Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Birthday Invitation Horse Racing Template

female sexual disorders

loss of desire, pain, difficulty in reaching orgasm ... The problems of female sexuality are numerous. However, it is often still ignore them. Let's see what are the main disorders and how to find a fulfilling sexuality.

Vaginal dryness often temporary, is a real handicap for the sex life. This is a lack of lubrication of the vagina, making it unpleasant and even painful penetration. generally due to hormonal imbalances can affect girls, but also women during or after pregnancy and, of course, after the menopause. But also stress, intake of certain drugs, intimate hygiene too aggressive, alcohol or smoking may impact on the mechanism of lubrication of the mucous membranes.
solutions : To begin with, this discomfort could be alleviated through the use of a water-based lubricant. Subsequently, as the case may also be prescribed a hormone treatment. Caution to fast during sex: the female body needs time. It 'important, therefore, make room for the preliminary, to increase pleasure and to allow the vagina to lubricate naturally, thus promoting the penetration.

When penetration is painful (dyspareunia)

The term dyspareunia pain when you try , more or less intense in the moment of penetration . The origin of this pain can be organic (after childbirth, for example), infectious (fungal infection, cystitis, herpes, STD ...) or psychological. But this problem can also be due to a phenomenon, yet little known, called vestibulitis: an inflammation of the vestibule, that is the part that is inside of the labia minora.
Solutions: these pains, particularly penalizing for the couple's sex life, they must first be located (inside or outside the vagina, deep or shallow) and identified. In case of infection, antibiotics may be prescribed. Often, over time, the fear of pain can cause fear of sexual relations and deeper blocks. See a psychologist, then, to overcome these concerns, finding a satisfactory sexuality.

Vaginismus or refusal of entry

Vaginismus is an involuntary contraction dusk of the perineum and vagina. Even if the genitals are normal (if they answer perfectly the excitement and orgasm can 'be achieved by stimulation of the clitoris), the vaginal orifice is closed by reflex, preventing any kind of penetration . Vaginismus also prevents gynecological examinations, as well as the use of tampons.
Solutions: in 90% of cases, the cause of vaginsmo is psychological. May result from trauma, a fear, or even a phobia of sexuality, or da un blocco fisiologico dovuto ad una grave dispareunia. La finalità della terapia è prima di tutto di distendere i muscoli della vagina; in seguito la donna cercherà di riprendere contatto col proprio corpo, per riacquistare una vita sessuale normale.

L’anorgasmia: quando l’orgasmo si fa desiderare
Sono molte le donne che si lamentano di non aver mai provato un orgasmo vaginale . Tuttavia, si può parlare di anorgasmia totale (o assenza di orgasmo) solo nel caso di chi non ha mai provato né l’orgasmo vaginale, né quello clitorideo. L’anorgasmia può presentarsi all’inizio della vita sessuale, ma può anche riguardare le donne adulte, and then later in life sex. It 's a complex disorder that can sometimes be limited to certain situations or partners.
Solutions: like other female sexual disorders, often the anorgasmia is of psychological origin. To overcome it, then we must have recourse to psychotherapy. Once you have found the source of the mental block, the patient will develop their sensitivity and riapprorpriarsi certain erotic sensations.

Frigidity or lack of pleasure
dell'anorgasmia Even more distressing, frigidity is manifested by the total lack of sexual pleasure. Corresponds to an absence total of erotic thoughts, while the body does not react to any stimulus: the genitals do not react to caresses or arousal, the vagina remains dry. Sexual relations are experienced as a duty, if not as a nuisance, and are charged with indifference.
solutions: in this case, a psychological therapy may be able to break the deadlock. The woman must understand why remains insensitive to any form of physical pleasure and sexual and will try to regain communication with partners. The treatment is aimed to ensure that women suffering from frigidity discover new sensations (or find those who have forgotten) and learn to let go of these feelings.

From: www.alfemminile.com

Using Maxidex After Cataract Surgery

Schizotypal Personality Disorder Psychotherapy and Medications

schizotypal personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized , as well as tendency to social isolation, from a communicative style and thought eccentric, typically vague or metaphorical by quirks of behavior and ideas of reference or unusual beliefs.

is a disorder belonging to group "A" classification manuals DSM personality disorder, that is one of those personalities that seem strange at first sight, closed in itself or eccentric. The ideas of reference are not exactly the schizotypal fixed ideas, are not characterized by the fact suspiciousness and hostility typical of the paranoid ideas of .

schizotypal patients often have individualized systems of belief or non-conventional, for example c redono to "powers" or perceptions or supernatural phenomena . The thought typical of these entities is defined "tangential" , that allusive and disorganized. It happens that sometimes seem engrossed in "brooding" upon themselves.

