Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cheat List Pokémon


Essere Maestro significa poter dire: Ho scelto ogni cosa nella mia vita per farne .......... and experience everything I learned. I gained wisdom from the experiences of my life ... You know that there is no one who is a victim ???.. HARD teaching eh? But when good and evil have been pushed aside when life is seen as a continuum, like a perpetual process, then there is no one who is a victim: there is only life. VICTIM create awareness of the polarity called persecutors. Everything that has happened to him you wanted to get the final result EMOTIONAL WISDOM. In fact they are not the games of the operation to be important, but the treasure of REACTION .... called Wisdom. And all you've got this treasure, though it perhaps has not yet become completely obscured because wisdom by guilt, insecurity, shame and failure .... When you take that our responsibility and say I have CREATED, then there is neither sin, nor failure, there is only wisdom. When you sum up the responsibility of your life, do not blame most of your parents, your lover, your husband, your wife, your dog, the company or something. Do not you hate the most, because there is no longer the object outside of you that creates the polarity of victims and persecutors that makes you hate the persecutor victim ..... why do you feel ?...... CAPITA ... take responsibility for your life, eliminate all those things. When you understand that you have created the dream, you are awakening ..... STATE SAILING HOME ...... A master knows his responsibilities. He is NOT responsible for humanity ... it is only of himself. This understanding removes the leader, removes the priests, oracles and seers. If you are a teacher, never try on someone else's answers, because every time I ask someone for advice, you stray from your knowledge ....... Now you know why a teacher made his way alone. A master knows his fate, because a teacher has the power of Christ who awakens in him ..... All you have to do is THINK AND WANT ........ and whatever you want to know is revealed to him inj momento.Ogni a time became part of a group or a sect or a cult, take away this ....... YOU ARE RIGHT ADDORMENTATI. Siete rimasti nell'ignoranza per molto tempo...perche per tutto questo tempo siete stati schiavi del DOGMA e della PAURA...........( alla prossima)..... NAMASTE'

No Teletrack Payday Lenders

Sapere che sei Dio è renderti conto che tutto quello che sperimenti è creato da te e che tu sei libero di creare personalmente qualsiasi cosa.... Io so che tu sei Dio, so che sono te..... So che sei sicurezza, abbondanza e amore.... So che sei perfetto così come sei, indipendentemente dalla tua reazione a queste parole....
Ciascuno è il creatore di se stesso e della realtà che lo circonda. Ciascuno col suo libero arbitrio può scegliere se accettare questo fatto o rinnegarlo: tu sei Dio! Dio is the infinite freedom to be at the origin of all reality, our reality, that which surrounds us, but do not define us because we are actually generating it. With your free will define your individuality. Free will is not only the ability to choose between things, but it is also free to choose what you are. Your free will is your creative force. You are the infinitely free power of creation that chooses to be you. Despite
once organized religion has been an expression representative of the time, today no longer reflects the sense of the divine experienced by people. This experience is characterized by feeling God within himself and is reflected in those who prefer to create a personal sense of spirituality rather than adhere to the dogma of traditional religion.
God is the infinite power of being. If you grasp this concept you stop to imagine God as a person. In you, God is a person. In a tree, God is a tree. In a river, God is a river. God is whatever you choose to be. You are that power to be. Creation is not external to you, is your experience of yourself.
Reality is not something separate from you and not something that contains you, but the expression of what you choose to be. You're not simply creating your own inner experience of self, but you are creating the experience of your entire reality.
Experience your divine self is realized through conscious universal and unconditional love for all that you are. Your reality is your choice at the moment and that moment of choice is still growing. The desire of your Divine Self to be alive is the driving force of that expansion is the energy of the I Am.
In full recognition of your free will experience your will that all will be free, because if you accept that you are God, you can also hear that all reality is related to you and then all that exists.
found in your power to recognize fully your divine self, you realize that you are you, that the cage you (created by you) and that you are love and freedom that you call from outside the cage (your dreams and your hopes ).
At the time of your death your physical individuality is not destroyed. You live many lives. What are you, everything you've been, continues to accompany you. Although you probably do not remember the other lives, they are present in your life and make it all that you are rich.
You express your individuality as a story ..... Your story gives shape to your experience not only through your self-definition, but also on the way in which shapes your perception. Your percezione di te stesso e del mondo è un tutt’uno. Il tuo modo di percepire il mondo è un riflesso di come percepisci te stesso. La realtà rispecchia il tuo essere.
Tutte le paure sono forme di resistenza alla presa di coscienza della tua divinità. Abbiamo lavorato sodo per creare la nostra individualità. Abbiamo prodotto forti convinzioni per mantenere il nostro senso del sé di fronte all’espansione.
Dopo aver vissuto così tanto tempo lottando, può essere difficile credere che non sia necessario. Per permettere alla facilità di entrare nella tua vita devi affrontare e abbandonare le convinzioni che la tengono lontana da te. Queste convinzioni sono le pareti che ti hanno impedito di realizzare la facilità. Freedom, love and support you always reach your divine self through the movement of the expansion. Joining the spontaneity of this means allowing the change, change your story and let it penetrate into the change, one to which you have always opposed.
The walls with which you have defined and delimited impose a rigid structure to the fluidity of your being. When you delete the fatigue from your life these walls begin to disintegrate, not because of your efforts, but why ask an end to the amount of energy required for their creation. When the walls are falling down, trying to expand the change begins to come into your life, what we had resisted may finally there ....
Our shit is pain that we have internalized, with which we self-identified .....
The shit is a waste of internalized perceived as disgust for the person. It means to believe that a pain we tested can not be modified, is resignation to live in suffering. We keep the pain locked away in closets of our being, and often end up wasting more energy trying to ignore it than anywhere else in our business. Requires us to keep our shit a lot of work, waking up means stop doing all this hard work and deal with our shit .......
Like everything, which has run its course, must be let go per far spazio a qualcosa di nuovo, fresco ed entusiasmante.
Goditi il ballo, ma permetti ai volti di cambiare; non attribuire agli altri la tua identità. Non hai bisogno di restare loro attaccato per condividerne la bellezza. Fa’ che la condivisione avvenga attraverso l’amore e non mediante l’attaccamento.....

