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perfect method perfect method
The perfect method is the preferred method for the treatment of the results of stroke and hemiplegia
Method Perfetti was born in the late '60s by the brilliant insights of Professor Charles Perfetti, also called Cognitive Therapeutic Exercise and more recently Neurocognitive Rehabilitation .
The years of birth of the perfect method were prosperous years for new discoveries scientific and cultural revolutions, in those years because the neurophysiological studies took into account , More and more exciting, mental and cognitive processes, as fundamental elements 's organization of the movement. So much so that studies on the behavior not happen on a rodent and more on reflexes, but cute monkeys. This allowed to investigate the behavior and movement Whereas the attention of the animal and other cognitive processes .
In the field of psychology we are witnessing an evolution in this area could take foot discipline cognitive , if the brain was first described as a black box in which it was impossible to determine what happened, at the same time when taking off the perfect methods, began to try to understand or at least investigate what was: cognitive processes and mental functions .
the same shape the fate of Professor Perfetti rehabilitation in a context where, in different parts of the world, trying to scholars began to assume responsibility than in previous years had been too often evaded I'm talking about the responsibility to study and try to understand something hidden and difficult to quantify : the cognitive processes .
no coincidence according to the theory of Neurocognitive Rehabilitation : the quality of recovery is on the type of cognitive activity and the mode of their activation .
were years of great scientific excitement and vivacity, unfortunately, history shows that innovations anche quelle più sorprendenti , quelle che sono in grado di rivoluzionare alcuni sistemi, incontrano difficoltà nell’essere accettate e che possono cambiare il corso delle cose, ma il Metodo Perfetti si fece strada in questo clima grazie alla forza ed alla concretezza dei risultati ottenuti ed alla passione e la tenacia del Professor Carlo Perfetti per la Riabilitazione ed il suo miglioramento .
Il Metodo Perfetti ha permesso l’evoluzione della riabilitazione che in quel momento era basata sulle tecniche neuromotor , techniques based on the evocation and inhibition of reflexes, but these techniques, such Bobath, Kabat and Vojta in recovery from stroke is not allowed recovery fine movement of the hemiplegic patients, especially hand. The first steps of the perfect method in fact they are moved from this problem, the recovery of the hand. The first major insight of Professor Perfetti was to consider the hand like a real organ of touch , Perfetti noticed that in fact proposing to the hemiplegic patient problemi di riconoscimento di diverse superfici tattili, la mano del paziente gradualmente diminuiva la spasticità e comparivano i primi movimenti .
Sono passati ormai 40 anni dalle primi intuizioni che hanno portato il Metodo Perfetti ad essere oggi uno dei metodi più interessanti ed efficaci del panorama riabilitativo mondiale , infatti sempre più professionisti provenienti dall’ Asia Europa ed America si appassionano Method.
in recent decades to the first brilliant insights of Professor Perfetti, have been joined by many others, parallel research came to light sensational discoveries , which confirmed insights and studies of Professor Perfetti and that opened up new avenues for the development of the method Perfect and Rehabilitation . Continued ... Now a small gift for you
Here's how to get practical advice for rehabilitation in the family, to do exercises at home and the experiences of other families who are already using the perfect method
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