Saturday, January 24, 2009

How To Make A Wrestler



Cosa succede dopo un ictus ? Quali sono le conseguenze post ictus? Alcuni, meno fortunati perché presentano delle complicanze o semplicemente perchè hanno lesioni più estese, non sopravvivono alle prime settimane. Altri invece, una volta superata la fase acuta , procedono verso un progressivo miglioramento. Perchè? Cosa avviene? Questo argomento verrà trattato in modo più approfondito nell'articolo dedicato alla Diaschisi . However, what happens in the first weeks after all'ctus is the irreversible injury of the brain of some cell groups, the suffering and damage to the cell groups close to the lesion due to perilesional edema and the inhibition of cell groups that are functionally related to areas of injury. The improvement comes from the reabsorption of edema and its reactivation of areas related to the area of \u200b\u200binjury rendered mute. The evolution of this phenomenon, however, as we shall see in 'article in deficit to the phenomenon of diaschisi , is closely linked to the type of experience and rehabilitation to which the subject will be submitted. Obviously, the possibility recovery also vary in relation to the extension and severity of the injury and the particularities of the affected areas. The effects of stroke vary widely in different people: Some experience only minor ailments, which with time become almost negligible, while others, led to serious signs of illness for months or years. Among the main consequences of post-stroke hemiplegia are , or the paralysis of one half of the body, accompanied by abnormal sensations and cognitive deficits.


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