Patients with this disorder have a high comorbidity with other personality disorders. Ciò può essere dovuto in parte al fatto che il criterio descritto dal DSM-IV TR include parametri che sono in comune anche con altri disturbi, creando zone di sovrapposizione. Gli altri disturbi di personalità che condividono parzialmente, a prima vista, certi tratti con il disturbo schizotipico sono: il disturbo schizoide , per quanto riguarda la tendenza del soggetto a isolarsi dagli altri; il disturbo di personalità evitante presenta anch'esso sintomi di ansia e preoccupazioni - di cui il soggetto non ha il controllo - legate alle interazioni con gli altri; infine le idee fisse sono la caratteristica principale del disturbo paranoide : ovviamente non c’è un confine netto e preciso tra ideas simply "weird" and paranoid obsessions, though they are two different styles and recognizable.

schizotypal disorder that describes a model, which meets frequently, which has among other symptoms of "intermediate" between those disorders and the paranoid schizoid or anxious / avoidant: there is a tendency to get lost in the subject mulling himself with the thought, to isolate showing moderate anxiety and closing, and on the other hand, the fixed ideas have a milder form than not being paranoid projections of hostility to the outside. The patient's perception of reality schizotypal is not altered, and the thought, even if it seems strange or rambling in style, not disorganized.

People with schizotypal disorder may suffer from psychotic episodes , quickly and with relatively low frequency. Has been demonstrated and statistical correlation between family schizotypal disorder and schizophrenia . A percentage of these patients - around 12% - develop schizophrenia, usually in a less severe form which often heal .

Taken from: wikipedia

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ringing And Clogged Ear After Swimming

psychotherapy deals to offer correction methods Arrange than randomly in the mind of the individual and not guilty for his part, during the years of evolution and learning;

So: psychotherapy try to comment on the consequences of the causes , that the organization of neurotransmitters , by means of correction and change of psychological functions

* ie, as psychological functions are the expression of brain chemistry, correcting psychological functioning positively, we will correct in a positive alteration in brain neurotransmitter

* The drugs , Instead, they attempt to intervene directly on altering neurotransmitter and help correct the alteration, in fact, we are seeing an improvement in psychological functions associated with them.

The big problem for drugs is that the correction directly on neurotransmitters not stable, into a significant number of cases

* This is most likely because the ' functional alteration of neurotransmitters, originally caused during the early years of growth, it was precisely c ausata by environmental and genetic factors, interacting with each other, with the participation of the subject while living those events. This means that the young subjects, while the events took place, or taking part subendoli, was forming thought, opinion, belief and subjective point of view of interpretation of reality. These higher cognitive functions, are also, like every other thing in mind, organized on the basis of neurochemistry, but so far n o one has discovered a drug that can intervene on these refined neurochemical bases that produce complex human thought, that psychotropic drugs may be limited to acting only on the neurochemistry of emotion, mood and so on. The only way valid so far as we know it groped for, presumably, to go the brain areas where the neurochemistry is complex thinking, is psychotherapy.

* So it happens that the drugs are limited to intervene in the emotional functions and psychotherapy on complex cognitive function and higher. They, in their limits, they are therapeutic and allies must act simultaneously and skillfully handled both by specialists appointed to care, that is, the neurologist for medication and psychotherapy for the therapist.

* The cases in which the only psychotropic medication administration gave results and strong, are very likely those cases where, quite by chance, the person, raised by symptoms due to drugs, met during the transient symptomatic drug holiday, a series of fortuitous combinations that allowed a situational change of outlook stable than before, ie a valid change of mind than before, going well, a kind of self-psychotherapy spontaneous and fortuitous. In the multitude of cases, however, where psychopharmacotherapy while prolonging and / or by trying all possible combinations of drugs available, the person does not improve the stability, unfortunately it happens that the person has not ran into anything useful for the purposes of to change their perspectives and their thinking styles. Then from the cognitive point of view is still the person of all time, has continued to see the world through his eyes as ever, despite the period of symptomatic improvement. If these personal perspectives do not change, ie do not change certain ways of thinking, either accidentally or with psychotherapy, the person remains identical to itself to see the reality, can not "cure", because obviously continues to feel the emotions and moods that are consistent with his way of thinking and drugs can only temporarily control the consequences, that symptoms.

