Thursday, January 29, 2009

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Your Dear One had a stroke and want to do something big for him?

Discover the latest news in the field of rehabilitation!

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you explain how the service Training:

The difficult Rehabilitation after a stroke is to identify the most suitable exercises for the individual patient, but this is my problem !
You just have to learn how to perform the exercises with your family.

How to get started in 3 Simple steps Recovery homemade!

1. Step "Book"

Book First Visit Evaluation

on this visit I will assess :

  • The Possibility of Log service training

  • the type of recovery that you can get

  • The most effective exercises from reliable ( perfect method )

2. Step "Learn"

The second visit is that of training:

Book it the Same Day the first visit ( Save time and a trip )

On this visit :

  • 'll teach you how to perform the exercises with your family

  • Faremo un Dvd degli Esercizi ( lo avrete il giorno stesso )

  • Se per voi spostarvi è troppo difficile i successivi Addestramenti possiamo effettuarli On-line!

3. Passo

Inizia Ora ad Eseguire gli Esercizi in Casa

Inizia Ora e fai Migliorare il tuo Familiare

Inizia Ora e Offrigli Maggiore Autonomia


  • Migliora Il Movimento

  • Migliora La Sensibilità

  • Migliora I Processi Cognitivi ( Attenzione, Memoria, Apprendimento )

  • Migliora il Comportamento

  • Migliora il Linguaggio

.......... Inizia dal Passo 1 !

Too Hard?

There are still unfortunately too many people who do not believe in their abilities, and believe that learning exercises, physical therapy is too difficult!

But do they know that in some families, even young children or grandchildren, help their parents and grandparents with the exercises, easy to do for those who learn but essential for those who receive them . Surely we need a good dose of motivation and good will, but when you see the results everything is easier!

"Remember, if your family is admitted to a clinic when you go to find, easy as point and do some exercises with him to speed his recovery! "

Do not miss the opportunity to do something really great for your loved one!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

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cerebral ischemia is one of the major causes of stroke and is determined by loss of blood supply to the brain (ischemia). The movement blood is interrupted because of an 'obstruction of an artery , which has the task of feeding the brain tissue.

emboli and Truman, are the causes of cerebral ischemia.

L 'Embolus is a blood clot that circulates in the blood stream and depending on its size, will result in the obstruction of the vessel in which it travels, and then ischemia, because the arteries as they approach the brain, are becoming thinner.

Blood clots tend to form in blood vessels weakened by ' atherosclerosis through the accumulation of grease on the inner walls that diminish circulatory flow volume, resulting in ischemia.

Most strokes are due to ischemia of the brain, approximately 80-85% of cases, the remainder was due to 'brain hemorrhage , despite this, even after cerebral ischemia, due to secondary injury of some vessels may lead to a hemorrhage that is called red infarction.

What happens after a stroke?

The most common outcome of an ischemic stroke is the ' hemiplegia, or paralysis of one half of the body.
This is because along with brain damage, mental functions are also damaged (Cognitive Processes) that allow movement.


This is an image of a tip of the iceberg. Imagine that the movement as we see it, is just the tip of the iceberg, or just the visible part of a complex organization Cerebral offered by cognitive processes.

As you can see below there is much more of what we see! At the base of the movement are the cognitive processes. The alteration of cognitive function, determines the alteration of the movement. Remember this when addressing the topic: stroke and hemiplegia.

What sono i Processi Cognitivi ?
  • Attenzione
  • Percezione
  • Memoria
  • Immagine Motoria
  • Linguaggio
  • Problem Solving (Risoluzione dei Problemi)
Tieni a mente che : "l' Ischemia Cerebrale danneggia il cervello ed i Processi Cognitivi, non i muscoli!"
You can cure the 'Ischemia? cerebral ischemia and hemiplegia, can not be cured,


