Growth and Development Sviluppo normale del bambino L'osservazione della crescita del child early in life is perhaps the most surprising and exciting phase of farming children. Young children are unique and the first two years of life acquire new skills with a surprising speed. Every day they learn new things, develop new behaviors and express themselves with new sounds and reactions. The most interesting aspect is that each child develops with a different rhythm. Although the model and the general environment are constant, the differences are a source of surprises and fun. Normal development allows us to understand the different aspects of behavior. The children adopt behaviors sometimes disappointing, but that usually are part of normal development.
Independence the anxiety of separation and jealousy are recurring themes that are the basis of many evolutionary changes that have an impact on behavior. Most of the behaviors considered problematic are in fact exaggerations of normal development and may be the product of differences that characterize the children in the acquisition of new skills. This awareness is essential to encourage children to take risks and challenges appropriate to their age, allowing them to explore and experiment. The support and encouragement to grow and expand their horizons leading to the self-confidence.
From birth to 4 months Newborns are able to interact progressively with their environment.
Although they have poor muscle control and can barely (if at all) to raise the head, have an amazing ability to look at their surroundings, reacting to people, sounds, colors and shapes.
Infants lay in a straight line, look with pleasure to the people's faces and sometimes interact with bright, shiny objects in motion. should speak with them and playing, having fun. The first weeks are when you establish a bond with the family. At six weeks
, children are increasingly able to act and react in a more positive and lively sounds, faces, actions, and so on. Although newborn, children assimilate everything, just not responding. Some emit sounds and smile to the faces of others. At this age
gaze is no longer limited to the straight line . Children are able to better track the objects with bright colors and are also the first attempts to grasp things, but do not hold or are able to play consistently. They feed more informed and less passive position and needs.
Four months are friendly and respond to each word with an interesting variety of expressions, sounds and movements. Constantly emits sounds, such as squeals, and stutters cheeps, or because the noise the causes pleasure or to receive a response from someone. At this stage, children respond to most of the people willing to play, to crawl, making faces or verses.
The smile becomes more frequent. Improve muscle control and physical interaction with the environment: they look at your hands, try to grab things and are capable of grabbing an object with a large rotational movement of the arms and hands.
gradually become able to stand upright alone when they are in the arms of someone or on a seat. One of the most exciting events is when a child is able to reposition itself: often does not understand what has just happened and after they had this extraordinary company could begin to cry.
begins to show the first signs that wishes to be standing , but obviously can not do it without help. Most self-control makes children more actively follow what is happening around them. The interest is aimed primarily at people.
6 to 12 months Six months seems to continue exploration in the surrounding environment. Eyes, fingers, hands and mouth are essential parts of this process. Everything is new and needs to be touched, looked, tasted and chewed. Things can now be caught with even greater skill and passed from hand to hand. Children become
more sociable, they emit sounds for yourself or for someone who will respond. At this age, the ability to sit becomes an important reference point and can be acquired suddenly. Children are in constant motion, but the possibility of creep is limited by the inability to lift the belly from the floor. Nine months
interaction with the world becomes increasingly complex.
Body movements become more deliberate and are usually directed toward something that looks attractive. The upright position, in the presence of a support, has now gained. The children try to learn things, places and persons, collect objects and touching everything. The index e il pollice possono ora agire insieme per stringere e il mondo del bambino diventa così molto più grande. Per il bambino diventa essenziale partecipare.
Almeno l'intonazione del "no" viene compresa. I suoni diventano più significativi e le parole "papà" e "mamma", come anche i suoni prodotti per imitazione, entrano a far parte del linguaggio. Diventa dominante la paura degli estranei e i genitori sono chiaramente preferiti a chiunque altro. La posizione seduta è ormai acquisita; i bambini corrono carponi o strisciano con una mobilità sorprendente. Molti, se sono in grado di avanzare agevolmente a carponi, rinunciano per lo più a strisciare.
A dodici mesi camminare rappresenta la grande conquista , but for a few months the children will not walk well. And improve grip of the fingers and the game became more complex. Have improved their communication skills and are clearly understood a single word, especially "mom" and "dad."
The child understands simple commands so that it becomes possible to impose limits, it is more ready to react, waves his hand to say hello and wants to do things alone. It is able to walk and find things when eating try to hold the spoon. Mobility is essential and becomes a component of the child's desire to explore, even if your child always wants the security of a loved one next. To help you grow you must offer a safe space to explore.
from 18 months to 3 years At eighteen months the child is an explorer
whose world has expanded in recent months. The ability to walk has opened new horizons and, coupled with the ability to crawl, allows him to get anywhere.
has become much more independent and more aware of what he really wants. The separation from parents is now more acceptable, but often tries to reassure the gaze of parents. behavior sometimes becomes inconsistent: Children can express concern about some things, like the bathroom or loud noises. The parola "no" diventa parte integrante di un vocabolario arricchito, soprattutto quando un desiderio non viene esaudito.
Il vocabolario si è arricchito di molte nuove parole e il balbettio è costante. Le parole sono limitate e spesso una o più parti del corpo si associano nelle normali attività di gioco. Diventa ora più divertente giocare con degli amici, sebbene il gioco si svolga spesso in parallelo, con un'interazione minima tra i coetanei. Spesso i bambini si sentono frustrati se non possono fare qualcosa e allora può essere utile distogliere la loro attenzione. A questa età i bambini sono capaci di sfogliare le pagine da soli e amano disegnare e scarabocchiare. Riescono anche parzialmente a spogliarsi.
