What happens if we panic stops and will suffer the scope of employment and private? Anxiety can be faced and fought?
How many times have we felt stuck in panic before a speech at a meeting, rather than a conference or a thank you in public? The heart beats faster, your hands sweat and your mouth becomes dry, we are restrained to the point that we fail to concentrate on our discussion only on the reaction of our body. The more we worry that these symptoms become visible to others, the more they rise up to lead to panic attacks in more extreme cases.
Some call it anxiety of public speaking, social anxiety, other, others simply shyness, for those - and there are many - who have to deal with this discomfort every day is a real problem. People who have this problem every day are a lot more than we think: 5 has, at least in part, had this experience. This disorder, which captures all unprepared, students, executives, actors teachers, creating many hardships which can often adversely affect the lifestyle to drastically limit the freedom : models refuse to meet people outside the walkway, actors make use of beta blockers for lowering blood pressure, students recall exams, managers refuse promotions, and so politicians and show business people face many difficulties.
Anxiety manifests itself both physically and psychologically, the first step is to identify how . Many people feel a sweat Profuse other tremors, dry mouth, flushing, dizziness, increased heart rate, while the thoughts become more and more confused, the next step is to "enter the ball." The body prepares itself to what in English is called "fight or flight" , fight or flight, or instinctive move our body in front of a danger, of course, many hours are wondering who would rather face a lion rather than an audience !
is often an excess of energy, which is outside our control, to cause them physical and psychological reactions , and the consequent fear of being judged poorly, not up to, to fail leads us to avoid exposing ourselves. You need to channel this energy, using it in our favor.
Some of the most common advice: Do not procrastinate
. Use all opportunities that present themselves to confront and expose yourself, from small communities.
Drill! In front of a mirror or with a friend, focusing on our reactions and focused, and then be able to deviarle.
Focus your fears, I'm really motivated? To think that an audience, or colleagues can get up and get you tomatoes is realistic? Think you can drop the slides? Do you want to collect them? Our partners non sono nemici.
Non siamo i più severi critici di noi stessi.
Dress for success . Un abbigliamento consono alla situazione, comodo e confortevole vi farà sentire a proprio agio.
Non memorizzare! Ridurre il discorso a parole chiave aiuterà a non incastrarvi e ad essere più naturali e tranquilli.
Accompagnarsi con aiuti visivi , servono a distogliere l’attenzione su di te e a suggerirti il passo successivo.
Pensa positivo.
Respirare con il diaframma – inspirazione, pancia in fuori e viceversa – aiuta a rilassarsi e mantenere la concentrazione. Immaginarsi in una situazione di successo, with an audience that you load nods enthusiastically. Recall that the thoughts and behaviors and then to create emotions. If you see yourself winning, you're a winner!
From: www.menageronline.it
Serena Frattini
July 22, 2009
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