Monday, February 21, 2011

What Vitamin To Take For Breast Nodule And Cyst?

Great Scott ...

What makes a photo a photo ? Not only is the yield on film (now in progress have occurred for pixels) of any subject, but the representation of time in person. If the passing of the years in the past were told, at best, some picture or statue and the rest from literary descriptions, with the advent of a past and present are here and now. The film continues to capture the faces and bodies for to age and disappear, and does something to watch a movie than fifty years ago and know that the small army that helped him to exist has now been extinguished . We have dozens of drawers in our images of ourselves reflected in every period of our lives, where the royal families of centuries ago possessed "only" the court portraitist to paint them was to deliver them "in perpetuity" to the people and for posterity and then he needed to alter a bit 'faces and features (nothing to do with Photoshoppizzazione today, which is rather the desire to align itself to the aesthetic drawn by the media). The types in those pictures rumpled with serrated edge, those polaroid colors now mixed look at us as if they continued to live in a time of their own waiting for someone from the future to establish a contact. The Argentine photographer Irina Werning created the De Lorean fits: he has asked several people to put in the same pose when they were in their old photograph. The context is the same, the background as well, even the vintage colors - with a meticulous post-production - are identical. These are the people in the same "framework" of their childhood, to be hopelessly aged . The result is highly disturbing, as if they were trapped in their own past. Comes to mind Jumanji (1995),

a movie "for kids" that starts from the same concept of Werning, a boy is a prisoner in a game for twenty-six, and calls to two other guys who are twenty-six years after doing the same game to release. The guy obviously has grown (Robin Williams plays him ), and the whole operation becomes gradually - despite the use of special effects, such as jungles and swamps crocodiles invade home - more and more sad and grotesque: string string is a story of someone who is not able to grow and that cried out for help. Further back in time we Bette Davis who can not get out of Baby Jane Hudson in What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962) and pirouette in the attic with a bow on his head, humming I've Written A Letter To Daddy .

