered on themselves.
Depressed people often live in a world limited to themselves, their sufferings, and the people who make them suffer.
As often happens to those predisposed to depression,
their obsession with themselves and their needs, preventing them from fully evaluate both i bisogni degli altri , come pure l'esistenza di un mondo al di là dell'universo circoscritto della loro sofferenza.
Un antidoto a tutto questo è smettere di concentrarsi sui propri problemi .
Più allargherete i vostri orizzonti, più sarete in grado di ridimensionare le vostre disgrazie.
* Interessatevi a quello che succede nel mondo,leggete i giornali e tenetevi informati.
* Imparate una nuova lingua o qualcosa di nuovo.
* Cercate di conoscere e di fare amicizia con i vostri vicini di casa.
* Combattete la vostra tendenza all'egocentrismo, facendo del volontariato.
Dedicatevi ad una buona causa e il vostro mood will improve greatly!
2) Control the negative thoughts. Our mood is very much determined by what we think and how we address ourselves. Some people, without realizing it, you criticize and complain all day.
In the minds of these people, it's like if you play a continuous negative dialogue.
The mind of a depressed person
broods constantly negative ideas about himself, life, others, past and future . But when one repeats to himself all the time things like. "I'm not worth anything," "my life sucks" and "nobody loves me," certainly can not expect to feel full of joie de vivre! To feel better, it is important to learn not to dwell on negative thoughts and not wallow in self.
Has anyone compared the depressing thoughts to the birds: you can not prevent a bird to fly, but I can do to prevent the bird's nest above my head. This means that unless you broods on wrongs, our pains, and other topics of this kind, the better you are.
3) Focus on good things. The depressed tend to mull over what they have not had the life and the injustices suffered . In fact, many people prepared with depression have stories behind them difficult family, often have had little parental love, of death in the family or even worse misfortunes. The reasons why we would all be sad, but, for this reason, try to stay healthy and taking care of yourself!
Unfortunately no one can change the past and the trauma, all you can do is try to seize the opportunities that life offers in this (though a few may be). not concentrate on what you have not had in the past, or what you do not have at present: Focus instead on your ability and how to make your life more rewarding.
4) Take responsibility for your life Depression is closely related to liabilities . Many depressed
feel dissatisfied with their life, but do little or nothing to change the unpleasant situations in which they occur.
In severe cases, restrict themselves to dream that one day, almost by magic, everything will change for the better and finally meet a very special person, able to bring vitality to their lives, passion and new stimuli.
It 'goes without saying that these are illusory and expectations for a quick but painful disillusionment. If you want to keep away the depression, you must learn to take responsibility for your life, trying to change what does not work.
Remember that a solitary lifestyle and no commitments encourages the development of depression, on the contrary a dynamic lifestyle and actively prevents it.
5) Take care of yourself. The Romans supported the importance of having a "mens sana in corpore sano."
Research in the field of medicine and psychology have shown how,
the regular practice of a 'physical activity has a stabilizing mood. The positive effects on mood, However, if you have only chosen sport like and which is adapted to their physical training.
The person who kills himself in the gym with weights, so to speak, did not benefit either the body or the psyche. Being in good physical shape, eat properly (avoiding both the overweight unbalanced diets), get enough sleep are conditions that help maintain high morale.
6) Try an artistic activity. Usually, I am deeply depressed, indifferent to everything.
Depression decreases when the person becomes capable of being of the stimuli and rewards. It seems that work particularly well in this sense the artistic activities. When a person is able to express his feelings, painting, modeling clay, writing in the journal, etc. .. the existential pain that afflicts it decreases considerably.
Obviously it does not matter to be good, or draw well to make a literary masterpiece: what matters is that you express your emotions.
7) Adopt a puppy. The virtues of pet therapy are becoming increasingly popular so why not take advantage? Anyone who loves animals
knows the relief and fun that you try playing with a dog or a ferret, listening purr of a cat, or stroking the soft fur of a rabbit. Puppies make friends, bring joy and relieve tension.
8) Cultivate realistic expectations of others Depression is linked to the early lack of affection.
Typically, the depressed have received little love from their parents. As a result, did not develop a good self-esteem. Many people who suffer from a psychological disorder like depression, they feel unattractive and unworthy
love, and need constant confirmation with the other. They feel that if you can love someone else loves them. But the love you want by altri, è un amore totale e incondizionato come quello di una madre per il figlio piccolo.
A livello inconscio, i depressi non stanno cercando un rapporto alla pari con un altro adulto, ma un rapporto simbiotico con qualcuno che li ami e accetti incondizionatamente.
Ovviamente un tale rapporto non è possibile.
Chi ha una predisposizione alla depressione deve imparare a ridimensionare le sue aspettative nell'amore e nell'amicizia, e non dipendere troppo dagli altri.
A cura della Dott.ssa Anna Zanon
Tratto da:
www.ilmiopsicologo.it Nota: Questi rappresentano degli utili e validi consigli che non possono assolutamente sostituire l'operato of mental health profess. Depression is a mood disorder, technically a mood disorder characterized by a set of cognitive symptoms, behavioral, somatic and affective that, taken together, are able to decrease in a mild to severe mood and affect the "operation" of a person, as well as its ability to adapt to social life. Depression is not, as often thought, a simple lowering of mood, but a set of symptoms more or less complex that also substantially alter the way a person thinks, thinks and portrays herself, others and the outside world. Dr. Lorenzo