Ecco quello che non ci dicono: il Gardasil è prodotto dalla Merck , una delle più grandi multinazionali del farmaco esistenti al mondo. E' balzata agli onori della cronaca qualche anno fa per aver brevettato, prodotto e messo in commercio il Vioxx , antidolorifico che aveva come effetto collaterale un bell'infarto miocardico ( 28,000 deaths).
The withdrawal of the drug from the market was also a rather lengthy affair, and the process was carefully covered up and kept away from the spotlight. It was shown that Merck knew very well consequences of cardiac medicine.
Today, the same company at the time, offers for sale the Gardasil price of 564 € for 3 vaccinations. We Italians Boccalon we were the first to do "buy" to our National Health System (thanks Livia Turkish ).
Here are the features that you are careful not to advertise:
- climb the DEAD related vaccine ( here and here source)
- you do not know the side effects
- no independent studies have been conducted by pharmaceutical
- you do not know the duration of
prevention - prevention is against the approximately 4 100 strains of the virus
sources of what is written above here, here, and here
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