GP, the lounge:
"I want to make out"
"It was time, with everything that has combined"
"But what is the alternative? He at least we can do, knows how to do it ... "
"He did Italians believe that they would all become rich like him, and now look where we are"
"That other then the house in Monaco!"
"The house was the brother in law"
"The wife has gone before with his son, then her father, payable has made her more ... "
" The other house, the one at the Coliseum? "
" Yes, what has been paid 'without his knowledge' "
" She was His neighbor, was just upstairs "
" He must have paid her the house "
" But excuse me, had they not donated the sheikh? "
" The Chinese have taken all "
" But those who have sold have taken a lot of money "
" At seven o'clock here, there is a curfew. At one time the shops were open until ten o'clock ... "
"You know who set fire to a store?"
"The Chinese! They did not want to sell the store, and then those who burned him, so they are forced to stay in a shop!"
"The Chinese mafia does not forgive ..."
"Why, that of Russia?"
"Quattrocentsessanta € nursery, and I also made the ISEE! And you know what they fed my son? Rice with milk, and pancake! When he returns home does nothing but eat all afternoon! "
"All are now in the ISEE, and those che prima non lo facevano!"
"E ci si meraviglia che non si fanno più figli"
"Ma si può dare da mangiare 'sta roba a quattrocento e passa al mese?"
"E' meglio un bel cestino, si spende di meno!"
"Che poi ingrassano!"
"Io vivo con mia suocera da ventitrè anni, ho detto tutto"
"Dov'è un bagno?"
"Chieda la chiave alla segretaria..."
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