
emboli and Truman, are the causes of cerebral ischemia.
L 'Embolus is a blood clot that circulates in the blood stream and depending on its size, will result in the obstruction of the vessel in which it travels, and then ischemia, because the arteries as they approach the brain, are becoming thinner.
Blood clots tend to form in blood vessels weakened by ' atherosclerosis through the accumulation of grease on the inner walls that diminish circulatory flow volume, resulting in ischemia.
Most strokes are due to ischemia of the brain, approximately 80-85% of cases, the remainder was due to 'brain hemorrhage , despite this, even after cerebral ischemia, due to secondary injury of some vessels may lead to a hemorrhage that is called red infarction.
What happens after a stroke?
The most common outcome of an ischemic stroke is the ' hemiplegia, or paralysis of one half of the body.
This is because along with brain damage, mental functions are also damaged (Cognitive Processes) that allow movement. Example

What sono i Processi Cognitivi ?
- Attenzione
- Percezione
- Memoria
- Immagine Motoria
- Linguaggio
- Problem Solving (Risoluzione dei Problemi)
Tieni a mente che : "l' Ischemia Cerebrale danneggia il cervello ed i Processi Cognitivi, non i muscoli!"
You can cure the 'Ischemia? cerebral ischemia and hemiplegia, can not be cured, YOU MUST ENSURE
Our central nervous system has plasticity, means that it can be modeled based on the experiences we live. Recovering from a stroke, then we must learn, learn again to hear , try and live and move your body , a bit 'as we did as children. As you recover after ischemic stroke? The quality of the recovery of those who have suffered a stroke, are clearly linked to the experiences undergone by. The Rehabilitation plays a central role in the process of recovery from cerebral ischemia. The quality of recovery following ischemia will also be determined by the way that will provide the cognitive processes underlying the movement. What Rehabilitation for Ischemia ? The view of the methods for Rehabilitation of stroke is very vast and often confusing. Ad oggi la Riabilitazione Neurocognitiva , comunemente conosciuta come Metodo Perfetti o Esercizio Terapeutico Conoscitivo è la migliore risposta riabilitativa nei confronti dell'ischemia cerebrale: Perché ?
- Recupera il movimento ed il linguaggio e considera anche i processi cognitivi ( ricorda l'Iceberg )
- Sfrutta la Plasticità del Cervello
- It is based on scientific
- E ' Used decades, because it is recognized as the most appropriate response for the rehabilitation of stroke and cerebral ischemia in general.
- Learn exercises suitable for his recovery!
- Give your dear better service the most expensive private clinic!
- Help your family to regain its independence and dignity in the comfort of home!
- Optimize your time with him, help him to move again!
- Call now 0666018356
- Book una Visita ed accompagna il tuo familiare
- Valuto il danno motorio-cognitivo-sensitivo ed il possibile recupero
- Ti insegno esercizi semplici, ma allo stesso tempo efficaci ed adatti al tuo caso specifico.(non hai bisogno di sussidi particolari, si può fare tutto in casa)
- Registriamo insieme un video, (per darti una traccia da seguire a casa).
- Ottieni i primi miglioramenti
- Controllo i risultati periodicamente (1 volta al mese, recommended)

Care ischemia
Do not worry if your family member with cerebral ischemia is already in a rehabilitation clinic , learn the exercises and get them in time to visit!
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