Our central nervous system has plasticity, means that it can be modeled based on the experiences we live. Recovering from a stroke, then we must learn, learn again to hear , try and live and move your body , a bit 'as we did as children. As you recover after ischemic stroke? The quality of the recovery of those who have suffered a stroke, are clearly linked to the experiences undergone by. The Rehabilitation plays a central role in the process of recovery from cerebral ischemia. The quality of recovery following ischemia will also be determined by the way that will provide the cognitive processes underlying the movement. What Rehabilitation for Ischemia ? The view of the methods for Rehabilitation of stroke is very vast and often confusing. Ad oggi la Riabilitazione Neurocognitiva , comunemente conosciuta come Metodo Perfetti o Esercizio Terapeutico Conoscitivo è la migliore risposta riabilitativa nei confronti dell'ischemia cerebrale: Perché ?
  • Recupera il movimento ed il linguaggio e considera anche i processi cognitivi ( ricorda l'Iceberg )
  • Sfrutta la Plasticità del Cervello
  • It is based on scientific
  • E ' Used decades, because it is recognized as the most appropriate response for the rehabilitation of stroke and cerebral ischemia in general.
your Dear One had a Ischemia and you really want to do something important for him?
  • Learn exercises suitable for his recovery!
  • Give your dear better service the most expensive private clinic!
  • Help your family to regain its independence and dignity in the comfort of home!
  • Optimize your time with him, help him to move again!
you explain how you have to do, follow these steps :
  1. Call now 0666018356
  2. Book una Visita ed accompagna il tuo familiare
  3. Valuto il danno motorio-cognitivo-sensitivo ed il possibile recupero
  4. Ti insegno esercizi semplici, ma allo stesso tempo efficaci ed adatti al tuo caso specifico.(non hai bisogno di sussidi particolari, si può fare tutto in casa)
  5. Registriamo insieme un video, (per darti una traccia da seguire a casa).
  6. Ottieni i primi miglioramenti
  7. Controllo i risultati periodicamente (1 volta al mese, recommended)
" I met family members of patients with cerebral ischemia, who have learned to take care of their loved one, better than many professional therapists. sincerely, I also learned from them often many aspects of the year, and still learn " .

Care ischemia

Do not worry if your family member with cerebral ischemia is already in a rehabilitation clinic , learn the exercises and get them in time to visit!

Now a small gift x te!


"Here are 10 things you should know to point to better recovery after stroke"

Write your name and e-mail in the boxes below, I will send you the article now

" 10 Things You Need Know Absolutely "



Tuesday, January 27, 2009

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Cerebral Hemorrhage Cerebral Aneurysms


hemorrhagic stroke

Within the stroke we find the ' Cerebral hemorrhage .

You have a brain hemorrhage occurs when a ruptured blood vessel , when this event occurs in the brain, the blood spread on the brain tissue damage cells directly, and indirectly the other areas that do not receive more l'apporto sanguigno, soffrono come nel caso delle ischemie .

Comunemente la causa di emorragia cerebrale viene identificata nella ipertensione arteriosa che rende i vasi sanguigni più fragili.

Gli altri motivi per i quali possono verificarsi rotture dei vasi sanguigni e quindi emorragie cerebrali, sono la presenza di un Aneurisma o le MAV ( Malformazioni Artero Venose).

Even in the case of a cerebral hemorrhage, often the results (hemiplegia) can lead to a need for rehabilitative intervention for the recovery of cognitive, motor and sensory .

The world of Rehabilitation, has seen in recent decades many discoveries that have revolutionized the future .

In fact, many scholars have realized that to achieve quality recovery following a cerebral hemorrhage, urgent action was needed at the base of the problem, or the functions of his brain that he suffered damages as a result of bleeding
( Metodo Perfetti ) .

Le funzioni cerebrali vengono definite cognitive .
Purtoppo però non sempre però è possibile ottenere questo tipo di riabilitazione in tutte le strutture post Emorragia Cerebrale, infatti purtoppo troppo spesso si punta ad un recupero breve, dove si punta al solo rinforzo muscolare, senza considerare la base del problema.

Ora Voglio farti un piccolo regalo !

è già da un pò di tempo, che sto raccogliendo delle informazioni che sono sicuro apprezzerai:

" 10 Cose che devi Assolutamente Sapere "

Scrivi ora il tuo nome ed e-mail qui sotto e we will send you a link to this free report



Monday, January 26, 2009

Marithe Francois Girba

cerebral aneurysms

Cerebral aneurysms are the result of a congenital disorder of arteries. L and walls are made of 3 layers, the middle layer is more elastic fabric composed of "muscle".
In cerebral aneurysms, it happens that in some areas of a cerebral artery, this layer is not present or is present in reduced form, this means that your blood pressure, pressing on the vessel wall, " exhausting " these weaker areas and determine a bulge (aneurysm), just like a balloon.
In the event it comes to acute rupture of cerebral aneurysms resulting stroke and cerebral hemorrhage .
more ...


