Thursday, January 27, 2011

Poptropica Like Games

You were not made to live like Ruby

Three monologues:

Nicole Minetti

F ***!

that there if I see the swollen. No, tell me if is it possible that, after having made a bunch the first time on television, then in between your teeth for three years, then a che fare con gente come Formigoni in Regione poi a contattare gemelle e a fargli vedere pure gli appartamenti (pure l'agente immobiliare devo fare adesso?) poi a briffare a tutte quello che devono fare nelle feste dovevo distribuire pure il testo di Meno male che Silvio c'è e farglielo imparare a memoria, poi litigare con Fede che arriva alle due del mattino e non fa arrivare le sue in orario, poi verificare se quella grandissima *#@=&^% non se ne va a filmare e fotografare tutto e poi venderlo al miglior offerente, poi ci sono quelle che non gli piace l'appartamento e lo vogliono dare alla cugina fuorisede - l'ho vista, è un cesso e non la si può utilizzare - , poi controllare che ci sia tutto, farfalline Swarowki e Cd di Apicella compresi, poi ritirare i costumi da infermiera poliziotta e Oba-Oba (e manca sempre qualche pezzo e a me mi tocca controllare), poi fare la conta delle buste disposte da Spin per la serata, poi mettere le autoreggenti bianche e travestirmi da infermiera del Drive In e DOPO tutto questo rimettermi il maglioncino color crema (l'ho visto addosso a Mara , il mio idolo) e presentarmi in Regione alle sette in punto. E alla Fico , no, dico, alla Fico quella terrona che ha fatto solo il Grande Fratello lui gli ha regalato la casa? Ma scherziamo? Cosa ha fatto Raffaella - b **** y - f **** ing - Fico (native speakers of English, he sang it to him by Lerner) so special? I do what I do not see any, I'll slam + °#*++ Fico but no! Rather than go back to detect the plaque!

Karima El Mahroug

What am I doing here?

They made me stay in the car for an hour in a garage, and then enter a side door. Then I was in a living room with all the photographers kept at a distance (but I thought I was famous when I photographed them all). I do not know what to do, I shouted from the track of things, but they told me to stand up and smile, that in a bit 'all over. I gave them money in advance, of this I'm sure (Denis told me) and also in cash, as I said to the Crown (Belén and there has to put up!). He, he he told me also to do so crazy that he would not understand anything, and also told me that I have covered with gold, which would give me five million, however, I should not say anything to anyone. I want to become famous, become a Christian, I'm not going to have stained the name for this story, but when I take pictures? He told me that skinned ladies of television to tell when I wanted to invent a parallel life dpo that my father had beaten her. I am the nephew of Mubarak? I come from Morocco, but it may well be, who knows. But when it ends this evening, I am exhausted. There, I said bitch on the track, it is not true, there are only gone to the house, I said that I had to sixteen hours a day and he touched me at all. Okay, I stole it but it was a moment, then I would have returned the money. I have to go well in all these situations, he also told me, Jesus, I'm tired, take me to my house where Luke, had told me that I would call, and these shoes hurt me ...



Where is the catalog? I had to pick other, that they are becoming rancid, rancorous, you can not trust most, and then I broke the ***** to do more in the scripted television, now Masi calls me know if I can speak directly to programs fewer share to pull them up, damn that fag, this is one of his ideas, I'm always wanted to go to Antigua, I was struggling just to buy it, I have to stay here, but you know what is best for the black boy over there , cool and soda, I'll cables with a present and they are all yours, if they have sixteen years does not give anyone anything, Emiliooooo! Where are you, I finished Cialis! Here, they're trying the lights in the basement, Piersilvio Truzzi says they do, but I like it, remind me of the cruises and the Drive In, ah, Carmen, Tini Cansino, Johara, Beppe Recchia, Has Fidanken, where are you? Now I will be here Nurse and police officers, and the Brazilian schoolgirl, yes, all of me and Faith, Emilio true that there will you? Emilioooooo!


