Great Scott ...
What makes a photo a photo ? Not only is the yield on film (now in progress have occurred for pixels) of any subject, but the representation of time in person. If the passing of the years in the past were told, at best, some picture or statue and the rest from literary descriptions, with the advent of a past and present are here and now. The film continues to capture the faces and bodies for to age and disappear, and does something to watch a movie than fifty years ago and know that the small army that helped him to exist has now been extinguished . We have dozens of drawers in our images of ourselves reflected in every period of our lives, where the royal families of centuries ago possessed "only" the court portraitist to paint them was to deliver them "in perpetuity" to the people and for posterity and then he needed to alter a bit 'faces and features (nothing to do with Photoshoppizzazione today, which is rather the desire to align itself to the aesthetic drawn by the media). The types in those pictures rumpled with serrated edge, those polaroid colors now mixed look at us as if they continued to live in a time of their own waiting for someone from the future to establish a contact. The Argentine photographer Irina Werning created the De Lorean fits: he has asked several people to put in the same pose when they were in their old photograph. The context is the same, the background as well, even the vintage colors - with a meticulous post-production - are identical. These are the people in the same "framework" of their childhood, to be hopelessly aged . The result is highly disturbing, as if they were trapped in their own past. Comes to mind Jumanji (1995),
a movie "for kids" that starts from the same concept of Werning, a boy is a prisoner in a game for twenty-six, and calls to two other guys who are twenty-six years after doing the same game to release. The guy obviously has grown (Robin Williams plays him ), and the whole operation becomes gradually - despite the use of special effects, such as jungles and swamps crocodiles invade home - more and more sad and grotesque: string string is a story of someone who is not able to grow and that cried out for help. Further back in time we Bette Davis who can not get out of Baby Jane Hudson in What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962) and pirouette in the attic with a bow on his head, humming I've Written A Letter To Daddy .
All these portraits "differentiated" are part of a current photograph of that, far from offering a result of "beautiful" to the viewer, rather it aims to provide a reflection on how we We love watching them since the art photography studio owned by a few
When my grandfather
Corporal Infantry
He was four days to send in posing
Rose Photography!
has become an art accessible to all cell phones or smartphones. By adding a discordant element as the same person again after years away, Irina Werning forces us to look at these pictures "trivial" and without arty (in fact the result less convincing it has a picture with your "study" it seems that the subject is the same artificially aged):
Pose innocent half-naked girls are transformed, once these little girls grow into something of slightly embarrassing, making us open our eyes to the concept of "innocence"
A very similar approach was made by the French Clarisse D'Arcimoles with the exhibition
-A Possible Retour . D'Arcimoles played this time not with the memory of strangers, but with that of his own family. The result is, perhaps, more emotionally vibrant compared to the analysis of Werning, as evidenced by this photo:
In the second picture does not appear a the two characters: the daddy. It remains his daughter, big, with soap bubbles. It 'the time of Back to the Future (the movie), in which Marty McFly looks at a family photo that was taken below and find you to be no more - would never be born - that the passage of time has not been told so effectively.
Here a video on the detailed preparation of the shots of -A Possible Retour :
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