Sunday, January 25, 2009

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perfect method

perfect method

The perfect method is the preferred method for the treatment of the results of stroke and hemiplegia

Method Perfetti was born in the late '60s by the brilliant insights of Professor Charles Perfetti, also called Cognitive Therapeutic Exercise and more recently Neurocognitive Rehabilitation .

The years of birth of the perfect method were prosperous years for new discoveries scientific and cultural revolutions, in those years because the neurophysiological studies took into account , More and more exciting, mental and cognitive processes, as fundamental elements 's organization of the movement. So much so that studies on the behavior not happen on a rodent and more on reflexes, but cute monkeys. This allowed to investigate the behavior and movement Whereas the attention of the animal and other cognitive processes .

In the field of psychology we are witnessing an evolution in this area could take foot discipline
cognitive , if the brain was first described as a black box in which it was impossible to determine what happened, at the same time when taking off the perfect methods, began to try to understand or at least investigate what was: cognitive processes and mental functions .

the same shape the fate of Professor Perfetti
rehabilitation in a context where, in different parts of the world, trying to scholars began to assume responsibility than in previous years had been too often evaded I'm talking about the responsibility to study and try to understand something hidden and difficult to quantify : the cognitive processes .
no coincidence according to the theory of
Neurocognitive Rehabilitation :
the quality of recovery is on
the type of cognitive activity and the mode of their activation .

were years of great scientific excitement and vivacity, unfortunately, history shows that innovations anche quelle più
sorprendenti , quelle che sono in grado di rivoluzionare alcuni sistemi, incontrano difficoltà nell’essere accettate e che possono cambiare il corso delle cose, ma il Metodo Perfetti si fece strada in questo clima grazie alla forza ed alla concretezza dei risultati ottenuti ed alla passione e la tenacia del Professor Carlo Perfetti per la Riabilitazione ed il suo miglioramento .

Il Metodo Perfetti ha permesso l’evoluzione della riabilitazione che in quel momento era basata sulle tecniche
neuromotor , techniques based on the evocation and inhibition of reflexes, but these techniques, such Bobath, Kabat and Vojta in recovery from stroke is not allowed recovery fine movement of the hemiplegic patients, especially hand. The first steps of the perfect method in fact they are moved from this problem, the recovery of the hand. The first major insight of Professor Perfetti was to consider the hand like a real organ of touch , Perfetti noticed that in fact proposing to the hemiplegic patient problemi di riconoscimento di diverse superfici tattili, la mano del paziente gradualmente diminuiva la spasticità e comparivano i primi movimenti .

Sono passati ormai 40 anni dalle primi intuizioni che hanno portato il Metodo Perfetti ad essere oggi uno dei metodi più interessanti ed efficaci del panorama riabilitativo mondiale , infatti sempre più
professionisti provenienti dall’ Asia Europa ed America si appassionano Method.
in recent decades to the first brilliant insights of Professor Perfetti, have been joined by many others,
parallel research came to light sensational discoveries , which confirmed insights and studies of Professor Perfetti and that opened up new avenues for the development of the method Perfect and Rehabilitation .
Continued ...

Now a small gift for you

Here's how to get practical advice for rehabilitation in the family, to do exercises at home and the experiences of other families who are already using the perfect method

Write your name and email in the boxes below, I will send you your first article with " 10 Things You Need Know Absolutely "



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Saturday, January 24, 2009

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What are the signs and symptoms of a stroke ? The following examples that follow are just some of the problems with which it is possible to hypothesize the presence of a stroke.

1) The difficulty in speaking may be of two types:

a) Dysarthria

difficulty in articulating words, this is part of the middle part paralysis (hemiparesis ) body.

in that time my friends teased me because they thought I was drunk


often is visible 'lowering of margin of the mouth (crooked mouth), resulting in difficulties For example, drinking.