A due years, the independence is the main feature of
2 year old boy who attempts to acquire new skills and competencies and want to do everything himself and his own way. He also wants to make choices that in some cases he may be allowed (for example, the choice of clothes to wear, but no time to eat and sleep).
At this age, the child attaches great value to the word "no" in all types of communication. This profound sense of independence gave way to periodically needs to be supported, praised and supported. Of course, children are now able to walk around with amazing skill using the tricycle also give kick the ball, go up the steps and jump over objects.
Their vocabulary is more complex, whole sentences and understand the associated words. give a name to the figures and identify the different parts of the body. The game in town and participation is still limited. One of the favorite activities is to be told stories as well as helping with housework.
Three years kids love playing with building blocks and are even put one on. Throw the ball down a short distance. They enjoy very much to copy designs. Their speeches are much easier to understand and know how to describe shapes by combining different objects and describing the action in the story. They try to button the pleasure clothes and are able to wash and dry their hands, they can begin to brush their teeth by themselves, but often forget it if not checked. The game is more interactive.
Sometimes masturbate. 4 to 10 years Four years after the jumps are a favorite and a sense of balance improves. Children this age are always more people in their designs copied and still gladly imitating the illustrations. The speeches are perfectly understandable.
Words such as "why" "how" and "when" appear in all the questions and are an important part of the learning process. usually with a little 'help are able to dress themselves and many are able to control the bowel and bladder function. The separation from parents is easier and play in groups.
Five to eight years and so you can balance the game with the ball bouncing, with better hand-eye coordination and increased speed. The drawings representing human beings are more complex and include different parts of the body.
Exploration activities are paramount and constant. It provides for greater control of children on the surrounding environment and greater self-confidence. are more frequent requests for participation in group activities, sports and entertainment.
Language matter much and the children know the different parts of the body ; has further enriched the vocabulary and improve your ability to do calculations. They are capable of dressing yourself.
is towards the 10 th year, then, that the child acquires an identity of themselves more stable in different situations. This leads to real social relationships and productive and marks the beginning of the next phase of development: puberty.
Puberty The female puberty occurs, on average, around 12-13 years and is influenced by heredity, state of health, the type of power and, in general, the socio-economic conditions environment in which she lives: it is certainly attributable to the improvement of living conditions of the population, the so-called "secular acceleration of puberty, which is found today in western countries.
The first sign of development is, around 10 years from wholesale nipple, then the breasts that grow progressively to shape and volume vary according to race, family history, the constitutional characteristics, the type of food, 'sport of the child.
The appearance of the first menstruation (menarche) represents the most significant moment of coming of age and female occurs approximately two years after the start of breast development. It should be remembered that the first menstrual cycles are often irregular during periods of emergence, in the amount of blood removed and the type of problems that accompany them. These irregularities often cause considerable concern in the adolescent and the physician should reassure the girl on the absolute normality of the abnormal behavior of the first period.
During puberty there is a considerable stature growing: about 7 cm and 6 cm in the first year the second, the growth terminates after about four years after puberty. is easy to understand how all these changes that accompany the transformation of the little girl into a woman in the relatively short period of 3-4 years, end up reflected on the balance of the psychic girl. At this point you need a loving and reassuring presence on the part of the family in order to prevent the inevitable crisis of insecurity and anxiety that characterizes the pubertal phase, can be transformed into a real "crisis d ' identity, "with serious physical and psychological consequences on the balance of the girl.
The onset of puberty in male arises usually around 10-12 years, with variations related to race, climate, heritage, family nutrition. Transformations beginning, and then continue gradually, through the action of specific hormones that cause a large change in the previous hormonal right of childhood.
In men, the first symptom is dall'ingrossamento testicles that, for the first time, also become sensitive and painful to pressure, if necessary, their volume is easily measured and, by orchimetro may be compared to a series of standard models. Then, begin to appear in the form of secondary sexual characteristics pubic hair (at the beginning of triangular shape and then the diamond, as is typical of the male) and then also axillary swelling overall genitali con frequenti erezioni del pene (anche il pene può essere facilmente misurato e la sua lunghezza venir paragonata ai valori medi che, a fine sviluppo, si collocano intorno ai 13 cm), tenendo presente che la prima eiaculazione avviene, in media, a 14 anni.
Contemporaneamente si verificano
aumento della muscolatura, accelerazione della crescita (nel maschio, a differenza della femmina, l'accrescimento staturale continua fino quasi ai 20 anni), modifica delle proporzioni corporee, della fisionomia e dell'efficienza fisica. In questo periodo, le areole mammarie si allargano notevolmente e, circa in un terzo dei casi si accompagnano ad una certa tumefazione dolorosa o gonfiore di una o entrambe le ghiandole mammarie. This phenomenon will disappear gradually, but while it lasts, it creates some concern that the young are affected. Last, appears down the face while the tone of voice changes from acute severe.
is also typical of this period the appearance of acne. Of course, the character changes, becoming more independent and more aggressive. No wonder, then, faced with identity crises, conflicts with family and with the environment, difficult to understand and accept the new role-induced physical transformation. From: