Sapere che sei Dio è renderti conto che tutto quello che sperimenti è creato da te e che tu sei libero di creare personalmente qualsiasi cosa.... Io so che tu sei Dio, so che sono te..... So che sei sicurezza, abbondanza e amore.... So che sei perfetto così come sei, indipendentemente dalla tua reazione a queste parole....
Ciascuno è il creatore di se stesso e della realtà che lo circonda. Ciascuno col suo libero arbitrio può scegliere se accettare questo fatto o rinnegarlo: tu sei Dio! Dio is the infinite freedom to be at the origin of all reality, our reality, that which surrounds us, but do not define us because we are actually generating it. With your free will define your individuality. Free will is not only the ability to choose between things, but it is also free to choose what you are. Your free will is your creative force. You are the infinitely free power of creation that chooses to be you. Despite
once organized religion has been an expression representative of the time, today no longer reflects the sense of the divine experienced by people. This experience is characterized by feeling God within himself and is reflected in those who prefer to create a personal sense of spirituality rather than adhere to the dogma of traditional religion.
God is the infinite power of being. If you grasp this concept you stop to imagine God as a person. In you, God is a person. In a tree, God is a tree. In a river, God is a river. God is whatever you choose to be. You are that power to be. Creation is not external to you, is your experience of yourself.
Reality is not something separate from you and not something that contains you, but the expression of what you choose to be. You're not simply creating your own inner experience of self, but you are creating the experience of your entire reality.
Experience your divine self is realized through conscious universal and unconditional love for all that you are. Your reality is your choice at the moment and that moment of choice is still growing. The desire of your Divine Self to be alive is the driving force of that expansion is the energy of the I Am.
In full recognition of your free will experience your will that all will be free, because if you accept that you are God, you can also hear that all reality is related to you and then all that exists.
found in your power to recognize fully your divine self, you realize that you are you, that the cage you (created by you) and that you are love and freedom that you call from outside the cage (your dreams and your hopes ).
At the time of your death your physical individuality is not destroyed. You live many lives. What are you, everything you've been, continues to accompany you. Although you probably do not remember the other lives, they are present in your life and make it all that you are rich.
You express your individuality as a story ..... Your story gives shape to your experience not only through your self-definition, but also on the way in which shapes your perception. Your percezione di te stesso e del mondo è un tutt’uno. Il tuo modo di percepire il mondo è un riflesso di come percepisci te stesso. La realtà rispecchia il tuo essere.
Tutte le paure sono forme di resistenza alla presa di coscienza della tua divinità. Abbiamo lavorato sodo per creare la nostra individualità. Abbiamo prodotto forti convinzioni per mantenere il nostro senso del sé di fronte all’espansione.
Dopo aver vissuto così tanto tempo lottando, può essere difficile credere che non sia necessario. Per permettere alla facilità di entrare nella tua vita devi affrontare e abbandonare le convinzioni che la tengono lontana da te. Queste convinzioni sono le pareti che ti hanno impedito di realizzare la facilità. Freedom, love and support you always reach your divine self through the movement of the expansion. Joining the spontaneity of this means allowing the change, change your story and let it penetrate into the change, one to which you have always opposed.
The walls with which you have defined and delimited impose a rigid structure to the fluidity of your being. When you delete the fatigue from your life these walls begin to disintegrate, not because of your efforts, but why ask an end to the amount of energy required for their creation. When the walls are falling down, trying to expand the change begins to come into your life, what we had resisted may finally there ....
Our shit is pain that we have internalized, with which we self-identified .....
The shit is a waste of internalized perceived as disgust for the person. It means to believe that a pain we tested can not be modified, is resignation to live in suffering. We keep the pain locked away in closets of our being, and often end up wasting more energy trying to ignore it than anywhere else in our business. Requires us to keep our shit a lot of work, waking up means stop doing all this hard work and deal with our shit .......
Like everything, which has run its course, must be let go per far spazio a qualcosa di nuovo, fresco ed entusiasmante.
Goditi il ballo, ma permetti ai volti di cambiare; non attribuire agli altri la tua identità. Non hai bisogno di restare loro attaccato per condividerne la bellezza. Fa’ che la condivisione avvenga attraverso l’amore e non mediante l’attaccamento.....