" and I drank all the water falling from the mouth


b) Aphasia

often language difficulties may occur also in terms of understanding, and the difficulty in finding the right words or replace them with others is often not relevant to the context. This disorder is classified as Aphasia and is generally found when the lesion affects the right half of the body (right hemiplegia) , and then the left hemisphere of the brain.

2) Sudden headache, often very intense may be one of the signs and symptoms of a stroke in progress.

"and then a headache as strong as ever, as if I had been stabbed in the head!"


3) Visual defects, referred to a half of the visual field.

disorders other than those addressed in the section relating to ' left hemiplegia that are identified in neglect and eminegligenza space side.
4) deficit and hemiparesis sensitivity. Manifest as a loss of strength of one-half of the body: leg, arm, back and face. Difficulty or inability to move the parties. This is perhaps one of the signs and symptoms more apparent stroke.

"... it moved so clumsy and loses his balance as a drunken


tingling, or even the feeling that half the body does not belong to us, read more about these symptoms will be discussed in the section relating to ' left hemiplegia under the heading emisomatoagnosia :

"... when I fell on the floor I felt something under the back, there I put a little 'to understand that it was my arm ... "


5) sudden loss of consciousness.

These are just examples of the signs and symptoms can appear individually or in combination with each other, however, not sufficient for diagnosis. However, the stroke is a medical emergency that must be promptly diagnosed and treated in hospital
because of the risk of disability and death.


Continued ...


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Before identifying the causes of stroke , we must specify that the strokes are in Italy, the third leading cause of death after heart failure and cancer and alone are the leading cause of disability long term.

The brain as we know is made up of countless neurons require oxygen and nutrients (glucose) to survive when this food, which comes through the blood transport fails, the neurons begin to suffer and degenerate die. Causing disorders of motor, sensory and cognitive . We will treat these disorders in detail below in the section all'Metodo Perfect .

Having now, however briefly, treated the dynamics of stroke, we will now understand what are the predisposing risk factors, in other words: Who is at risk of having a stroke? what are the causes of stroke?

All''interno of the causes of stroke, there are several risk factors some of which are immutable such as age, sex, and genetics, we know that the chance of having a stroke increases dramatically with increasing 'age and that a good number of Stroke is caused by genetic defects. While other factors are mutable, meaning they can help significantly reduce the risk of stroke, some of these are amply documented, while others are just beginning their studies, however, represent an overall healthy lifestyle and eating habits we should follow to tackle the causes of 'stroke.


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order to prevent' stroke we need to influence modifiable risk factors, as we saw earlier when we talked about cause di ictus , che parte dei fattori di rischio non possono essere modificati, sui quali non possiamo puntare per prevenire l' ictus. I principali fattori di rischio modificabili che dobbiamo considerare per prevenire l' ictus, sono fondamentali ed ampiamente documentati, stiamo parlando di quelli legati alle patologie cardio circolatorie. Pertanto se vogliamo mettere in atto tutti gli strumenti che abbiamo a disposizione per prevenire l' ictus, dovremmo seguire tutti quegli accorgimenti che generalmente conosciamo riguardo alla conservazione del nostro sistema cardio circolatorio .
Facciamo 3 esempi.

Astensione dal fumo di sigaretta (il rischio è proporzionale alla quantità di sigarette che vengono fumate!).

Evitare l'abuso di alcool (solo fino a tre bicchieri di vino alla settimana sembrerebbero avere proprietà protettive per il nostro cuore!).

Evitare il sedentarismo ( sembra ovvio come obesità, stress e cattive abitudini alimentari siano deleterie per la pressione sanguigna ed il nostro cuore !).


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Cosa succede dopo un ictus ? Quali sono le conseguenze post ictus? Alcuni, meno fortunati perché presentano delle complicanze o semplicemente perchè hanno lesioni più estese, non sopravvivono alle prime settimane. Altri invece, una volta superata la fase acuta , procedono verso un progressivo miglioramento. Perchè? Cosa avviene? Questo argomento verrà trattato in modo più approfondito nell'articolo dedicato alla Diaschisi . However, what happens in the first weeks after all'ctus is the irreversible injury of the brain of some cell groups, the suffering and damage to the cell groups close to the lesion due to perilesional edema and the inhibition of cell groups that are functionally related to areas of injury. The improvement comes from the reabsorption of edema and its reactivation of areas related to the area of \u200b\u200binjury rendered mute. The evolution of this phenomenon, however, as we shall see in 'article in deficit to the phenomenon of diaschisi , is closely linked to the type of experience and rehabilitation to which the subject will be submitted. Obviously, the possibility recovery also vary in relation to the extension and severity of the injury and the particularities of the affected areas. The effects of stroke vary widely in different people: Some experience only minor ailments, which with time become almost negligible, while others, led to serious signs of illness for months or years. Among the main consequences of post-stroke hemiplegia are , or the paralysis of one half of the body, accompanied by abnormal sensations and cognitive deficits.