All these portraits "differentiated" are part of a current photograph of that, far from offering a result of "beautiful" to the viewer, rather it aims to provide a reflection on how we We love watching them since the art photography studio owned by a few

When my grandfather
Corporal Infantry
He was four days to send in posing

Rose Photography!

has become an art accessible to all cell phones or smartphones. By adding a discordant element as the same person again after years away, Irina Werning forces us to look at these pictures "trivial" and without arty (in fact the result less convincing it has a picture with your "study" it seems that the subject is the same artificially aged):

Pose innocent half-naked girls are transformed, once these little girls grow into something of slightly embarrassing, making us open our eyes to the concept of "innocence"

A very similar approach was made by the French Clarisse D'Arcimoles with the exhibition
-A Possible Retour . D'Arcimoles played this time not with the memory of strangers, but with that of his own family. The result is, perhaps, more emotionally vibrant compared to the analysis of Werning, as evidenced by this photo:

In the second picture does not appear a the two characters: the daddy. It remains his daughter, big, with soap bubbles. It 'the time of Back to the Future (the movie), in which Marty McFly looks at a family photo that was taken below and find you to be no more - would never be born - that the passage of time has not been told so effectively.

Here a video on the detailed preparation of the shots of -A Possible Retour :

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Oster Convection Oven Dehydrator


Perché quello che Tu sei, lo sono anche io. Tutto quello che sei nello spettro del Tuo essere, io lo sono, perché io sono lo spettro dal quale contempli e crei le Tue illusioni. L’Io Sono che io sono, è amore che trascende qui l'espressione comune, poiché non ha condizioni né obblighi. Io ti amo semplicemente per quello che sei, per chi Tu sei, qualunque sia la Tua espressione, è il Padre e la Madre che io amo tanto profondamente.......
Creando l'uomo, la nozione della cosa buona e la cosa cattiva, la cosa perfetta e la cosa imperfetta, ha creato anche le trappole chiamate senso di colpa e rimorso che hanno reso sempre tanto difficile progredire nella Vita.....
Ma io ti dico: qualunque cosa hai fatto - attraverso la virtù delle Tue molte vite in questo piano - non è stata mai cattiva, né buona. È stato semplicemente un'Esperienza della Vita che ti ha aiutato ad arrivare ad essere chi sei ora, e quello è, in realtà, la cosa più preziosa e meravigliosa. Perché Tu sei ora in questo, la cosa più grandiosa che non sei stato mai since incominciasti this extraordinary way, as your wisdom is greater than ever.
everything you've done, but I did. And every one of your mistakes, I committed it. And all you have judged yourself for not having the strength and virtue, but I judged. But I would have never known the strength of my being if I did not know my weakness. I would have never loved life if I did not loose sight of me. And I would never be able to hug you all if I had not despised the cruelty of man.
Whatever he did, for it was cowardly or miserable, you made simply with the aim of creating an apprenticeship for yourself. And when you quell'apprendistato six failed, sorry, sad, and you have degraded yourself and yet you're up on top of that, because here you are now ready to understand and embrace the beauty that you are.
Whenever you feel you've failed or done something bad, wish to reflect on the following words:
From the time of your birth, You and your beloved brothers intraprendeste a great adventure to the emotional understanding of all thought, after thought thought. Your Soul was created to store the emotion of every thought - every dimension of God - that God or accettasti through the spirit of your being. Every thought and accettasti sentisti in your soul, but that has yet to fully understand, Your Soul presser you to try it. For what reason? To get the full emotional understanding of all aspects of the mind, seen only through the virtue is the virtue of the experience called life. Have you been forced during
eternity to evolve and extend the life, to the creativity and experience to all manifestations of the creativity, thought up by the light, until the matter until the form and again, until the thought by 'love and joy, to envy, hatred and sadness, gaiety and again. Your soul you've come to experience in Experience, adventure to adventure, to be able to fulfill herself with the full understanding of each form of thinking - every attitude, every emotion - so that can know and understand the totality of thought that is the totality of God, the whole ego ......
Your Soul longs for everything that has not experienced. When your soul yearns for an experience, which means that it needs information on emotional experience. For that reason, your soul will create a feeling - call desire - that attracts the whole of your being and pushes you to an adventure, an experience. Then, when experience is' over, and the emotions calm down, you've got, thanks to that experience, a treasure more precious than all the gold of this plan, I did move up wisdom, and your soul tells you more than ever experiencing that experience, because you have acquired all the understanding of this. Then, your soul will pursue another desire, and you will be prompted to do other things, because you need him, want him, because the fire inside you makes you experience all the life ........... THE RAM (MY FATHER AND MOTHER)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Inscription For Housewarming Cookbook

