So let us treat a central theme of the site and neurological rehabilitation: The hemiplegia. We will try to understand the nature of the main problems related to the outcomes of stroke and then hemiplegia. Hemiplegia But what does it really mean? It is a term that derives from the greek EMI : half and PLEGE : blow, blow, means and then the paralysis of one half of the body. Here is to ask, but why after a stroke is paralyzed half of the body? And why is half opposite to the lesion of the brain? The answers to these questions can be found in the organization of the central nervous system, in fact many know that the brain has two hemispheres, each of which "manages" largely the opposite side of the body (contralateral), so Therefore, a right brain injury, involve disturbances of the left side of the body (hemiplegia left) and vice versa a lesion of the left hemisphere result in alterations of 'Emilia right (right hemiplegia). We shall see later the characteristics of the right and left .
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x Te!
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