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So let us treat a central theme of the site and neurological rehabilitation: The hemiplegia. We will try to understand the nature of the main problems related to the outcomes of stroke and then hemiplegia. Hemiplegia But what does it really mean? It is a term that derives from the greek EMI : half and PLEGE : blow, blow, means and then the paralysis of one half of the body. Here is to ask, but why after a stroke is paralyzed half of the body? And why is half opposite to the lesion of the brain? The answers to these questions can be found in the organization of the central nervous system, in fact many know that the brain has two hemispheres, each of which "manages" largely the opposite side of the body (contralateral), so Therefore, a right brain injury, involve disturbances of the left side of the body (hemiplegia left) and vice versa a lesion of the left hemisphere result in alterations of 'Emilia right (right hemiplegia). We shall see later the characteristics of the right and left .

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hemiplegic patients

hemiplegic patients

We just gave the definition of hemiplegia, what we do in the next articles will analyze in detail the characteristics are main and disorders commonly associated with different types of paralysis after stroke , hemiplegic patients left and right hemiplegic patients . As we shall see in fact the problems are not only engines, refer only to paralysis of the muscles, but also sensory and cognitive disorders such as reasoning, memory, attention and language (aphasia). I would, however, that it is clear even now and in the course of reading the various articles, that the descriptions that follow, will be purely generic and educational value in that, the complexity of our body, central nervous system, the variety of possible injuries el ' individuality of each human being allow to be further specified. The specificity of each hemiplegia and the profile of each patient hemiplegic derived from a proper and careful clinical observation, and physiotherapy treatment that follows will molded and shaped to size each of the hemiplegic patient. Ultimately no stroke is equal to another, no hemiplegic patient is equal to another, although there may be some features in common, but above the treatment provided for each hemiplegic patient must be specific, individual and customized. These premises allow us to address topics related to the question: What happens after a stroke ? How can retrieve the hemiplegic patient? Quale è il giusto trattamento per l' emiplegia? Come evolve l'emiplegia? Per avere maggiore chiarezza su queste domande ti consiglio di leggere l'articolo dedicato al fenomeno della diaschisi .
5. Left hemiplegia
6. Right hemiplegia
................ 6.1 apraxia
................ 6.2 AFASI
................ 6.3 Aphasia and PIRANDELLO

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left and right hemispheres

left and right hemispheres

Today everyone is talking about the various features of the two cerebral hemispheres, left and right hemispheres , disengaged from those scientific journals. Looking further studies that refer to search for some specializations of the two hemispheres have their origin already in the nineteenth century. It was Pierre Paul Broca that following an autopsy of a patient who presented difficulties of language, he realized that there was a lesion in the left hemisphere of the load brain, further studies led him to confirm the correlation between disturbances language and certain areas left cerebral hemisphere, it still speaks of Broca's aphasia , but these issues we will discuss later in the articles devoted to aphasia. This observation gave way to more scholars intent to identify further hemispheric dominance, and what happened to the language was also to organize motor (which, as we shall see below share many cognitive processes). And 'this is the case of' apraxia, commonly associated with difficulties in performing acts of daily life , but behind which hides a multitude of cognitive impairment that allow the organization of the movement. We know comunemente che l'Aprassia è più facilmente riscontrabile nei pazienti con lesione all'emisfero sinistro, ma porla in questo modo non è propriamente corretto, in quanto abbiamo appena detto che l'aprassia rappresenta un quadro clinico complesso e risultante di una alterazione a diversi livelli dei processi cognitivi, non si tratta quindi una patologia associata all' ictus che: o l'hai "presa" o non l'hai "presa", ci possono essere note aprassiche più o meno presenti o sfumature più o meno evidenti. Vedremo inoltre come un rigido locazionismo delle funzioni o delle sindromi cliniche non sia totalmente appropriato vista la complessità mostrata da ogni funzione dell'organismo to 'internal which many structures involved
phase. We will discuss in detail later dell'Aprassia and the patient's right hemiplegia, and then the left hemisphere lesion. As we read, we will take into account the particular features of lesions of the right hemisphere, and therefore of ' left hemiplegia, which is a very important field for neurocognitive rehabilitation and understanding the "functioning" of our reasoning. We will make a trip between changes in neuropsychological most important related to the injury of the right hemisphere as Anosognosia , unilateral neglect , prosopagnosia ..... In future articles we will enter the details of the lesions in each left and right hemispheres.

