Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cervical Mucus 6 Days Before Period


If a plate or a glass fall ground hear a loud noise.

The same happens if a window slams, if you break the leg of a table or a painting off the wall.
But the heart when it breaks, it does so in absolute silence.
Given its importance, you would think that makes a noise louder than the world, or even producing a sort of ceremonious sound like the echo of a cymbal or the ringing of a bell. Instead
is silent, and you eventually desire a sound that distract you from pain . If there is noise, is internal.
A scream that no one except you can hear.
A roar so loud that le orecchie rintronano e la testa fa male.
Si dimena nel petto come un grande squalo bianco intrappolato nel mare; ruggisce come la mamma orsa a cui è stato rapito il cucciolo.
Ecco cosa sembra e che rumore fa.
È un'enorme bestia intrappolata che si agita, presa dal panico; e grida come un prigioniero davanti ai propri sentimenti.
L'amore è così…nessuno ne è indenne.
È selvaggio, infiammato come una ferita aperta esposta all'acqua salata del mare , però quando si spezza il cuore non fa rumore.
Ti ritrovi a urlare dentro e nessuno ti sente ".

(Se tu mi vedessi ora - Cecelia Ahern)

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In terms of theoretical and scientific the end of a love is due to the same processes of separation and mourning . The first

scholar to address the experiences of separation or bereavement is John Bowlby that collects in a systematic way, the reactions of anxiety in place by a girl of only two years in hospital, without the possibility of have, beside their mother . Extending to other cases, the results of research conducted, analogy Bowlby sees the observed behavior in the child ospedalizzata, con quello messo in atto da altri bambini e da macachi separati dalle proprie madri, da persone rimaste vedove e, in generale, da adulti che hanno subito una separazione o un divorzio doloroso dal loro coniuge. Si potrebbe parlare di un vero e proprio pattern universale, articolato in tre fasi , che si succedono le une alle altre: protesta, disperazione e distacco. La prima fase , ossia quella della protesta, è caratterizzata da reazioni piuttosto smoderate , quali pianto, grida, agitazione, ansia, panico. La persona lasciata, abbandonata, inconsapevolmente, agisce in tal modo, con l'intento di influenzare il ritorno della persona andata via.
Durante la seconda fase , quella della disperazione , ai comportamenti di iperattività e protesta attiva , subentrano altri di totale inattività, astenia, depressione. Fanno, inoltre, la loro comparsa alterazioni fisiologiche, quali disturbi del sonno, diarrea, alterazioni del comportamento alimentare, accelerazione del battito cardiaco . Alla delusione dovuta agli esiti negativi dei comportamenti messi in atto durante la prima fase, che non hanno garantito il ritorno della persona scomparsa o andata via, subentra un periodo di passiva disperazionegenerata dalla consapevolezza dell'impossibilità di un ritorno. ,

La terza fase riguarda il distacco. La persona abbandonata, cioè, dopo un determinato lasso temporale, si distacca , a sua volta, affettivamente ed emotivamente dalla persona persa, riorganizzandosi a livello emotivo e ricominciando le normali attività che contraddistinguevano la sua vita prima di restare sola.
Al di là delle tre fasi individuate sopra, nella fine di un amore, un amore che ci ha profondamente coinvolti, si prova una sofferenza indicibile, si pensa che non si può più continuare a vivere, si provano sentimenti quali: tristezza, delusione, senso d'angoscia, sensi di colpa e fallimento. Forte è l'ossessione che l'accompagna, well described by the opening track. Especially if that love has taken all our strength, our life has taken, because as in all love we live, we always think that it is the "right", what will last "forever." It is painful to accept that it can finish, that we were wrong.
Most times you can not understand why it is done, not realizing that the end was not unexpected but was somewhat foreshadowed in many small gestures, opportunities, shades, or even having noticed the latter is still living despite the illusion that all that love would never end.

