I fear peace more than anything else ...
The death of Mario Monicelli echoes other deaths "mysterious" as the writer Franco Lucentini or years ago, Primo Levi's . Suicide is already something the survivors, those who remain to look across the windowsill or on top of the stairwell, "you do not know how to explain." Everyone was puzzled and looking back in time "the point at which" the turning point that would have triggered decades later the suicide bomb. Whole family genealogies are leafing and upset, battalions of friends and relatives are interviewed nurses, and everyone repeats that, yes, was a bit 'tried / a, but he joked and talked with them until the night before (it is always the night before). It was in a barrel of iron, had rescheduled all his debts, he had a family Veva, closed with its past, had the future ahead of him ...
always imagine a person lying on the floor, or on the pavement, or in his room with the police around to make the findings, which feels al'improvviso all this hive of comments about him, and I never know if he / the start to laugh or if he / she is angry for not being listened to / before. In M * A * S * H \u200b\u200b of Robert Altman (1973) there is a song that has made history: it is called Suicide Is Painless and was composed for the film by Johnny Mandel for music and the son of Robert Altman, Mike, just 14 years. The singing in a famous scene unit surgeons at one of their colleagues, the dentist said Captain Waldowski Painless Pole (two-way between "Painless Pole" and "the post anesthetic) for the merits of the unit - Cassiodorus in the Italian version of the film - which had fallen into depression after a misfire with a nurse (I'll mica gay? ) and had expressed the intention to commit suicide. To make him go, the doctors, arranged as in ' Ultima Cena , inscenano il suicidio di Cassiodoro dandogli una capsula di cianuro che in realtà è un sonnifero e facendogli trovare nella "bara" al suo risveglio l'infermiera "Midnight" . La "cura" funzionerà perfettamente.
Through early morning fog I see / visions of the things to be
Questo è il testo della canzone:
Through early morning fog I see
Visions of the things to be
The pains that are withheld for me
I realize and I can see
That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please.
I try to find a way to make
All our little joys relate
Without that ever-present hate
But now I know that it's too late,
and suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please.
The game of life is hard to play
I'm going to lose it anyway
The losing card I'll someday lay
And this is all I have to say,
that suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please.
The only way to win is cheat
And lay it down before I'm beat
And to another give a seat
For that's the only painless feat,
'cause suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please.
The sword of time will pierce our skins
It doesn't hurt when it begins
But as it works its way on in
The pain grows stronger - watch it grin
Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please.
A brave man once requested me
To answer questions that are key
Is it to be or not to be?
And I Replied, "Oh why ask me?"
'cause suicide is painless
It Brings On Many Changes
And I can take or leave it if I please.
And You Can Do The Same thing if you please.
This, however, my Italian version:
Killing is' PAINLESS
dawn I see I already
What will happen
reserved for me and I understand now it is clear that ...
(Chorus) Killing
is painless And it changes so many things
I stay or go if I want to.
Looking for a way to save
Our good times from the hatred that is everywhere
But now there is nothing left to do ...
Life is a very hard game
Whatever you do, you will lose The last card
leave more to say you will not
all that remains is to cheat
Saddle before being undone
And then move on to another acts
The most painless, in fact
(Chorus )
And time with foil guts
It never But when evil when it comes
then goes deeper
Laugh for the pain that grows, but ...
There was once a man who wanted to know from me Determined
"I must be, or not?"
And I said, "You ask me?"
Killing is painless And it changes so many things
I stay or go if I want to.
You can do the same thing if we're
This reflection on life also has some references to the war, as in the first verse, where the early morning fog is actually the dust dagli elicotteri che all'alba portavano i feriti del fronte al campo medico per essere operati, mentre il brave man è il soldato ferito che chiede shakespearianamente se bisogna essere o non essere ( It is to be, or not to be? ). La chiave di tutto il testo sta in quel I can take or leave it if I please : il suicidio può essere solo una delle opzioni, la scelta è riservata soltanto a noi. Il fatto poi che questo testo commenti nel film una situazione apparentemente "goliardica" (il finto funerale) non fa che mettere in mostra vita e morte in vivace contrapposizione.
Una famosa versione di Suicide is painless è stata resa da Bill Evans in 1977:
If the options are not for you, here's a video that can really help to take the plunge (no joke).
Beware of this man, you may see in a dream!

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