Cosa faremo quando le avremo vaccinate tutte?
Come giustificheremo agli azionisti la frenata che subiranno i nostri fatturati?
Ogni azienda che vuole vivere nel sistema economico attuale deve fare in modo di fatturare sempre di più. Se oggi fatturo 100, l'anno prossimo devo fatturare 120, poi il prossimo 140, e così via.
Le farmaceutiche (ad oggi Merck e GSK) che hanno prodotto e venduto i vaccini anti-HPV hanno fatto un certo fatturato. Era facile: una volta messa in giro la paura, hanno convinto un po' di ministeri della sanità ad offrire il vaccino alle loro connazionali. In one fell swoop you've made the girls as clients of 11 years (in their 12th year of life) all over the world.
Today there is a further problem: how do I increase the turnover if the vaccinations are only for girls as young as 11 years? And then, as happens in Italy, population growth goes down and the girls become less and less, how do I justify this to my braking shareholders?
Easy: to widen the base. Reading HERE is already a solution. The town of Serre is just the beginning. One day you can say that the vaccine was also tested on 14-20years with good results ... and behold all the children of our country will become the target of campaign.
My personal note: Articles that I have reported, for a variety of elements, it seems written by Merck and GSK.
Attention guys ... the pharmaceutical companies have realized that there is tripe for cats. The two companies already in business (Merck and GSK) has added a third: the GENTICEL. And it comes to further widen the base of people to be vaccinated.
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