A person who continues to think and see the world from his point of view, it will probably feel emotions and states of mind as if he saw another

* Who feels anxiety, sadness, depression, anger, frantic, abnormal fear and phobia, in most cases not unreasonably feels these emotions: the feeling because he thinks ( and often are not aware of his own thought, when it occurs in the mind at an unconscious level and / or automatic) the reality in a way that obviously have to hear those specific emotions, feels after he has thought of something to feel those emotions . As more and still could not hear his thoughts to think of all time? Even if it were possible, would be created in 'individual an artificial condition, a split identity unbearable that person: for example, might think that now everything's going bad and indifferent, or you may enjoy it, rather than worry or get depressed. He no longer recognizes. Indeed, in cases where significant out inconsistencies between the reality of objectivity, thinking and emotional response, it is usual to speak, psychiatrists, the most serious mental illnesses. So the cure is not possible without a final review of some of their thoughts and personal perspectives in the interpretation of reality.

The arguments of the preceding paragraphs is not the most serious forms of illness and psychotic mental disorders resulting from neurological disorders: in these cases is the malattia neurologica stessa a determinare l'alterazione del pensiero e non è la qualità del pensiero a determinare, come si presume, l'alterazione neurochimica. In questo caso è il pensiero stesso ad essere ammalato, in quanto è guasto, in qualche punto, l'organo neurologico che serve per pensare. Negli altri casi, invece, il pensiero è disfunzionale e non malato, nel senso che si è sviluppato e organizzato, durante gli anni giovanili, in modo poco adeguato a poter definire la realtà in modo sufficientemente logico, oggettivo e adattivo, corrispondendo con ciò anche ad una non buona organizzazione neurotrasmettitoriale. In questi casi i disturbi emozionali discendono da un pensiero sano, ma disfunzionale rispetto alla actually more frequent and reliable.

* Psychotherapy, in all its imperfection, is concerned not to leave to chance the person's cognitive change and bolstering drugs that are like the soldiers fighting in the forefront of the symptoms, he worked behind the lines in order to eradicate definitively the source of evil person.

taken from www.psicotepia-palermo.it

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How Often Does It Snow In January In Ky


Insomnia is a common side effect of some drugs, and can be caused by stress , psychological upheaval, physical or mental illness , food allergies and poor sleep hygiene (bedtime at the wrong times, use of stimulants, watching movies especially "strong" before going to sleep, etc.. etc.). . Insomnia is characteristic in people with bipolar disorder, and can be a symptom of hyper-thyroidism, depression or use of food effects stimulants (coffee, cocoa, etc.. Etc..) In addition, a rare genetic condition caused by a prion leads to a lethal form of insomnia called fatal familial insomnia. This syndrome is similar to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease that is caused by the ingestion of meat from cattle with mad cow disease.

Treatments for insomnia

There is a great number of remedies for insomnia , some of which derived from ancient traditions, others
result of modern pharmacological, psychiatric and psychological.

Natural Treatments

Many insomniacs rely on sleeping pills or other sedatives to try to rest. Others use herbs such as valerian, chamomile, lavender, hops, passionflower, escolzia, hawthorn.

Some traditional remedies for insomnia include drinking warm milk before bedtime, take a warm bath in the evening, a great exercise for half an hour in the afternoon, eat a lot at lunch and then a light dinner three hours before falling asleep, avoid stimulating activities in the evenings and, of course, waking up early in the morning and go to bed in an appropriate time.

In folk medicine, Chinese doctors have cured insomnia for thousands of years. A typical approach may be acupuncture, diet and lifestyle analysis, the herbalist, or other techniques, in order to rebalance the body's energies to resolve the issue so delicate. Although they may seem of dubious science, many of these remedies have proved over time, sufficient to break the cycle of insomnia without the use of sedatives or sleeping pills. The warm milk contains high levels of tryptophan, a natural sedative. Oil lavanda ed altri olii essenziali possono aiutare ad indurre uno stato di rilassamento.

I soggetti che soffrono di insonnia non correlabile ad alcun disturbo organico o neurologico specifico, riescono a trovare un trattamento valido nella psicoterapia, andando ad affrontare quelle cause di stress, ansia o depressione che provocano tale disturbo, anche senza l'ausilio di farmaci ipnotici o, nello specifico, delle benzodiazepine, che possono indurre ad una forte dipendenza e che provocano un peggioramento generale dei sintomi in caso di brusca sospensione.

