Santo Stefano is the saint most unlucky year.
For starters, put him on the day after Christmas because it is the first martyr (the Martyr) of Christianity. So, since it is after Christmas, not a national holiday dedicated to him on Dec. 26, but the first Sunday September in Milazzo . Then, since he died and then stoned to death is an expert in stone, turn to him all those who suffer from kidney stones and headaches, as well as builders and Breakers. Also is not even recognized as Saint Stephen in the countries of the Commonwealth, Boxing Day but , so called because there was in the habit of giving something to employees or to the poor on December 26. So we moved the stones to boxes.
December 26 is the saddest day of the year.
L 'atmosphere is similar to that of a Sunday that was stuck behind another Sunday. One Sunday a second. Leaving the road, you have to do with individuals who have some strange things on him: a second look, one realizes that wearing the gifts, 25. Others carry boxes rather torn and dangling ribbons in hand, ready to be thrown.
26, you do two things: you enter the car with one or more relatives who came for the occasion, struggling to find the place full of people in the car frozen and padded quilts and coats worn gifts, or expects bus.
buses or trams 26, do not go the same way they do not go on holidays. There is at the center of the street deserted, and the desolation is more than that of Christmas that brings at least a little 'expectations of more. The 26 is no longer the Christmas lunch, but - more often than not - the remains of the Christmas lunch, while gifts were discarded and the card games or bingo consumed. You should dedicate this day to put his head out of the house, only that all the gold dust of 25 has been laid, and also half the wait to go downtown has lost what little 'charm that had the day before, and you find yourself the stalagmite (if you stalactite hung from a tree) next to the pole. Then comes
caw of 26 buses and puffing like a few things in the world, on the other hand are full of people "For this time took a bus so they see the center on 26". The bus drivers have the same expression of 26 horses of wheelchairs.
looks perilous journey, because the newcomers do not understand the media when it comes to a curve, and invariably those who are standing between them should bump into it somewhere. Most revelers are groups of families in northern Italy, and never find the handrails every turn call each other as if they were on a plane and had just passed a turbulence.
After several dangerous curves - resulting in less traffic on the road - you get crushed one over the other to the fateful Centre almost closed and crossed by cluster of stalagmites have preferred to walk. Every now and then encountered a homemade ice cream, and every time I ask myself "why?" Why are these little holes with cold lighting that sell things like the operating table 26 when the cold is freezing cold? After the burial there's ice cream shops, pubs catacomb. Apart from the Christmas lights and signs "Caipiroska / mojito / Sex on the Beach € 5.00, € 15.00 a liter" , the purpose of a pub is to be as dark as possible so as to give a real atmosphere " English ". In fact, the waiters are moving the bar such as bats. You see tables with tourists-only eat them, since they are six in the afternoon - and a Japanese addenta il frutto proibito: gli spaghetti affogati nel pomodoro. Non ho grande esperienza di cucina, ma riconosco sempre il sugo da ristorante turistico: funzionale, oleoso, semiliquido, deve lubrificare e condire allo stesso tempo.
In realtà il 26 dicembre non si sa cosa fare esattamente: i regali li abbiamo già scelti, i negozi sono chiusi e così non possiamo cambiare quelli che hanno fatto a noi, già incominciano a fioccare i CosafaiperCapodanno? che mettono ancor di più in agitazione - e verrebbe da rispondere Aspetta che trovo il liquido per sghiacciare le ali dell'aereo, e poi vedi. Ci si ritrova a girare in tondo per poi riprendere senza accorgersene la strada di casa, questa volta dentro a bus in the company of a gentleman Orte, Orte come from (He said he and other passengers nodded gravely) in apnea, three young people of Bangladesh with umbrellas unsold and a mother with her son about a ton each heavy ( to Ma, I want Pizza Co potatoes! ) and other eighty people in padded quilt dark. When all come down to the terminus, the mother and son who wanted the pizza with potatoes start swinging in the middle of the floor mats of non-selling doll type "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?"
and plastic pellets that are smashed to the ground and resume their original shape after a few seconds, come nella scena finale de La morte ti fa bella . Anche il Natale è così: il 24 dicembre si lancia la festa, il 25 finisce per terra e alla fine del 26, dopo un po' di immobilità la vita torna ad essere quella di prima.