5. Left hemiplegia
6. Right hemiplegia
apraxia ................ 6.1 ................ 6.2
................ Aphasia and 6.3 PIRANDELLO

Friday, January 23, 2009

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The phenomenon of Diaschisi , is a topic crucial to understanding the evolution of a stroke. Following a brain injury, some areas of the brain are directly affected by the lesion, others cease to function properly, because it occupies the space involved by the edema around the lesion, while other facilities, that are not anatomically related to the areas directly affected, are inhibited at a distance. Let's try to understand the reason for this strange phenomenon called inhibition diaschisi .
Why nature needs to put to rest the system?

It is a biological defense strategy, which tends to avoid overloading of the structures affected by injury, so the areas and structures that are anatomically related to those injured, but that there are functionally related , or with which they participate together in some functions through the continuous exchange of information, are inhibited.
inhibition is because some areas of the brain does not receive more information from the affected areas now remained "mute " because of the injury, and probably to protect the same areas affected by information overload hardly gestibile.All 'internal diaschisi , then you have an acute phase of "shock ", where the inhibition is very broad and involves many areas of the brain and nervous systems. It is for this reason that following a stroke, the acute phase is characterized by a flaccid paralysis, so named because of the almost total inability of the patient to move a half part of the body, the opposite the lesion.
This phenomenon is called Diaschisi , etymologically from the greek DIA '(a cross) and SCHIZO (division), " division through ", " division, as we have seen The diaschisi fact, represents a process of disconnection and inhibition even at a distance between different brain structures. It is not only involved the cerebral cortex, but also many other structures including the thalamus and the cerebellum, which functions as we will see will be crucial for organizing motor.

But how much is diaschisi ?

Generally, the neurologist to answer this question by quantifying the duration of the phenomenon of diaschisi in 3-4 weeks, although in the diaschisi a phenomenon that can last a lifetime!

try to understand why ...

diaschisi The phenomenon is a phenomenon and an inhibitory synapse. This means that the inhibition occurs in areas of nerve junction, a kind of highway that connects different rami di traffico, ed è come se tutti i caselli autostradali scioperassero nello stesso momento, l’intera rete autostradale andrebbe in tilt. Lo “ sciopero ” delle sinapsi rappresenta una situazione di ipoeccitabilità , ovvero una situazione in cui i processi di trasporto e mediazione delle informazioni che avviene a questo livello sono decisamente limitati.

Per quale motivo allora si parla di sole 3-4 settimane ?

Effettivamente in genere, dopo questa finestra di tempo, alcuni circuiti neuronali, quelli formati da poche sinapsi si deinibiscono ,ovvero, " toll started to resume their activities ," is what the neurologist in the department and work towards passing the gavel to the tendon reflexes, like the classic knee, gets the reflex response of the movement that previously did not exist. But this does not mean that diaschisi is completely regressed, meaning that the diaschisi STA regressing, and is doing from the most basic circuits, ie those reflections.

the body is tending to the reorganization after the injury!

This is the most delicate moment of diaschisi and recovery, because this process of deinibizione diaschisi , it should be properly guided through a specific rehabilitation program. The choice of rehabilitation experience will determine to a large percentage of the future recovery.

Let's try to understand what happens ...