The next day

GP, the lounge:

"I want to make out"
"It was time, with everything that has combined"
"But what is the alternative? He at least we can do, knows how to do it ... "
"He did Italians believe that they would all become rich like him, and now look where we are"
"That other then the house in Monaco!"
"The house was the brother in law"
"The wife has gone before with his son, then her father, payable has made her more ... "
" The other house, the one at the Coliseum? "
" Yes, what has been paid 'without his knowledge' "
" She was His neighbor, was just upstairs "
" He must have paid her the house "
" But excuse me, had they not donated the sheikh? "
" The Chinese have taken all "
" But those who have sold have taken a lot of money "
" At seven o'clock here, there is a curfew. At one time the shops were open until ten o'clock ... "
"You know who set fire to a store?"
"The Chinese! They did not want to sell the store, and then those who burned him, so they are forced to stay in a shop!"
"The Chinese mafia does not forgive ..."
"Why, that of Russia?"
"Quattrocentsessanta € nursery, and I also made the ISEE! And you know what they fed my son? Rice with milk, and pancake! When he returns home does nothing but eat all afternoon! "
"All are now in the ISEE, and those che prima non lo facevano!"
"E ci si meraviglia che non si fanno più figli"
"Ma si può dare da mangiare 'sta roba a quattrocento e passa al mese?"
"E' meglio un bel cestino, si spende di meno!"
"Che poi ingrassano!"
"Io vivo con mia suocera da ventitrè anni, ho detto tutto"
"Dov'è un bagno?"
"Chieda la chiave alla segretaria..."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Free Spanish South Park Online

Group of "extravagant" Cluster A: the eccentric

The vigilant (Paranoid)
The solitary reserved (Schizoid)
The imaginative alternative, outside the social conventions (Schizotypal)

overly-suspicious and parent-
feeds doubts about the loyalty and reliability others
-proof high-
afraid to confide in negative misunderstands the intentions of others
-hostile rancorous relations
-reacts with anger to any frustration, insult or criticism
-e 'persecutory, jealous and afraid of being betrayed by his partner.

has ideas of reference-use beliefs and magical thinking
-tends to superstition and clairvoyance
-is based on the insights of "sixth sense"
-feeding patterns and bizarre thoughts
-speaks and behaves eccentrically
- has unusual perceptual experiences
-has little emotional relationships (except for close relatives)
-affectivity improper, is suspicious and social anxiety.


-avoids relational intimacy (even family)-
chooses solitary activities
uninterested in the sexuality-real-
not take pleasure in what ago
-confidential and without friends is emotionally indifferent
-detached and distancing

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Congratulations Baby Arriving

"You're adorable. Roditi and the liver"

A comedy that many should review their Valentine's Day is Plaza apartment of Neil Simon, which was taken from the eponymous 1971 film for directed by Arthur Hiller (which last year had directed Love Story, or the romantic movie of the '70s.) protagonist is the great Walter Matthau , here becomes one and three and interprets the protagonists of the three one-act comedy. Plaza apartment consists of three stories couples who have shared the room had taken 719 of the Plaza Hotel of New York .

