1) Keep a diary
This is very important to know the real causes of your anxiety. This system is particularly useful for people who suffer are always under pressure and do not know why. Writing learn new things about yourself . One girl, for example, found that anxiety was unleashed on the viewing of violent films. See the people who freely express their anger, did get in touch with this anger inside her, and refusing to have. Keeping a diary can understand how there is a relationship between your thoughts and your emotions also understand their fears is the first step to master.
In the diary you have to get dark day after day your level of 'anxiety as quiet, a bit' worried, nervous, about to burst, what you do and what you think synthetically. An example would be the following diary: today I had the 'exam, I was agitated, I thought maybe I would have been rejected and I was worried how they would react to my parents.
2) Practice relaxation
Learn a relaxation technique and apply it every day . Do not be discouraged if all 'early struggles to do relax or even make you feel more tense than before! If you persevere you will notice a significant decrease in your level of anxiety. Soon the relaxation become a pleasant habit for you and you will discover that, since mind and body are closely related, physical relaxation leads to mental relaxation. There are many relaxation techniques, however we recommend biofeedback which is quite easy to learn. The meditation and yoga breathing and abdominal work extremely well.
3) Do exercise
Make every day 30 minutes of physical activity. But watch out for Do not add stress to stress, you have to choose something you like! Even a 30-minute walk can be a great way to relieve tension.
4) Nourish correctly
Attention to 'Power ! Sometimes the anxiety can be exacerbated by a food intolerance or from 'abuse of stimulant drugs. anxious people should avoid tea, coffee, colas and nicotine . As a condition of hypoglycemia often causes anxiety is important to reduce cakes, bread and pasta and prefer to make five light meals. Preservatives and additives can also cause allergies problems, and then d 'anxiety.
5) Cultivate friendships!
Being with people you enjoy is a great antidote to the tendency to self-criticism is typical of anxious personality.
6) Do not criticatevi more!
attention to 'self-criticism! The anxious person is the worst critic of himself. To eliminate the anxiety needs to pay attention to their thoughts, usually those who are anxious, criticizing all the time. Learn to speak kindly , for example, if you repeat often do not really combines a right ", replace the negative with a positive affirmation like" I have done many positive things in mia vita".
7) Fate le cose che vi piacciono
Anche se avete una giornata densa di impegni, anzi soprattutto in questi casi, trovate il tempo per fare qualcosa che vi piace e vi rilassa . Può trattarsi di ascoltare della musica, di dipingere, fare un puzzle o qualsiasi cosa vi ricarichi.
a cura di Dott.ssa Anna Zanon
Tratto da: www.studenti.it
Nota: Qualora questo programma non abbia alleviato minimante le vostre ansie si consiglia una visita medica specialistica
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