C'era una volta lo spot trash .
Nacque qualche anno dopo l'arrivo delle prime tv private a diffusione regionale, che presentavano pubblicità ben diverse da quelle dei canali RAI (allora gli unici esistenti su suolo nazionale), date le ristrettezze di budget e la povertà dei prodotti che presentavano. C'erano scenette con sfondi miseri, recitazioni approssimate, slogan urlacchiati. Tutto helped to raise the hilarity of the TV viewers' normal '( You've seen the TV X? Ah ah, some laughs! But how are so bleak! ) In fact, after some' time allegedly circulated the first spot model inspired by the "low", like this, practically impossible, for the album Birds of Italy -demented group of vulgar Squallor :
Today there is a clear separation between advertising "high" and "low", so you can find examples of spots but incredibly squalid Once engulfed by the Network are now the success of the moment. The name of Alfonso Luigi Marra is on everyone's lips, even as Moccia Alberoni and his wife were able to do in a lifetime of honest work in the media:
What you can not figure out is whether women The labyrinth is truly a horrible spot, opure whether it was specifically designed so as businessmen of the two shabby Broadway in The Producers Mel Brooks (2005) staged a musical glorifying Nazism to flop and pocket the money.
However, the content of commercials really is full of trash television. For example, all those perfume pour homme , which exude embarrassment for what they have to advertise, and so Squaderno whiffs of communication "high" to make the work of the noble fragrance for men, but inevitably becomes "low" incumbent when the need to sell the product in the perfume for Christmas. For example, we have D & G The One Gentleman Matthew McConaughey makes the gentleman, and covers the legs of the girl asleep on the couch the next day.
The ad is in black and white, a sign of class and distinction from Woody Allen on, but the expression of sandwiches to McConaughey that precipitates the whole. The final scene in which contemplates the waves, then, is the best: When you want to give an aura of intellectual subtlety to someone, he is sent by the sea, possibly in winter. But it is in breach
wildest that advertising becomes trash really without any intention.
"Hey, I have a wonderful idea for the Italian campaign of 2010 Renault Twingo Miss Sixty ! You know that series so much, so outrageous that you believe that Rai did not want, the one with the lesbian, what's his name? Here, we have a situation like that. Festa, she looks at her, winks and invites her room, stripped, the other band e. .. "
" ... And? "
" And then he takes her dress leaving her blindfolded on the bed, runs to the 'car and sees that it is the same color as the dress she has just stolen! Fichissima this! And even a little 'slut! "
And so, after six good years, Italy also saw the series The L Word . (In ten years Expect advertising style Mad Men ).
The problem is, the ad touts the stolen car or the dress?
However other countries are not immune from the trash, and here in the UK instead of Amalia with the Birds of Italy we have a sports commentator Tim Lovejoy (a name says it all) with the excuse of having burned the roast trying to tow the sultry neighbor tortellini with Italian Giovanni Rana . Of course there is the compendium of all the cliches about Italian women overseas (Sophia!), but this is not the point. The sublime, ancora una volta, è dato dall'espressione estasiata dell'uomo, qui di Lovejoy - per la vicina o per i tortellini?- che fa dello spot , con la sua fotografia sui toni dorati e seppia, una sorta di versione aggiornata di Camera con vista di James Ivory (1985). Un esempio di trash simpatico.
Il trash, come la mondezza in generale, tracima nelle nostre vite e nei nostri pensieri, e non è più trattato in modo "ironico" - che testimonierebbe distacco, quindi l'esistenza di un qualcosa non pattumesco -, ma ormai è impastato con la parte "alta" the way we feel. And it is the "top" part now that he has to do all the time the accounts.
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