Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Best City For Skateboarding

Performance / Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is due, in most cases, the psychic structure (location and origin of the dysfunction also ED).
One reason could be performance anxiety : a psychological disorder that causes the the brain forces us to finish quickly for various reasons .

L'ansia da prestazione sessuale trae spesso origine dalle moderne relazioni sociali sia interattive che non interattive. Queste ultime hanno a che fare con la pressione mediatica riguardante tutto ciò che concerne il sesso: un certo standard di "maschio" che buca lo schermo grazie alle qualità quasi ideali che incarna, in definitiva un qualcosa che nei fatti non esiste. Le caratteristiche attribuitegli riguardano la grande capacità di seduzione e di "prestazione", senza considerare il discorso sulle sue possibili "dimensioni"...

L'ansia da prestazione può altresì nascere semplicemente perchè non c'è dialogo con la persona con cui si is related to: lack of feeling, fear of her away, a fight, or simply (unfortunately brutal) desire to finish quickly because our brain tells us that it is "the wrong person .

In this case we should pay attention to the choices we make for both casual partners and for stable relationships, trying to follow what we like without listening to other needs such as loneliness fictitious (we have to find strength and be with someone!), the instinctual need (but, for humans, there is the ability to choose the right led by taste).

must first understand the component which is the main cause of anxiety and follow advice that will lead to the solution of the problem. I remedy this problem are designed to self, the acquisition of a different way of thinking, and ability to relax by removing components that disturb the mental balance. Important
are breathing techniques, concentration, such as those conducted by yoga or autogenous trining.
But it was in possession of the subject the opportunity to think about sex differently, as something natural, instinctual, which belongs to everyone in everyday life.
is important, ultimately, take over their own desires, and be the controller of their own will.

And 'a must clarify that are excluded from this argument severe cases of anxiety due to serious problems that have to do with personal experience of the subject . It may happen that performance anxiety is the simple extension of already rooted anxiety. In this case one can speak of anxiety about sex, but simply the disorder, as existing, is also expressed in the sexual sphere. You should therefore, not a self-supported by so-called popular psychology, but one counseling with a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.
From: www.votalacoppia.it


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