* Coloro che soffrono di insonnia dovrebbero evitare del tutto la caffeina. Essa è spesso causa di insonnia, a causa degli effetti eccitanti sul sistema nervoso periferico, nonché di quelli sul sistema cardiocircolatorio. La caffeina è presente in tè, caffè, yerba mate (Ilex paraguaiensis), guaranà, cacao, noce di cola (quindi tutte le bevande a base di cola come Pepsi Cola, Coca-Cola, Virgin Cola etc. etc.) è presente, perlopiù come sostanza aggiunta, nei cosiddetti energy-drink quali la Red Bull e simili, nelle barre di cioccolato ed altri dolciumi.

* L'ambiente in cui si dorme dovrebbe essere idoneo al riposo
. Molta gente è molto sensibile alla luce, alcuni altri ai rumori. La camera da letto dovrebbe essere al buio e silenziosa.

* Adoperarsi per una corretta igiene del sonno. Non usare il letto per altre attività oltre al sonno. Leggere, scrivere o guardare la televisione o altre attività nel letto, diminuiscono l'associazione letto-sonno. Allo stesso modo bisognerebbe mantenere un orario regolare del ciclo sonno veglia andando a letto sempre allo stesso orario e non dormire durante il giorno.

* L'apnea notturna può essere causa di insonnia. Una visita medica aiuterà nella diagnosi o cura dell'apnea notturna, una risposta definitiva si può ottenere da un esame presso i laboratori del sonno.

* Talvolta la mancanza di sonno è sintomo di un problema emotivo non trattato. Se una persona è infelice del proprio stile di life, or are you referring to problems whose solution is imperative, which can lead to sleep disorders. As the body needs food, everyone has social and environmental needs. Sometimes social activities can help.

* depressed patients may suffer from insomnia. Sometimes doctors can treat them by changing or adding drugs.

* In the Buddhist tradition, suffering from insomnia or nightmares suggests the practice of meditation or kindness (say). The practice of loving and being sympathetic towards any being can have a soothing and calming the mind and body. In the Metta Sutta, the Buddha says that sleep is easily one of the eleven benefits of this form of meditation.

* Allergies latent , such as that dairy products, may induce sleep disturbances. Other symptoms may be very mild such as a stuffy nose. A nutritionist can create a proper diet along with further advice.

* If an alarm has been point, you should avoid looking , possibly by masking the display. This prevents mental calculations on the amount of sleep lost up to that time and remained on the amount of sleep before the alarm sound. Accepting that the amount of sleep can be obtained only while sleeping and do not expect to sleep can be beneficial.

Drug treatments
There are several categories of medications and drugs that, due to their strong sedative effect are prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of insomnia, especially in severe cases.

The most commonly prescribed hypnotic drugs for insomnia are the benzodiazepines. These include drugs such as diazepam (present in Italy under several names, including Valium), lorazepam (sold in Italy under the name Tavor), nitrazepam (Mogadon), temazepam (Normison) and flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

From: www.wikipedia.org

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Storing First Morning Urine For Later Testing


Among anxiety disorders, phobias are by far the most common.

Phobias are unreasonable fears of an object or situation , contact with which causes person in an intense reaction of fear and anxiety .

The fear that the person experiences is irrational and exaggerated compared to the real danger of the feared object or situation, often causing a ' interference in normal activities of the individual.

Among the most common phobias are:

* acrophobia: fear of heights;
* Arachnophobia: fear of spiders;
* OFIDIOFOBIA : fear of snakes
* EMOFOBIA : fear of blood and wounds;
* Claustrophobia: fear of closed spaces;
* Agoraphobia: that fear of open spaces. The individual is afraid of being trapped in a place or a situation from which escape may be difficult or terribly embarrassing
* TAFOFOBIA : fear of being buried alive;
* CINOFOBIA : fear of dogs;
* EREUTOFOBIA : fear of blushing in public
* SOCIAL PHOBIA: A marked and persistent fear of one or more social situations in which performance is required, if the person is exposed to unknown or may be subjected to trial by of others. "
* AVIOFOBIA (or AVIATOFOBIA): fear of flying; (fear of air) *
ASTRAFOBIA : fear of thunder and lightning;


A major problem in these cases 'that often the person suffering from these discomforts not' able to ask for help or do not want to do and, in some situations, it is the same type of symptoms that prevents the request for help, because the situation can trigger anxiety and then panic. Data instead strong tendency to become chronic these discomforts, given the high level of impairment in social functioning and relational life, given the intense subjective distress that result in the individual, and 'important to contact an experienced professional that can help to overcome this type of disturbance and change individual circumstances and relationships that contribute to the maintenance of symptoms.

From: www.psiconauti.it