For starters, put him on the day after Christmas because it is the first martyr (the Martyr) of Christianity. So, since it is after Christmas, not a national holiday dedicated to him on Dec. 26, but the first Sunday September in Milazzo . Then, since he died and then stoned to death is an expert in stone, turn to him all those who suffer from kidney stones and headaches, as well as builders and Breakers. Also is not even recognized as Saint Stephen in the countries of the Commonwealth, Boxing Day but , so called because there was in the habit of giving something to employees or to the poor on December 26. So we moved the stones to boxes.
December 26 is the saddest day of the year.
L 'atmosphere is similar to that of a Sunday that was stuck behind another Sunday. One Sunday a second. Leaving the road, you have to do with individuals who have some strange things on him: a second look, one realizes that wearing the gifts, 25. Others carry boxes rather torn and dangling ribbons in hand, ready to be thrown.
26, you do two things: you enter the car with one or more relatives who came for the occasion, struggling to find the place full of people in the car frozen and padded quilts and coats worn gifts, or expects bus.
buses or trams 26, do not go the same way they do not go on holidays. There is at the center of the street deserted, and the desolation is more than that of Christmas that brings at least a little 'expectations of more. The 26 is no longer the Christmas lunch, but - more often than not - the remains of the Christmas lunch, while gifts were discarded and the card games or bingo consumed. You should dedicate this day to put his head out of the house, only that all the gold dust of 25 has been laid, and also half the wait to go downtown has lost what little 'charm that had the day before, and you find yourself the stalagmite (if you stalactite hung from a tree) next to the pole. Then comes
caw of 26 buses and puffing like a few things in the world, on the other hand are full of people "For this time took a bus so they see the center on 26". The bus drivers have the same expression of 26 horses of wheelchairs.
looks perilous journey, because the newcomers do not understand the media when it comes to a curve, and invariably those who are standing between them should bump into it somewhere. Most revelers are groups of families in northern Italy, and never find the handrails every turn call each other as if they were on a plane and had just passed a turbulence.
After several dangerous curves - resulting in less traffic on the road - you get crushed one over the other to the fateful Centre almost closed and crossed by cluster of stalagmites have preferred to walk. Every now and then encountered a homemade ice cream, and every time I ask myself "why?" Why are these little holes with cold lighting that sell things like the operating table 26 when the cold is freezing cold? After the burial there's ice cream shops, pubs catacomb. Apart from the Christmas lights and signs "Caipiroska / mojito / Sex on the Beach € 5.00, € 15.00 a liter" , the purpose of a pub is to be as dark as possible so as to give a real atmosphere " English ". In fact, the waiters are moving the bar such as bats. You see tables with tourists-only eat them, since they are six in the afternoon - and a Japanese addenta il frutto proibito: gli spaghetti affogati nel pomodoro. Non ho grande esperienza di cucina, ma riconosco sempre il sugo da ristorante turistico: funzionale, oleoso, semiliquido, deve lubrificare e condire allo stesso tempo.
In realtà il 26 dicembre non si sa cosa fare esattamente: i regali li abbiamo già scelti, i negozi sono chiusi e così non possiamo cambiare quelli che hanno fatto a noi, già incominciano a fioccare i CosafaiperCapodanno? che mettono ancor di più in agitazione - e verrebbe da rispondere Aspetta che trovo il liquido per sghiacciare le ali dell'aereo, e poi vedi. Ci si ritrova a girare in tondo per poi riprendere senza accorgersene la strada di casa, questa volta dentro a bus in the company of a gentleman Orte, Orte come from (He said he and other passengers nodded gravely) in apnea, three young people of Bangladesh with umbrellas unsold and a mother with her son about a ton each heavy ( to Ma, I want Pizza Co potatoes! ) and other eighty people in padded quilt dark. When all come down to the terminus, the mother and son who wanted the pizza with potatoes start swinging in the middle of the floor mats of non-selling doll type "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?"

and plastic pellets that are smashed to the ground and resume their original shape after a few seconds, come nella scena finale de La morte ti fa bella . Anche il Natale è così: il 24 dicembre si lancia la festa, il 25 finisce per terra e alla fine del 26, dopo un po' di immobilità la vita torna ad essere quella di prima.
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