Moen Kingsley Shower Body Sprayer


In words, all I want to be free. In fact, nobody wants it, because freedom involves absolute liability ........
No one wants to assume its responsibilities: it hurts. If someone else is the cause of your unhappiness, you can accept it, because you can not do anything. In reality, you alone are responsible. A ... Once accepted, the truth brings with it immense freedom ... In fact, if you're responsible ... then you can change ... NAMASTE '♥

Diagram Of How Camera Works

My message to all is: do not ever want, even for a moment, to dominate someone, e non permettere mai che qualcuno ti domini......
L’idea stessa di dominio deve scomparire dalla faccia della terra. Solo allora potremo chiamare questo mondo una realtà umana. Altrimenti è del tutto inumano… Ma tutta l’atmosfera in cui sei ...stato allevato ha lasciato la sua impronta sul tuo inconscio. Se non inizi a ridere della stupidità dell’idea stessa di governare su tutto il mondo, o di essere una persona speciale, superiore a tutti gli altri…....Namastè ♥

Meatl Cores Wheels For Sale


La maggior parte delle persone tende a definirsi in base al proprio corpo tu non sei un corpo delimitato.
Perfino sotto a un microscopio sei un campo energetico. Here's what we know about energy: if you go to a quantum physicist and ask him what it is that creates the world he will answer: "energy ".... Well Describe energy. "Ok, energy can never be created or destroyed, there has always been, whatever is there already existed ... ', it moves in the form ... through form and out of shape."
If you go to a theologian and ask them who created the universe will answer him: "God "..." God has always been there can never be created or destroyed, everything 'that there will always be there .... moving continuously in the form .... through form and out of shape ."............ As you can see the description is the same, only changes terminology ....
So you're an energy field which acts in an energy field, the biggest ......

How Long Did The Great Depression Last


is not important, perhaps, that education equips each of us to
understand and deal with human problems, rather than simply provide
knowledge, or technical training? Because, you see, life is not at all easy
. You may have spent a happy time, a
creative period, in which you earned, but when you leave school,
new things begin to happen, you will be surrounded by events;
will be limited not only by interpersonal relationships, but also influences
social by your own fears and the inevitable ambition to succeed.
I think being ambitious is a curse. The ambition is a form of egocentrism
, closing itself, and thus feeds the mediocrity of mind.
Living in a world full of ambition without being ambitious means in effect
love the things in themselves, and not because they involve rewards or results;
and this is very difficult, because the whole world, all your friends, your family
All are struggling to succeed, to happen, to become someone
understand all this, get rid of and do something you really love -
no matter what, no matter how humble and free official recognition -
that, in my opinion, it awakens the spirit of greatness that never seeks
approval or reward, that does things for their intrinsic value and therefore
has the strength and ability not to be trapped by the influence
of mediocrity ..... NAMASTE '...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Can You Change A Tokina Mount?


You have to look into anything to understand yourself and achieve the wisdom to abandon .... not sad, do not distress yourself with your thoughts.
The joy of the heart is life for man, the happiness of a man is long life ....
distract your soul ... comfort your heart .... keep away the gloom ....
Melancholy has ruined many, it does not get a dime of good.
There 's a light within us so' intense that allows us to look at the world even with closed eyes ... dreams are not that animated pictures from our emotions and vibrant
under the impulse of our passions ....

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Are There Any Models Similar To Denise Milani

The magnet Supreme

In the beginning was the refrigerator.

This appliance has saved thousands of foods from the early decay, and allowed hundreds - then thousands - of families to put away the food, not to spend half their lives to the grocery store and especially to find something from food and drink, especially in the non-canonical hours (before there was, for the wealthiest families, the ice ,
with the column of ice inside, but it is not same thing). An Italian advertising from the early '50s promised that the refrigerator would completed the "duel in the sun" of the Italians against the food gone bad.
Once treated, the presence of the fridge and therefore reduced its sacredness as an object, - roughly since he started calling fridge and one has stopped to peek if you turn off the light inside the once tight door - came a new object. One of the games "educational" (not yet educational ) in the 70s were the plastic magnetic letters Quercetti . They were actually molds of colored plastic, hollow inside, with a small compartment in the center containing a tiny magnet. The drama me era quello di perdere la calamitina - nera, con una scanalatura al centro - e di smagnetizzare così la lettera. (Gli anni '70 sono stati il periodo d'oro dei giocattoli con i vani nascosti, come il micromangiadischi dentro la schiena della bambola Michela ).
Qualcuno, forse qualche mamma, iniziò a far comporre parole con le letterine sulla superficie più magnetica della casa: quella del frigo.
Il ghiaccio era rotto.
La bombata superficie dell'elettrodomestico non faceva più parte di un'entità sacra posta in mezzo alla cucina. Si stava per trasformare in una sorta di tabula rasa and white enamel on which to attack what we had to remember (and that our brain refused to hold). This, at least, was the primary purpose of the first "fridge magnets". Following increased the secondary functions of the object, transforming the tiny magnet in a container of messages. Why, for example, there are a lot of miniatures on the market of industrial products? In addition to reasons of employment, the reason could be the secret
further digestion pop art (which already used the "triviality" of the goods for his artistic discourse). Hang the fridge thumbnails of each type of goods as the Victorian era were built dollhouses in detail: to celebrate what they believe is more. This link faith-magnets will be increasingly developed with the next wave of "plaques" bearing all sorts of warnings. It 's interesting how the refrigerator, place in the kitchen or at the place where he spends a good deal of time to prepare and eat good things - as opposed to the bathroom, where you pass the time instead to expel and wash away other things, and in fact there is not no hanging magnet - has become
the repository of our personalities, attracting messages as no wall of the house can no longer do. Of course, companies have emerged specialized in the manufacture and assembly of magnets, like this FunkyFridge American has more than 1500 items for all tastes, including a reproduction of the cover of an old " guide to conjugal love."

