Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How Often Does It Snow In January In Ky


Insomnia is a common side effect of some drugs, and can be caused by stress , psychological upheaval, physical or mental illness , food allergies and poor sleep hygiene (bedtime at the wrong times, use of stimulants, watching movies especially "strong" before going to sleep, etc.. etc.). . Insomnia is characteristic in people with bipolar disorder, and can be a symptom of hyper-thyroidism, depression or use of food effects stimulants (coffee, cocoa, etc.. Etc..) In addition, a rare genetic condition caused by a prion leads to a lethal form of insomnia called fatal familial insomnia. This syndrome is similar to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease that is caused by the ingestion of meat from cattle with mad cow disease.

Treatments for insomnia

There is a great number of remedies for insomnia , some of which derived from ancient traditions, others
result of modern pharmacological, psychiatric and psychological.

Natural Treatments

Many insomniacs rely on sleeping pills or other sedatives to try to rest. Others use herbs such as valerian, chamomile, lavender, hops, passionflower, escolzia, hawthorn.

Some traditional remedies for insomnia include drinking warm milk before bedtime, take a warm bath in the evening, a great exercise for half an hour in the afternoon, eat a lot at lunch and then a light dinner three hours before falling asleep, avoid stimulating activities in the evenings and, of course, waking up early in the morning and go to bed in an appropriate time.

In folk medicine, Chinese doctors have cured insomnia for thousands of years. A typical approach may be acupuncture, diet and lifestyle analysis, the herbalist, or other techniques, in order to rebalance the body's energies to resolve the issue so delicate. Although they may seem of dubious science, many of these remedies have proved over time, sufficient to break the cycle of insomnia without the use of sedatives or sleeping pills. The warm milk contains high levels of tryptophan, a natural sedative. Oil lavanda ed altri olii essenziali possono aiutare ad indurre uno stato di rilassamento.

I soggetti che soffrono di insonnia non correlabile ad alcun disturbo organico o neurologico specifico, riescono a trovare un trattamento valido nella psicoterapia, andando ad affrontare quelle cause di stress, ansia o depressione che provocano tale disturbo, anche senza l'ausilio di farmaci ipnotici o, nello specifico, delle benzodiazepine, che possono indurre ad una forte dipendenza e che provocano un peggioramento generale dei sintomi in caso di brusca sospensione.

* Coloro che soffrono di insonnia dovrebbero evitare del tutto la caffeina. Essa è spesso causa di insonnia, a causa degli effetti eccitanti sul sistema nervoso periferico, nonché di quelli sul sistema cardiocircolatorio. La caffeina è presente in tè, caffè, yerba mate (Ilex paraguaiensis), guaranà, cacao, noce di cola (quindi tutte le bevande a base di cola come Pepsi Cola, Coca-Cola, Virgin Cola etc. etc.) è presente, perlopiù come sostanza aggiunta, nei cosiddetti energy-drink quali la Red Bull e simili, nelle barre di cioccolato ed altri dolciumi.

* L'ambiente in cui si dorme dovrebbe essere idoneo al riposo
. Molta gente è molto sensibile alla luce, alcuni altri ai rumori. La camera da letto dovrebbe essere al buio e silenziosa.

* Adoperarsi per una corretta igiene del sonno. Non usare il letto per altre attività oltre al sonno. Leggere, scrivere o guardare la televisione o altre attività nel letto, diminuiscono l'associazione letto-sonno. Allo stesso modo bisognerebbe mantenere un orario regolare del ciclo sonno veglia andando a letto sempre allo stesso orario e non dormire durante il giorno.

* L'apnea notturna può essere causa di insonnia. Una visita medica aiuterà nella diagnosi o cura dell'apnea notturna, una risposta definitiva si può ottenere da un esame presso i laboratori del sonno.

* Talvolta la mancanza di sonno è sintomo di un problema emotivo non trattato. Se una persona è infelice del proprio stile di life, or are you referring to problems whose solution is imperative, which can lead to sleep disorders. As the body needs food, everyone has social and environmental needs. Sometimes social activities can help.

* depressed patients may suffer from insomnia. Sometimes doctors can treat them by changing or adding drugs.

* In the Buddhist tradition, suffering from insomnia or nightmares suggests the practice of meditation or kindness (say). The practice of loving and being sympathetic towards any being can have a soothing and calming the mind and body. In the Metta Sutta, the Buddha says that sleep is easily one of the eleven benefits of this form of meditation.

* Allergies latent , such as that dairy products, may induce sleep disturbances. Other symptoms may be very mild such as a stuffy nose. A nutritionist can create a proper diet along with further advice.

* If an alarm has been point, you should avoid looking , possibly by masking the display. This prevents mental calculations on the amount of sleep lost up to that time and remained on the amount of sleep before the alarm sound. Accepting that the amount of sleep can be obtained only while sleeping and do not expect to sleep can be beneficial.

Drug treatments
There are several categories of medications and drugs that, due to their strong sedative effect are prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of insomnia, especially in severe cases.

The most commonly prescribed hypnotic drugs for insomnia are the benzodiazepines. These include drugs such as diazepam (present in Italy under several names, including Valium), lorazepam (sold in Italy under the name Tavor), nitrazepam (Mogadon), temazepam (Normison) and flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

From: www.wikipedia.org


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