The first story is about the Nash, Sam and Karen (Maureen Stapleton ), middle-aged married couple should go to the Plaza on their wedding anniversary (their house is under renovation). Things go wrong from the beginning: Karen would like to renew his relationship with Sam in a crisis, only that he was wrong is the date of the anniversary, both the room. All the one-act is a dialogue between the two thick, with her would somehow win him back, and he apparently is too busy working to listen. L'entrata in scena della giovane segretaria di Sam confermerà i sospetti della moglie riguardo all'adulterio. L'aspra discussione e la conseguente crisi darà un finale incerto alla loro storia.
La bellezza della scrittura di quest'atto sta tutta nei passaggi di tono: s'inizia con la commedia leggera. Noi vediamo solo due coniugi che discutono, e la cosa ci pare divertente fino al momento in cui arriva il personaggio della segretaria, miss McCormack,
efficiente e affascinante. Segue un dialogo fitto fra Sam e miss McCormack su contratti e cifre, con la moglie che tenta di dire qualcosa. Alla fine Sam si trova costretto a ricontrollare le pratiche, dice alla segretaria di aspettarlo in ufficio mentre lui si fionda in bagno per farsi la barba.
La moglie glielo fa scherzosamente notare, cosa che lui non prende molto bene. In qualche modo confermata nei suoi sospetti, Karen insiste con l'insinuare che Sam abbia una relazione con la sua segretaria. A questo punto la commedia vira lentamente verso il dramma. Tuttavia Karen rifiuta ancora di credere alla sua voce interiore, c'è un punto però oltre il quale non riesce a tornare indietro. Dopo che Sam le confessa che vorrebbe ricominciare tutta la sua vita daccapo, lei capisce che vorrebbe soprattutto ricominciare daccapo con un'altra donna.
Da qui in poi il dialogo precipita.

- You know what I think? I think you do you want to go. And you do not know how to tell me.
- not true.
- What? What do you want to go or do not know how to tell me?

Sam confesses at the end of the report. Karen asks what to do. It reaches the climax when he, in some way to justify the randomness of his adultery, he says:

- If any consolation, I did not think would come to this point. I do not remember how did ...
- effort, we come to mind!
- He worked for two years in my office and I never looked ...
- Bravissimo!
- Ah, let's stop!
- No! So there you have worked for two years and you never knew who was named Jean. Then one night you were alone, suddenly she broke up her hair, took off his glasses and said to you, knows that she is beautiful?
- Yes, you were hidden nell'amadio?

The nice thing is that she believes her husband's adultery simply as a "midlife crisis" - among other things described by Reader's Selection Digest -, which sends Sam into a rage. Karen gives her "permission". Respond to his complaints, and some memorable dialogue:

- Che ti prende, Sam? Ti privo del tuo delizioso senso di colpa? Vorresti che facessi tutto a pezzi? Che cercassi di fartela pagare?
- Questo almeno lo capirei, sarebbe normale. Non vedo perché non dovresti avere una crisi isterica, correre urlando da un avvocato.
- E va bene ! Se ti farà star meglio, ti dirò che sei un verme! Dirò che sei...un bidone di latte acido, che sei uno sporco traditore, un lurido, vanitoso ultracinquantenne! Come vado?
- Bene, ora almeno siamo sulla strada buona!
- Ah, so you like it? It makes everything smoother and easier, now you can go to her husband in the guise of the poor misunderstood. I'm not going to give this satisfaction! Collect everything I said! You are mine. You'll find the milk and donuts when you come home ...
- No no no no no! Finish what you say, freed from the weight! There are twenty-three years you have it on my stomach, I want to hear everything: vain, old oil drums and more, come on, what else?
- You're adorable. Roditi and the liver.

Sam begins to understand that his wife knows more than he knows himself, and it's not like it at all (there is nothing worse than knowing what they go by the lover it is).

- All horns are his wife with his secretary! I expected more from my husband!

Sam at this point realizes that there's nothing left to do. May - perhaps - return to live together, but pretending.
Here, the first act of apartment at the Plaza (the Italian voices of Matthau and Stapleton are respectively Gianrico Germans and Lydia Simoneschi ):

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Itc Scholarships 2010

I had seen it coming, or the consequences of Belle and Sebastian

Make me dance, I want to surrender ...

's latest album Belle and Sebastian had not received acclaim from critics (at least those few on which I set eyes). They said the B & S now are boiled, the album is "pretty" but not transcendental, when there was Isobel Campbell was better than usual adjective that you pull out when you have to do with a band of about twenty years sold! Not to mention the criticism of individual songs, and this is not good, and this other is weak, and the track (how I hate when they call "tracks" the songs!) Does not close properly the final album ... Some have even found fault with that Stuart Murdoch The frontman and creator of the B & S, has hinted at the dance steps in a video! With this in mind, listen to this album without stirring has proved very difficult at the beginning.

