One day a man, through the forest, he found a young eagle, brought it home and put it in the chicken coop where he quickly learned to peck at the feed of hens to behave like them. One day a naturalist, who happened to be passing there, asked why an eagle, the queen of birds, had been reduced to living in the henhouse with the chickens. "Because I fed the feed of hens I have taught to be a chicken, and has not learned to fly," replied the owner, "behaves like a chicken and therefore is no longer an eagle."
"However, he insisted the naturalist, still possesses the heart of an eagle and can certainly learn to fly."
"After having spoke at length, the two found themselves in agreement in wanting to find out if that was possible. Gently the naturalist took the eagle in his arms and said, "You belong to heaven, not earth. Spread your wings and fly. "
"But the eagle was feeling rather confused. She did not know who he was, and seeing the chickens pecking feed, jumped down and joined them.
Undeterred, the naturalist returned the next day to resume the eagle, took it on the roof of the house and urged again saying: "You are an eagle. Open your wings and fly. " But the eagle was afraid of this new himself that he knew the world; ancora una volta saltò giù e andò a beccare il mangime.
Il terzo Giorno il naturalista si alzò di buon’ora, andò a prendere l’aquila e la portò in cima ad una montagna. Lì sollevò in alto la regina degli uccelli e cercò di incoraggiarla dicendo: “ sei un’aquila, appartieni al cielo e alla terra, apri ora le tue ali e vola”.
L’aquila si guardò intorno, guardò in giù verso il pollaio, guardò in su verso il cielo. Ma non volò ancora. Allora il naturalista la sollevò verso il sole e l’aquila incominciò a tremare e piano piano apri le ali. Infine, con un grido trionfante, spiccò il volo verso il cielo.
may be that the eagle still remembers the chickens with nostalgia, it may also from time to time you come back to visit in the house. But as you know did not come back to live like a chicken.
was an eagle, although it was nourished and brought up as a chicken.
Just like the eagle, who has learned to see themselves as in reality it is not, may take a new decision and live according to its real potential winner.
From the book: Born to Win
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