Group of "exaggerated" Cluster B: dramatic
The romantic sentimental (borderline)
The seductive lively ( histrionic)
The egocentric bold (narcissistic)
The strong and combative (antisocial)

-Si iperidealizzando intimate relationships or devaluing
-Way Identity persistently unstable
-Behaviors impulsive (drugs, money, sex, food, ..) He makes
-car offensive acts or threats and / or suicidal feelings and mood-alternating
, unstable, unpredictable
-Try a chronic sense of emptiness
-E 'prey to anger unmotivated that is unable to control under stress has often
-dissociation and paranoid ideation

often-provocative seductive and manipulative
- emotionally
-shifting and shallow attempts to attract the physical appearance
-use language "impressionistic" no-shows details
his emotions with theatricality-is easily suggestible by others or circumstances
-great intimacy often non-existent.

-nourished fantasies of success, power and charm-
Unlimited believes that only "special people" can understand someone like him
-requires excessive admiration-
behaves as if all was due-
exploits and takes advantage of others
-lacks empathy, does not recognize the feelings of others
-envy or think to be envied
-is presumptuous and arrogant

-Act dishonestly lying and cheating
-E 'impulsive, violent and does not control himself
-E' aggressive, sullen, irritable, manipulative
-missing sense of danger to themselves and others
-no sense of responsibility in work and unstable
not-sorry about the damage it causes
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