Sunday, November 21, 2010

What Do I Feed My Dog Who Has Pancreatitis

down the mask! The reunion

Jean Marais in the world threat Fantomas (1965)

Mentre fuori si sta scatenando il diluvio, ho la faccia semi-immobilizzata.
Mi sono messa su una maschera di bellezza.
Fin da piccola sono sempre stata affascinata non tanto dalle maschere quanto dal momento fatidico in cui un personaggio si toglieva la sua, di maschera. Esemplare era la serie di Fantomas degli anni '60, con Jean Marais nei panni del Genio francese del Male e Louis De Funès nei panni dell'ispettore Juve (si pronuncia Sgiùv con la g dolce, la squadra di calcio non c'entra). Quando Fantomas si toglieva una dei suoi milioni di maschere perfect

appeared as a dark gray face with a cut to his mouth, almost nose and two white holes for the eyes. I remained very badly in front of that vision, but I could not help but admire - I was five years - the mastery of the whole operation. A full face mask! Rubber! Other than Carnival!
Masks "Beauty" are the funniest type peel off, which gradually form a clear film on your face like glue (and how the two philosophies of Ostia you can finally say to stay ffa 'glue ). During the wait, the mask is hooked to the skin, partially preventing the facial muscles to cooperate, so we have a vague idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to expect by dint of Botox injections .
The charm of the mask removed in front of everyone, or just front of the lens is a big scene that few know how to give up. From Phantom of the Opera down,

music is all on the rise, looks terrified usually a woman, shot / reverse, detail of hands that grip the neck and voila! The face is gone. Final Scream (Women, of course).
course, remove the hair from her face, or a strand or two will be mixed in the mask. While waiting for the fall of the artificial face, you can do some physical exercises inspired by the character of the doll in Casanova Federico Fellini , whose face is looking like every minute more:

A video was awesome especially the one signed by English directors Godley & Creme
per una canzone di Lou Reed degli anni '80, No Money Down . Passato sull'allora potente MTV, era in un certo senso la raffigurazione dell'artista come marionetta dal volto di lattice. Verso la seconda metà del video accade però qualcosa: Lou Reed - marionetta si strappa la faccia-maschera, e rimane con l'impalcatura di metallo e i bulbi oculari di plastica che si muovono di qua e di là, mentre la mascella inferiore vaga libera e finisce la canzone:

E' giunto il momento di togliersi la maschera. In bagno, con la luce dello specchio che peggiora i lineamenti, si prova a togliere la maschera peel-off dal collo in su, come Fantomas, ma si ottiene solo una striscia scrausa di pellicola, e non "la maschera", la vecchia identità che se ne va via con l'acqua tiepida. Allora si adotta il sistema Lou Reed: tutto via da un lato. Rimangono impigliati i capelli nell'operazione, si pela via la pellicola a brani, una striscia dietro l'altra, si pulisce il rimanente ed ecco.
Nello specchio appare una nuova faccia, leggermente più arrossata della precedente, niente occhi che cadono, niente pelle grigia, niente mascelle squadernate.
Uno quasi ci rimane male.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Best Hd Camcorder Under £200


I realize now, reading the STATISTIC access to the site, the entire article written today by me on this blog has been taken, copied and pasted on the portal
It is found

here I should point out that:
- are not medical doctors and I did not, then what is written in this blog is a collection of my thoughts that never had the intention to encourage or discourage players from taking certain paths therapeutic
- not a journalist and this blog is not to be considered a newspaper! It is simply, as mentioned above, a pastime
- have never been contacted by the publisher of and I never gave consent to publish material from this blog
- I will arrange for short to remove the article from the portal
- I'm flattered by the attention received :-)


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Poptropica On

continues campaign

The pharmaceutical companies have realized that there is tripe for cats ... and who can stop them any more?
Merck and GSK are making money with their vaccines (respectively, Gardasil and Cervarix). The first of the two, after the first year of marketing of Gardasil announced revenue of one billion and 400 million dollars.
Now that these companies in future who knows how many others, have placed themselves in business, you must prepare the ground.

