The paranoid personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by the tendency , persistent and unjustified, to perceive and interpret the intentions, words and actions of others as malevolent, threatening or humiliating . The world is experienced as hostile and always looked in varied contexts, with mistrust and suspicion, resulting in a "mandatory preference" for a solitary lifestyle. Mistrust and suspicion drive people who suffer from this disorder to have a hypervigilant attitude (look for signs of threat, deception and underlying meanings of the words and actions altrui), ad agire in modo cauto e guardingo, ad apparire “fredde” e prive di sentimenti; questi soggetti sono, inoltre, eccessivamente permalosi, polemici, ostinati e sempre pronti a contrattaccare quando credono di essere criticati o maltrattati.
Questa patologia colpisce lo 0,5-2,5% della popolazione , con una maggiore incidenza tra le minoranze etniche e gli immigrati. Si presenta più frequentemente negli uomini.
Come si manifesta
La sensazione prevalente, praticamente costante, nelle persone che presentano il disturbo paranoide, è quella di minaccia, pericolo, aggressione . Ne conseguono uno stato di allerta e di tensione fisica insopportabili. Typically people with paranoid personality disorder, in fact, have thoughts like, "You can never let our guard down", "Just relax you are ready to fuck!" . Sometimes the internal sensation takes on a different hue, one of derision, and other, more dangerous that are perceived as derogatory or provocative.
The emotional reaction and, therefore, the resulting behavior varies:
* when the conviction is to be, unfairly, victims of a hostile world and humiliating prevail anger, resentment or irritation and the tendency will be to respond by attacking and attacking;
* when Instead, the feeling that you live is painful to be excluded, as they wanted, of being marginalized by the group, will prevail anxiety, sadness, loneliness and fatigue, with the consequent tendency to isolate themselves, to withdraw from the world.
Individuals with this disorder may also be insanely jealous and suspicious, with no real reasons, that the spouse or partner is unfaithful.
These individuals have also two major difficulties that are mutually reinforcing. The first is represented by ' inability to arise from the perspective of , to distinguish his views from that of others, and the other is the difficulty to distinguish between the external world (objective reality) and inner world (feelings and ideas). The pervasive sense of threat, for example, is never regarded as a subjective experience, a fantasy or a hypothesis, but as a matter of fact absolute and certain.
Often people with this disorder feel they have sufficient capacity to handle certain situations and thus feel a sense of oppression by the outside world than their choices .
How to tell if you suffer from paranoid personality disorder
Those who suffer from this disorder is, or often say they are, excessively jealous or resentful, and above all always suspicious, the "who goes there." The others did not inspire confidence almost never. The person with paranoid disorder, in fact, think that there is always "Below is a rip-off" and expects to be damaged in any way, exploited and humiliated. generally prefers to limit contact with others and tend to isolate themselves and to lead, albeit with suffering, a solitary lifestyle. Can alternate periods of prevailing anxiety and tension, at times more angry and resentful or even feelings of depression and despondency, what is certain is that it does not lead a peaceful life, but still prevails a state of suffering and difficulty to "live well in the world, con gli altri”.
Alcuni di questi sintomi, tuttavia, si possono ritrovare anche in altre patologie, è quindi in genere necessario rivolgersi a persone competenti che possano fare una diagnosi seria ed accurata. Alcuni esempi : spesso nel disturbo paranoide troviamo sintomi ansiosi e/o depressivi che potrebbero farci pensare a disturbi d’ansia o a un disturbo dell’umore(disturbo bipolare e depressione); l’eccessiva sospettosità caratterizza, inoltre, anche il disturbo borderline di personalità e le idee di riferimento caratterizzano anche i disturbi deliranti e la schizofrenia; il ritiro sociale, infine, è presente sempre nel disturbo schizoide.
There are no causes
for this disease, causes and some specific. Among the possible risk factors appear to be involved: temperamental factors, family characteristics and, often, the transfer of city or nation.
Onset is in adolescence or early adulthood though rarely the subject was first observed by a therapist before 30-40 years.
distrust and suspiciousness bring the subject to have attitudes and behaviors that cause many problems . The mode of interaction is often the controlling, aggressive and suspicious, for example, does not encourage others to approaches polite and friendly, but on the contrary, gives rise to the behavior of other people just feared hostile or expulsion from paranoid the person with this disorder in this way confirms the correctness of the approach to the paranoid life .
Unfortunately, over time this condition can cause labor problems, marriage, relationships, and in some cases, can lead to an isolation that worsens the disorder and reinforces the same .
From: www.terzocemtro.it
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