Stroke The word comes from Latin and means "hit", the same translation for English " Stroke "and the greek" Apoplexy .
stroke and a brain infarction , and just like in the heart, when it ceases to nourish the blood, the organ brain is damaged.
as stroke, therefore, is a vascular insult that alters the blood supply to a region of the brain.

brain or may occur for cerebral ischemia.
The definition that the ' World Health Organization, WHO provides of stroke is:
... ' s sudden onset of signs and / or symptoms referable to focal deficit and / or global (coma) of the cerebral functions, lasting more than 24 hours or negative outcome, not attributable to other apparent cause if not cerebral vascular disease ... "
What happens after a stroke?
A stroke damages the brain and how you know the brain is the organ of mental and cognitive functions, then a stroke affects those cognitive processes that allow the construction of body movement.
fact, often the most obvious outcome after stroke is the motor paralysis of one half of the body: hemiplegia.
outcomes of stroke represent the most sensitive aspects of Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy , because
for the recovery of movement is necessary to recover the cognitive processes that determine it.
for the recovery of movement is necessary to recover the cognitive processes that determine it.
What Rehabilitation?
rehabilitation The view towards the treatment of strokes is very vast and often confusing, when deciding on the type of rehabilitation well keep in mind that:
" The stroke has damaged the brain, not the muscles!"
" E ' al cervello ed alle sue funzioni alterate dall'ictus, che bisogna indirizzare la Riabilitazione "
La Riabilitazione Neurocognitiva, detta anche Metodo Perfetti , รจ risposta riabilitativa che meglio si adatta al recupero degli esiti di ictus cerebrale e all'emiplegia.
- E' l'unico metodo che considera il recupero dei processi cognitivi, fondamentale per il recupero degli esiti di ictus cerebrale.
- Progetta gli esercizi sul singolo caso di ictus.
- Si basa su un metodo di studio Scientifico.

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