In most cases there are struggles, non ci si arrende, si tenta l'impossibile per recuperare quell'amore. Sopratutto si continua ad amare la persona perduta, a volte più di prima. A volte si prova qualche timida speranza di recuperare l'amore perduto, sopratutto se l'altra parte, incautamente, manifesta qualche piccolo segnale d'affetto o di comprensione, che si tende subito ad interpretare come segnale di una rinnovata disponibilità ad amarci e non lo si vede nel suo reale significato (tipica la frase "forse mi ama ancora un pò? forse non è tutto finito?" ).

Quando finisce un amore, sopratutto se si è lasciati, si compie una vera e propria analisi di quelle che sono state le cause che led to the end. Most of the time the person left tend to attribute the blame, attributing his wrongdoing to the end of the report. This is because allows to hope that by changing their behavior, the report may start again, if the other gives us another chance. Do not you want to realize that much more simply do not like each other more. however painful it may be aware of this bitter truth, the only way to be able to get out. You suffer so scary but time will help us finally put an end. Otherwise, hoping for another chance, only prolong suffering entering a tunnel that will seem dead.
But no matter how distant in time, after crying all the tears of this world, having expressed all the despair of this world, the time comes when you touch the bottom of the abyss. And in that moment, almost without realizing it, we will begin a slow but inexorable rise. We accept the reality of things. You will find that the greatest love is yet to come.
Finally we must not forget that our way of life at the end of a love is linked to our first "drop" those children. Can not remember who said "the child is father of man." Mai come in questo caso ha ragione. Infatti a seconda di come siamo stati "abbandonati" ed abbiamo vissuto tali "abbandoni" da piccoli, che rivivremo quelli attuali e futuri. Ma non dimentichiamo che gli "abbandoni" rappresentano anche un momento di crescita.

Tratto da: www.maldamore.it

Friday, March 26, 2010

Lipstick On The Mirror/disch


Mercoledì 14 Aprile 2010 ore 17:15
Presso la Biblioteca S. Giovanni via Passeri, 102 Pesaro

Presentazione del libro: Quale scienza per la psicoterapia?
A cura di Tullio Carere – Comes

Saluti di:

John Genga , Director ASUR Marche, Zona Territoriale n.1 Pesaro


Leo Menchaca, Director of DSM Pesaro

Mario Rossi Monti, Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Urbino Carlo Bo , Psychoanalyst SPI

Louis Longhin , Psychoanalyst, Philosopher
Max Mazin, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, DSM Pesaro

Scientific Secretariat: Dr. Leo Mencarelli - Dr. Massimo Mazin - Dr. Lorenzo Flori

In collaboration with:
Library Cooperative and St. John Two broom

comments and descriptions
The volume brings together contributions from Paolo Migone, Longhin Luigi, Mario Rossi Monti, Stefano Blasi, Mauro Fornaro, Giovanni Stanghellini, Gilberto Di Petta, George G. Alberti, Peter Caterini, Tullio Carere-Comes, Gianfranco Basti, Claudia Montanari.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Can You Really Be 11 Days Late On Period

Anxiety public speaking. Tips to overcome Anxiety

What happens if we panic stops and will suffer the scope of employment and private? Anxiety can be faced and fought?
How many times have we felt stuck in panic before a speech at a meeting, rather than a conference or a thank you in public?
The heart beats faster, your hands sweat and your mouth becomes dry, we are restrained to the point that we fail to concentrate on our discussion only on the reaction of our body. The more we worry that these symptoms become visible to others, the more they rise up to lead to panic attacks in more extreme cases.
Some call it anxiety of public speaking, social anxiety, other, others simply shyness, for those - and there are many - who have to deal with this discomfort every day is a real problem. People who have this problem every day are a lot more than we think: 5 has, at least in part, had this experience. This disorder, which captures all unprepared, students, executives, actors teachers, creating many hardships which can often adversely affect the lifestyle to drastically limit the freedom : models refuse to meet people outside the walkway, actors make use of beta blockers for lowering blood pressure, students recall exams, managers refuse promotions, and so politicians and show business people face many difficulties.