The music I do Belle and Sebastian has this strange at the beginning you can not take it seriously. Many groups are doing everything to get your attention with guitars, distortion, great speeches, etc., while the S & B are almost childish at first listen. Instead they work in the subconscious. One listens distractedly their piece, think cute, reminds me of something I had heard, and it all ends lì.Dopo about an hour the same song devastating effects in the cerebral cortex. Non ti si schioda più dal cervello. Cominci allora a canticchiare, ma a questo punto arriva un grosso problema: i testi. Come per gli Smiths negli anni '80 - '90, le liriche sono - per chi non conosce bene l'inglese - complicatissime da memorizzare. Provate a cantare, ad esempio, una frase come she wants to write a thesis on the population underprivileged che si trova in questo brano tratto da The Life Pursuit :

The Blues Are Still Blue
sembra ispirata a un pezzo dei T. Rex 70s, is about a laundry and what is happening. False! The whole song is actually about the difficulty people have in dealing with each other (The refrain compares a relationship gone bad to put the laundry in the washing machine, whites are blacks, whites than blacks, but the blue ones will always be blue - game words on blue / color and blues / sadness -) This tension between the themes of "heavy" music and "light" and / or behind the catchy way to make music by Stuart Murdoch and his people. Another feature is the use of female vocals, which are not simple countermelodies '60s-inspired, but most of contradictory to what he says the main entry.

The opening track of Write About Love , I Did not See It Coming begins with a strange hissing sound in space and merges with the first four bars of battery, which in turn introduce the plan. Here comes the female voice (Sarah Martin) sings:

Make me dance, I want to surrender
familar Your arms, I remember

a minute into the piece, comes the male voice (Stuart) who join her in saying

But we do not have the money
(money makes the wheels and the world go round)
Forget about it, honey
Trouble's never far away when you're around

A uno potrebbe venire in mente, l'immortale dittico dei Vianella E stamo mejo noi / che nun magnamo mai , ma c'è quel verso,

I guai non sono mai lontani quando sei accanto

che ci mette in guardia: allora qui si parla di una relazione dove è lei to start seeing him differently - is Sarah singing -. Is then recorded a vaguely psychedelic where you can barely hear her voice reverberated do:

I did not see it coming

I had seen it coming. The real subject of the song is therefore the time that passes and that threatens to ruin everything. Soon, however, comes the reply from Stuart, introduced a keyboard vaguely Jump of Van Halen , to say:

Take me on a train 'cause I'm not flying
I can see the world from a different side
Read about us in the morning papers
When we make it alive

If you can not fly anymore (because it has lived too long) you can take the train, because now you see the world from another point of view. While we are taking the company, read about us in the morning papers! With this act of heroism resigned the song goes on growing, the female voice keeps saying I had not seen it coming (life as a car accident?) And then add
I'm just not in the running

I'm not in the forefront. And to reiterate:

And we do not need a lifetime
We're Following The right line.

It does not take life, follow the right path . While repeating these lines, indicative of a supervening peace of mind, the voice of Stuart in counterpoint takes the first verse of the song, that

make me dance, I want to surrender

Fammi ballare, voglio lasciarmi andare , che è la stessa frase che cantava lei all'inizio. Come se, andando avanti nella vita, i due si fossero scambiati i ruoli. Ora è lui a cantare la canzone di lei, ma lo fa scandendo le sillabe, quasi che nel volersi arrendere ( surrender ) non volesse ancora arrendersi.
Le parti femminili dei brani di B&S sono rese da voci eteree, impalpabili ma molto chiare nel fraseggio: un'eccezione è contenuta proprio in quest'album con Little Lou, Ugly Jack, Prophet John , dove Stuart duetta con Norah Jones .

Some have called this song "pimp", maybe they were all like that! The voice of Jones in this poignant ballad, country-blues is more "dark" of his counterparts Sebastian: here we are faced with a regret of a love story that she died before birth - a theme similar to Wrapped Up In Books - where he and fantasize about how she could go:

Yeah you're great, you're just part of this lifetime of dreaming

yes, you're great You're just part of this life of dreams. The two admit the inconsistency of their relationship, talking about the end of everything you make and unmake in their head - and I mention the three characters that give the title, Little Lou (Reed), Ugly Jack (Kerouac), Prophet John (Lennon), which are evidently among the saints from Stuart. A sentiment expressed without complacency, where the missed opportunity is described by a series of interrogative sentences:

Can I see what's underneath your bed?
Can I stay until the milkman's working?
Can I stay until the coffee Awakes?
(Together:) Do you hate me in the light?
Did you get a fright?