In Italy we think with a healthy print campaign that shows alarming numbers all the time: HPV causes 90% of cervical cancer or encouraging In Puglia give the vaccines even at 18years (perhaps the 13 year old did not do enough market), a little 'how to say "you are vaccinating half Italian, you You're not the idiot who does not?" In a few

say in India have suspended vaccinations because of the death of four girls . We Italians do not even think about it, indeed, a bit of 'we will give even the boys. What you never know ....
Nobody says more than that to prevent cervical cancer, there is a smear test .
Nobody says that HPV, or change the cells and make them of cancer, employs more than 30 years . And it does a once in 10,000 cases, about women who are already immunocompromised, who do not do a Pap test (in fact) for a lifetime.
No one says that this vaccine not yet know all the side effects
We recall that Merck has already 28,000 dead with another drug which he knew very well the danger. But had to sell it, then silence, a bit 'of money to the families of the victims ... and away with billions of dollars of income.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Grocery Delivery Businesses

"Let's see how it goes, right?"

The reunion is not going to east of Madagascar.

not be found even in condominiums, after counting of thousandths.

not occur during religious holidays, between husband and wife want a divorce, the brother who is threatened with death and the nephew who moves the pieces of tangerine on the folders to win bingo.

not you between ex-classmates twenty years later, between oblivion and sadness at the passing of time.

The reunion is a serious matter. It 's a disease that attacks at some point in the pop and rock groups, and is more contagious.

A few decades ago, the reunion was called, ending the French theater, the rentrée , and concerned actors / ici a certain age who were going to challenge again, after a decent first withdrawal, the waves of the stage.

The band did not come to rentrées for three reasons:

1) There was always some member who have died for reasons of alcohol and drugs, and so crippled the original group;

2) tastes change so quickly that it was not worth much to suffer from not being recognized public - and maybe taken a bottle -

3) He earned enough, if it had been successful, with royalties catalog of discs made, perhaps by selling the rights to this or that film or commercials.

Now, with the lengthening of life, the inevitable has happened: those who listened to the band in twenty years have grown despite efforts to remain the same as they were young, e vogliono tornare ad ascoltare le suddette band senza vergogna. Ne frattempo i ventenni attuali sono molti di meno e dato il continuo flusso di musica in streaming on line il mercato dei CD (ex-vinili, ora da collezionare) è crollato. Quindi, si è cercato di spostare il mercato sui concerti dal vivo. Infatti, se ci si fa caso, l'artista un tempo inviava il video della sua ultima composizione, dopodichè faceva il giro delle televisioni per la promozione del disco, e solo in un terzo tempo arrivava il tour. Oggi lo stesso artista anticipa i brani on line, parte subito per il tour e in terza battuta arrivano i supporti sonori (CD o anche vinile da collezione, a volte si vendono i dischi direttamente ai concerti).

La life is long, and has formed a market "adult" who goes to rock concerts and pop (another big slice of the market): If the most famous festivals of thirty years ago were authentic fairs in the mud,

camp where they could, the bathrooms were "Turkish"
- but that mattered, it was young and strong! - Now there are many parts in confined spaces for tents,

and you can even eat.

This is because part of the conditions of life of the average festival goer have improved, and partly because many are no longer teenagers and are demanding places relatively less uncomfortable.

The reunion a few years ago had lived in dramatic fashion from constituents who had to meet: too old, he relentlessly tried to accuse this or that right to women or songs. A little 'as the Sunshine Boys comedy Neil Simon. It was also released in 1998 Still Crazy , a British film about a imaginary band that, in fact, it is well to reform after two decades:

The film Still Crazy on YouTube in segments (VO with English subtitles)

Now the prospect of looking at putting up more money and raise the value of the catalog of songs - which is the real treasure every musician - not so tragic and "last resort" as before, assuming that each State has been able to do in the meantime to live an honorable career as a soloist or in a warm place with swimming pool. The professional journals and speaking at length the reasons which have led to the reunion, fans will be split between disappointed ("Sold!" ), enthusiastic ( " I've seen from '90 onwards, I can not wait to see them with my grandchildren" ), enthusiastic ( "I remember when I made my panties autographed by the singer: Do not wear them, obviously." ) and neophytes ( "I downloaded the third album, not bad, a bit copied 'Nirvana' ).
All this tedious introduction to one fact:

Pulp I will make their reunion in 2011.

That God send us good.

