Saturday, January 24, 2009

Weather Nz This Summer

left and right hemispheres

left and right hemispheres

Today everyone is talking about the various features of the two cerebral hemispheres, left and right hemispheres , disengaged from those scientific journals. Looking further studies that refer to search for some specializations of the two hemispheres have their origin already in the nineteenth century. It was Pierre Paul Broca that following an autopsy of a patient who presented difficulties of language, he realized that there was a lesion in the left hemisphere of the load brain, further studies led him to confirm the correlation between disturbances language and certain areas left cerebral hemisphere, it still speaks of Broca's aphasia , but these issues we will discuss later in the articles devoted to aphasia. This observation gave way to more scholars intent to identify further hemispheric dominance, and what happened to the language was also to organize motor (which, as we shall see below share many cognitive processes). And 'this is the case of' apraxia, commonly associated with difficulties in performing acts of daily life , but behind which hides a multitude of cognitive impairment that allow the organization of the movement. We know comunemente che l'Aprassia è più facilmente riscontrabile nei pazienti con lesione all'emisfero sinistro, ma porla in questo modo non è propriamente corretto, in quanto abbiamo appena detto che l'aprassia rappresenta un quadro clinico complesso e risultante di una alterazione a diversi livelli dei processi cognitivi, non si tratta quindi una patologia associata all' ictus che: o l'hai "presa" o non l'hai "presa", ci possono essere note aprassiche più o meno presenti o sfumature più o meno evidenti. Vedremo inoltre come un rigido locazionismo delle funzioni o delle sindromi cliniche non sia totalmente appropriato vista la complessità mostrata da ogni funzione dell'organismo to 'internal which many structures involved
phase. We will discuss in detail later dell'Aprassia and the patient's right hemiplegia, and then the left hemisphere lesion. As we read, we will take into account the particular features of lesions of the right hemisphere, and therefore of ' left hemiplegia, which is a very important field for neurocognitive rehabilitation and understanding the "functioning" of our reasoning. We will make a trip between changes in neuropsychological most important related to the injury of the right hemisphere as Anosognosia , unilateral neglect , prosopagnosia ..... In future articles we will enter the details of the lesions in each left and right hemispheres.

5. Left hemiplegia
6. Right hemiplegia
apraxia ................ 6.1 ................ 6.2
................ Aphasia and 6.3 PIRANDELLO


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