Tuesday, June 22, 2010

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Schizotypal Personality Disorder Psychotherapy and Medications

schizotypal personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized , as well as tendency to social isolation, from a communicative style and thought eccentric, typically vague or metaphorical by quirks of behavior and ideas of reference or unusual beliefs.

is a disorder belonging to group "A" classification manuals DSM personality disorder, that is one of those personalities that seem strange at first sight, closed in itself or eccentric. The ideas of reference are not exactly the schizotypal fixed ideas, are not characterized by the fact suspiciousness and hostility typical of the paranoid ideas of .

schizotypal patients often have individualized systems of belief or non-conventional, for example c redono to "powers" or perceptions or supernatural phenomena . The thought typical of these entities is defined "tangential" , that allusive and disorganized. It happens that sometimes seem engrossed in "brooding" upon themselves.

Patients with this disorder have a high comorbidity with other personality disorders. Ciò può essere dovuto in parte al fatto che il criterio descritto dal DSM-IV TR include parametri che sono in comune anche con altri disturbi, creando zone di sovrapposizione. Gli altri disturbi di personalità che condividono parzialmente, a prima vista, certi tratti con il disturbo schizotipico sono: il disturbo schizoide , per quanto riguarda la tendenza del soggetto a isolarsi dagli altri; il disturbo di personalità evitante presenta anch'esso sintomi di ansia e preoccupazioni - di cui il soggetto non ha il controllo - legate alle interazioni con gli altri; infine le idee fisse sono la caratteristica principale del disturbo paranoide : ovviamente non c’è un confine netto e preciso tra ideas simply "weird" and paranoid obsessions, though they are two different styles and recognizable.

schizotypal disorder that describes a model, which meets frequently, which has among other symptoms of "intermediate" between those disorders and the paranoid schizoid or anxious / avoidant: there is a tendency to get lost in the subject mulling himself with the thought, to isolate showing moderate anxiety and closing, and on the other hand, the fixed ideas have a milder form than not being paranoid projections of hostility to the outside. The patient's perception of reality schizotypal is not altered, and the thought, even if it seems strange or rambling in style, not disorganized.

People with schizotypal disorder may suffer from psychotic episodes , quickly and with relatively low frequency. Has been demonstrated and statistical correlation between family schizotypal disorder and schizophrenia . A percentage of these patients - around 12% - develop schizophrenia, usually in a less severe form which often heal .

Taken from: wikipedia


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