Monday, November 8, 2010

What Is A C 125 Blood Test

The World platform

But coaches dream of electric poles?
(original photo of Omar Cousins, 2005)

They say that buses suffer.

All those curves and bumps, and braking, and the doors open and close doors, and go to the terminal - I wonder why that is almost always a pole on the dark street (sometimes seen near the pole two chemical baths with huge brand TOI TOI with little heart,
pathetic attempt to make it look like a pair of portable urinals Personnel Trambus something "nice").
Certainly the jumbo bus was leaving at 18:00 from Termini Station to go to Montesacro (and beyond), had seen too many. He charged a man in a wheelchair and his accompanist, in addition to the usual hundreds of people standing and sitting. I run in the wake of a young man with black leather coat, thinking, with that coat from Inglourious Basterd , imagine if it fails to climb the three steps of the jumbo. Thus, it is, and I after him. I look around, I noticed that the arrows on the bus were both on (a sign that the engine is warming up to start). Well, fool me mentally hands and wait. The gentleman in the chair Accessibility is in place with his companion, the other waiting passengers, some with phone, one with the mp3 player, who was with the iPhone connected to the earphones. Variously dressed in black shades drawn from the camel (back in fashion this year).

not notice a small detail.

The platform of the central door fell on the sidewalk.

Every time he moves, as if he had the hiccups, then stands still. Half of the passengers, as they passed the minutes, give seprate looks less distracted and more worried that iron plate supported to pick up people in wheelchairs. Man coats bastard does not know whether or lower remain impassive.
All buses have a shock when he saw the driver standing. For those accustomed to the media pubbblici, that means one thing: going to call for reinforcements because they can not do it to bring up the platform. Which continues unabated to have the hiccups. I pray that no one can think of accusing the man from his wheelchair, for having asked the driver to get that piece of metal that now none of it's sheathe under the double doors.

The driver falls from jumbo.

five phones simultaneously triggered to alert the house. One time they pulled fuori per farli vedere orgogliosamente in giro, ora questa frenesia anni '80/ Wall Street / " abbiamo l'esclusiva " si è ridotta in un ben più mesto "torno tardi, l'auto s'è scassato". E a nessuno viene in mente di pensare a una scusa: le scuse sono ben più gioiose della realtà.
Ora c'è il 50 per cento dei passeggeri a terra che guarda l'autobus come se fosse il Titanic che affonda. L'altro 50 per cento è seduto o è in piedi, ma non se la sente ancora di abbandonare la nave. Infatti nei naufragi per salvare la gente ce ne vuole, e non perché manchino le scialuppe (come it was actually the case of the Titanic), but because everyone is hoping that jumps out at the last minute a driver or repairman Atac with the Superman cape and a screwdriver in hand making miracles.
The platform has the delirium tremens. A girl gets out and tries to place it under the front door, the driver presses the button, the plunger half, drop the suspension ... Nothing. The gentleman in the wheelchair and its companion appear desperate, but not dominant. I ask what time it is all 'Inglourious Basterd, pulling out his cell phone after a few seconds (the clock does not have it any more, I believe that the act of pulling something out to know the time is a kind of return to past, when there were Cipolloni linked to the vests from the chains of gold).
comes a time that everyone has postponed: The second driver, who tells the rest of the population to get off and wait another half. A woman in a huge suitcase and a huge head of hair even more, it seems the wife of a Hobbit , insists on climbing with all the luggage. The strongly recommend, but fell from the platform shaky man with the wheelchair and companion. The darkness surrounds us all, as if he had been created on purpose. The driver is still trying to fix the platform lost, but now is expected to bring half the deposit. There comes a new bus, and the man in the wheelchair will miraculously manages to come up with all the attendant.

The bus is empty now, with the orbits of finestini quarries and the hanging platform, as with an open crotch. You step closer to a pigeon lady very old, in summer-like slippers Pescura,
without socks and incongruous with the sunglasses, dragging a cart for shopping. In his hand was a note on the jumbo salt - oh, that Bell'O empty! - Continues to put the ticket in the stamping machine, but nothing happens in the dark. We try to tell her in a low voice No! E 'fault! Not lo faccia! , ma lei insiste dietro gli occhiali da sole nella notte blu di Prussia, col carrellino che le si affloscia accanto.

L'autobus dalla pedana penzolante, forse rincuorato, ringrazia.