Have you ever heard of the prophecy of Armageddon? Have you lived throughout your lifetime. Armageddon is the battle between God-realization and acceptance of the Antichrist, who is the alter ego that does not permit unlimited thoughts into your brain to find unlimited expression. It is the war between social awareness and knowledge unlimited. This is not Armageddon a battle outside of you, but you in the conflict between the Christ in you to emerge and alter ego that wants to maintain control.
Although your brain is designed to receive each frequency of thought in the mind of God, the totality of knowledge, it will activate to capture only those frequencies that allow you to receive you. And of all the wonderful thoughts that flow to the God that holds you together, the only knowledge that most of you can, the thoughts are of low frequency of social awareness, which are very limited, very closed, as you know for experience. And when you live according to social awareness and think of using only the frequencies that predominate in that limited amount of thought, the only parts of the brain to be activated are the higher levels of left and right parts of the brain and cerebellum, which is located at the top of the spine. Most of your brain is asleep, does nothing. This happens because each thought that does not fit with the limited thinking of your family, your friends, your company or your dogmas, it refused. Rejects it, that you allow yourself to contemplate and to think only thoughts that are accepted by the other ..... NAMASTE '
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