I hate the light of day? Maybe that's why nothing happened, who knows.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Safeway Pregnancy Test Instructions

Group of "exaggerated" Cluster B: dramatic

The romantic sentimental (borderline)
The seductive lively ( histrionic)
The egocentric bold
The strong and combative (antisocial)

-all desperately afraid of abandonment
-Si iperidealizzando intimate relationships or devaluing
-Way Identity persistently unstable
-Behaviors impulsive (drugs, money, sex, food, ..) He makes
-car offensive acts or threats and / or suicidal feelings and mood-alternating
, unstable, unpredictable
-Try a chronic sense of emptiness
-E 'prey to anger unmotivated that is unable to control under stress has often
-dissociation and paranoid ideation


-feels uncomfortable if not 'the focus of
often-provocative seductive and manipulative
- emotionally
-shifting and shallow attempts to attract the physical appearance
-use language "impressionistic" no-shows details

his emotions with theatricality-is easily suggestible by others or circumstances
-great intimacy often non-existent.


-has great ideas of superiority, exaggerated their findings
-nourished fantasies of success, power and charm-
Unlimited believes that only "special people" can understand someone like him
-requires excessive admiration-
behaves as if all was due-
exploits and takes advantage of others
-lacks empathy, does not recognize the feelings of others
-envy or think to be envied
-is presumptuous and arrogant

-Tends to abuse and violate social norms
-Act dishonestly lying and cheating
-E 'impulsive, violent and does not control himself
-E' aggressive, sullen, irritable, manipulative
-missing sense of danger to themselves and others
-no sense of responsibility in work and unstable
not-sorry about the damage it causes

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Plans To Build Outside Wood Stove

you are here on this planet to be yourself and express yourself .....
If life keeps you in check so it is because you have to remember you .....
sure to listen to your own energy rather than to wear clothes groped expectations .....( Anir).

Friday, February 4, 2011

Toiletries For Wedding Bathroom

Group "shy" Cluster C: the fearful

ducked (avoidant)
Anxiety tolerant (dependent)
The conscientious diligent (OCD)

-avoiding commitments for fear of being disapproved and refused
-inhibited relationships for fear of not being accepted
-fear of being humiliated and ridiculed in intimate relationships
-avoids social situations for fear of rejection and criticism in interpersonal situations
feels inadequate feels inferior, unattractive and inept
-for fear of being embarrassed not take risks.

is undecided, look for constant reassurance and advice-
denies responsibility, delegate to others
-e 'compliant for fear of rejection and separation
-looking protection and fails to take action individually
-willing to do anything to get support
-occurrence and feels helpless and unable to fend for himself
-replaces a report to' another to feel supported
-unrealistically worries of their vulnerability.

focuses on details at the expense of overall vision
-perfectionist, keeping a strict standard for indecision
excessively devoted to work-and to output
too-conscientious, scrupulous uncompromising values \u200b\u200b
-save oggetti consumati e di nessun valore
-controllante, ha difficoltà a delegare e a collaborare
-tende al risparmio per timore di catastrofi imminenti
-ostinato, testardo, rigido, pedante convenzionale.



1.Paranoide: sempre le spalle al muro.
2.Narcisista: Ha la macchina più grande con un enorme stemma sul cofano.
3.Dipendente : Ha bisogno di altre macchine per sentirsi al riparo.

4.Passivo - Aggressivo: Park on the corner to occupy two seats.
5.Borderline: Scale is on the former machine.
6.Antisociale: flow through to other machines.
7.Istrionico: Park in the center for an effect of extraordinary intensity scenic
8.Ossessivo: Search perfect alignment with the markings.
8.Evitante: He hides in the most distant
10.Schizoide: can not tolerate the proximity of other machines.
11.Schizotipico: Parking intergalactic

diagram taken from the book:

Spalletta Henriette (2010), Healthy and disturbed personality, preparatory to the introduction of the daily care of normopatie, Sovera, Rome.