Among anxiety disorders, phobias are by far the most common.
Phobias are unreasonable fears of an object or situation , contact with which causes person in an intense reaction of fear and anxiety .
The fear that the person experiences is irrational and exaggerated compared to the real danger of the feared object or situation, often causing a ' interference in normal activities of the individual.
Among the most common phobias are:
* acrophobia: fear of heights;
* Arachnophobia: fear of spiders;
* OFIDIOFOBIA : fear of snakes
* EMOFOBIA : fear of blood and wounds;
* Claustrophobia: fear of closed spaces;
* Agoraphobia: that fear of open spaces. The individual is afraid of being trapped in a place or a situation from which escape may be difficult or terribly embarrassing
* TAFOFOBIA : fear of being buried alive;
* CINOFOBIA : fear of dogs;
* EREUTOFOBIA : fear of blushing in public
* SOCIAL PHOBIA: A marked and persistent fear of one or more social situations in which performance is required, if the person is exposed to unknown or may be subjected to trial by of others. "
* AVIOFOBIA (or AVIATOFOBIA): fear of flying; (fear of air) *
ASTRAFOBIA : fear of thunder and lightning;
A major problem in these cases 'that often the person suffering from these discomforts not' able to ask for help or do not want to do and, in some situations, it is the same type of symptoms that prevents the request for help, because the situation can trigger anxiety and then panic. Data instead strong tendency to become chronic these discomforts, given the high level of impairment in social functioning and relational life, given the intense subjective distress that result in the individual, and 'important to contact an experienced professional that can help to overcome this type of disturbance and change individual circumstances and relationships that contribute to the maintenance of symptoms.
From: www.psiconauti.it
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