Anxiety manifests itself both physically and psychologically, the first step is to identify how . Many people feel a sweat Profuse other tremors, dry mouth, flushing, dizziness, increased heart rate, while the thoughts become more and more confused, the next step is to "enter the ball." The body prepares itself to what in English is called "fight or flight" , fight or flight, or instinctive move our body in front of a danger, of course, many hours are wondering who would rather face a lion rather than an audience !

is often an excess of energy, which is outside our control, to cause them physical and psychological reactions , and the consequent fear of being judged poorly, not up to, to fail leads us to avoid exposing ourselves. You need to channel this energy, using it in our favor.

Some of the most common advice: Do not procrastinate
. Use all opportunities that present themselves to confront and expose yourself, from small communities.
Drill! In front of a mirror or with a friend, focusing on our reactions and focused, and then be able to deviarle.
Focus your fears, I'm really motivated? To think that an audience, or colleagues can get up and get you tomatoes is realistic? Think you can drop the slides? Do you want to collect them? Our partners non sono nemici.
Non siamo i più severi critici di noi stessi.
Dress for success . Un abbigliamento consono alla situazione, comodo e confortevole vi farà sentire a proprio agio.
Non memorizzare! Ridurre il discorso a parole chiave aiuterà a non incastrarvi e ad essere più naturali e tranquilli.
Accompagnarsi con aiuti visivi , servono a distogliere l’attenzione su di te e a suggerirti il passo successivo.
Pensa positivo.
Respirare con il diaframma – inspirazione, pancia in fuori e viceversa – aiuta a rilassarsi e mantenere la concentrazione. Immaginarsi in una situazione di successo, with an audience that you load nods enthusiastically. Recall that the thoughts and behaviors and then to create emotions. If you see yourself winning, you're a winner!

From: www.menageronline.it

Serena Frattini
July 22, 2009

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Best City For Skateboarding

Performance / Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is due, in most cases, the psychic structure (location and origin of the dysfunction also ED).
One reason could be performance anxiety : a psychological disorder that causes the the brain forces us to finish quickly for various reasons .

L'ansia da prestazione sessuale trae spesso origine dalle moderne relazioni sociali sia interattive che non interattive. Queste ultime hanno a che fare con la pressione mediatica riguardante tutto ciò che concerne il sesso: un certo standard di "maschio" che buca lo schermo grazie alle qualità quasi ideali che incarna, in definitiva un qualcosa che nei fatti non esiste. Le caratteristiche attribuitegli riguardano la grande capacità di seduzione e di "prestazione", senza considerare il discorso sulle sue possibili "dimensioni"...

L'ansia da prestazione può altresì nascere semplicemente perchè non c'è dialogo con la persona con cui si is related to: lack of feeling, fear of her away, a fight, or simply (unfortunately brutal) desire to finish quickly because our brain tells us that it is "the wrong person .

In this case we should pay attention to the choices we make for both casual partners and for stable relationships, trying to follow what we like without listening to other needs such as loneliness fictitious (we have to find strength and be with someone!), the instinctual need (but, for humans, there is the ability to choose the right led by taste).

must first understand the component which is the main cause of anxiety and follow advice that will lead to the solution of the problem. I remedy this problem are designed to self, the acquisition of a different way of thinking, and ability to relax by removing components that disturb the mental balance. Important
are breathing techniques, concentration, such as those conducted by yoga or autogenous trining.
But it was in possession of the subject the opportunity to think about sex differently, as something natural, instinctual, which belongs to everyone in everyday life.
is important, ultimately, take over their own desires, and be the controller of their own will.

And 'a must clarify that are excluded from this argument severe cases of anxiety due to serious problems that have to do with personal experience of the subject . It may happen that performance anxiety is the simple extension of already rooted anxiety. In this case one can speak of anxiety about sex, but simply the disorder, as existing, is also expressed in the sexual sphere. You should therefore, not a self-supported by so-called popular psychology, but one counseling with a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.
From: www.votalacoppia.it

What Is The Warrenty On Chi Straightners

"IN AN EMPTY HEAD'S ' MORE 'space to think "