The first key concept for understanding the diaschisi is that it is a synaptic phenomenon. Another fundamental concept is that the first diaschisi regresses from the channels with few synapses ( paucisinaptici ) “ le reti autostradali con meno caselli ”. Questi sono i circuiti che fanno capo ai movimenti più elementari, infatti il riflesso del ginocchio e gli altri sono movimenti poveri che avvengono al di fuori del controllo cosciente ed hanno delle possibilità limitate e stereotipate.
Di fondamentale importanza per comprendere il tipo e la modalità di trattamento adeguato per un ottimale superamento della diaschisi , è che le sinapsi vengono deinibite solo attraverso stimoli semplici, ovvero riprendendo la nostra metafora; " i caselli in sciopero riprendono la loro attività regolare solo attraverso una mediazione pacata e ragionevole ". Abbiamo detto che the agency is reorganizing and this is happening at the synaptic level, there was a period of inhibition, to avoid information overload, not by chance that inhibited the major brain structures are represented by the thalamus and cerebellum, two "bodies "Fundamental to the acquisition, construction, analysis, processing and smistaggio information. Following this period of inhibition, however, the body finds it necessary to provide the most fertile ground for the reorganization and plasticity of the central nervous system, and then you will have a situation of synaptic excitability, "after the toll strike start doing double shifts , "but this hyperexcitability is a double-edged sword, I will try to explain better why it is one of the concepts on which you will base the rehabilitation process.


As we said the first to deinibirsi circuits are the most simple, basic ones, those reflections, this situation adds a fertile ground for hyperexcitability very delicate to manage, in fact if you are not careful to manage the situation, giving the patient the situation " information " simple and appropriate, si rischia di rinforzare l’utilizzo dei soli circuiti elementari deinibiti , negando la possibilità di acquisire ed apprendere livelli di motilità più evoluti, che fanno capo a circuiti nervosi più complessi, " reti autostradali più articolate ". Quali saranno allora le esperienze adeguate per un adeguato superamento della diaschisi ? Dobbiamo considerare che il problema in seguito ad un ictus non è solo motorio, il deficit motorio rappresenta solo il fenomeno visibile delle alterazioni biologiche e cognitive che il sistema nervoso centrale ha subito, infatti la stessa contrazione muscolare, rappresenta un aspetto importante del movimento, ma non l’unico ! L’organizzazione movement is a complex process at the base of which there is an activation of cognitive and mental processes as attention, perception, memory and others. Even non-professionals are aware that in many cases, both serious and nuanced, after brain injury there are changes to these cognitive aspects mentioned above. It therefore seems reasonable after an accident in the brain, involved in the rehabilitation treatment, those cognitive functions altered by the lesion directly and indirectly determine the motor alterations visible. Within the various methods proposed for the hemiplegic patient rehabilitation and brain injury in general, the only approach that takes into account these Rehabilitation is the fundamental premise Neurocognitive Rehabilitation , what is commonly referred to as "perfect method". I conclude this delicate subject of diaschisi which in part will continue when we talk about spasticity, saying that unfortunately often times dictated by the hospitals and rehabilitation are not identical to the patient's recovery time and unfortunately time to get back in the state convention, which often is about sixty days, the treatment options are directed at fundamental compromise: " set up the sick and let's do ambulatory ! "really often through questo tipo di atteggiamento il paziente riuscirà molto probabilmente a deambulare , ma attraverso quella motilità elementare di cui parlavamo prima, spesso l’arto superiore rimane flesso, rigido e paretico, stessa cosa per l’arto inferiore rigido ed utilizzato come un “ pilone” elevando l’anca per far avanzare il piede che spesso appoggerà sul suolo, non con il tallone, ma con la parte laterale ed anteriore del piede.
Purtroppo la causa di una motilità elementare come quella appena descritta, non è determinata solo dagli schemi elementari, ma da altri elementi cognitivi e biologici che danno forma al profilo a quella che viene definità Spasticità , Which is a phenomenon that threatens to establish whether within the phenomenon of diaschisi the person is subjected to stimuli and excessive loads. To summarize the above acts and trying to translate it into rehabilitation, we can conclude by saying that the
rehabilitative treatment must involve the cognitive processes, must meet the times and the possibility of the patient, trying not to structure the motility grade, must involve the perception.



................5.1 APRASSIA

................ 5.2 ................ AFASI

Aphasia and 5.3 PIRANDELLO