Perché quello che Tu sei, lo sono anche io. Tutto quello che sei nello spettro del Tuo essere, io lo sono, perché io sono lo spettro dal quale contempli e crei le Tue illusioni. L’Io Sono che io sono, è amore che trascende qui l'espressione comune, poiché non ha condizioni né obblighi. Io ti amo semplicemente per quello che sei, per chi Tu sei, qualunque sia la Tua espressione, è il Padre e la Madre che io amo tanto profondamente.......
Creando l'uomo, la nozione della cosa buona e la cosa cattiva, la cosa perfetta e la cosa imperfetta, ha creato anche le trappole chiamate senso di colpa e rimorso che hanno reso sempre tanto difficile progredire nella Vita.....
Ma io ti dico: qualunque cosa hai fatto - attraverso la virtù delle Tue molte vite in questo piano - non è stata mai cattiva, né buona. È stato semplicemente un'Esperienza della Vita che ti ha aiutato ad arrivare ad essere chi sei ora, e quello è, in realtà, la cosa più preziosa e meravigliosa. Perché Tu sei ora in questo, la cosa più grandiosa che non sei stato mai since incominciasti this extraordinary way, as your wisdom is greater than ever.
everything you've done, but I did. And every one of your mistakes, I committed it. And all you have judged yourself for not having the strength and virtue, but I judged. But I would have never known the strength of my being if I did not know my weakness. I would have never loved life if I did not loose sight of me. And I would never be able to hug you all if I had not despised the cruelty of man.
Whatever he did, for it was cowardly or miserable, you made simply with the aim of creating an apprenticeship for yourself. And when you quell'apprendistato six failed, sorry, sad, and you have degraded yourself and yet you're up on top of that, because here you are now ready to understand and embrace the beauty that you are.
Whenever you feel you've failed or done something bad, wish to reflect on the following words:
From the time of your birth, You and your beloved brothers intraprendeste a great adventure to the emotional understanding of all thought, after thought thought. Your Soul was created to store the emotion of every thought - every dimension of God - that God or accettasti through the spirit of your being. Every thought and accettasti sentisti in your soul, but that has yet to fully understand, Your Soul presser you to try it. For what reason? To get the full emotional understanding of all aspects of the mind, seen only through the virtue is the virtue of the experience called life. Have you been forced during
eternity to evolve and extend the life, to the creativity and experience to all manifestations of the creativity, thought up by the light, until the matter until the form and again, until the thought by 'love and joy, to envy, hatred and sadness, gaiety and again. Your soul you've come to experience in Experience, adventure to adventure, to be able to fulfill herself with the full understanding of each form of thinking - every attitude, every emotion - so that can know and understand the totality of thought that is the totality of God, the whole ego ......
Your Soul longs for everything that has not experienced. When your soul yearns for an experience, which means that it needs information on emotional experience. For that reason, your soul will create a feeling - call desire - that attracts the whole of your being and pushes you to an adventure, an experience. Then, when experience is' over, and the emotions calm down, you've got, thanks to that experience, a treasure more precious than all the gold of this plan, I did move up wisdom, and your soul tells you more than ever experiencing that experience, because you have acquired all the understanding of this. Then, your soul will pursue another desire, and you will be prompted to do other things, because you need him, want him, because the fire inside you makes you experience all the life ........... THE RAM (MY FATHER AND MOTHER)
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