However, the magnet has a cultural force as to prevent him from becoming a vintage item over time ( Remember when the magnets were fashionable? Ah, those times! ). It will always look for the model that puts an end to all the other magnets, just a tiny magnet supreme when applied to the door of the refrigerator will put us maybe in contact with other civilizations universe

Bad Taste In Mouth Wisdom Teeth

The power of decisions

Monday, January 24, 2011

Andrew Hayden Smith Myspace


Love is the only religion, the only god, the only mystery to be lived, understood. When love lies you understand all the mystics of the world. It is not a difficult thing. It is as simple as the beating of your heart or your breathing. He was born with you, you are not given by the company. This is the point I want to emphasize: the love enters the world with your birth, but of course it is not developed, as is not developed any of the other potential of the child. We should develop it, help it grow, to evolve .....

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Meatl Coresscooter Wheelswheels For Sale


Master (TU) ... do not let the day happen ... the teacher creates the day and the guide to become an "experience" ... You must do the work and find the truth'.... Now what is the truth ..... '!?.... AND 'to acquaint the philosophy ..... put it here (head) and then apply the' off .... If you produce an effective and able to put it into practice at that point is truth '... FIRST AND ONLY' GUESS ..... And who knows who has applied these lessons all this "work" ... so little time to put its teachings into practice when you are happy, because then it is easier to apply.
It will look like 'that what is called God has poured his blessings on you and that nothing bad could go there ....... until one day everything will go really bad that day because you forgot to create it .... and thus become, as they say, instead of being subject to the FACT YOU TO THE GOVERNMENT.
When there is bad, therefore, live evil, and there entrenched (as they say) EXISTENCE PROBLEM.
This is the origin of depression ... It 's become a habit and you're depressed .... one day ... down to what we call "quality of life" for the day AFTER ...... and then you wake up the next day is pretty sad 'cause it was just so .... GENERATED FROM THE PREVIOUS DAY.
And you wake up and there is sadness and melancholy and then you live do not let it increase it for the next day ......... this is' your cycle .....


Laptop Shields For Outdoors

Thanks to all the friends in recent months are supporting with their visits and their "affective presence" this blog ...... we are growing and I like to use the plural, saying we are growing .... As I always say .... none of this would have happened without Vol ...... thanks again for all the emails are sending and to whom I reply personally .....


What Are The Best Big And Bold Fake Eyelashes


That unconscious discomfort that we feel the time and 'a sign that our Soul and' seeking new paths to evolve .....
Any way is only one way, and if there is no affront to setssi, or others, in dropping, if that is what your heart tells you to do .... examine each route with accuracy and balance .... test it every time he deems it necessary .... then ask yourself one question: this path have a heart?
If you have it, the way is good.
If it does not do anything ....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Rack Em Up Road Trip 60 Min

syringes 2 - " Synchronize "to Discodeine feat. Jarvis Cocker

Time that heals and destroys ...

About syringes, here's a video that appears to show one, but it is not true. This is the official video Synchronize (2010), a song inspired by the hard Discodeine , electronic duo-and-many-other-things-even the French. The lyrics of Synchronize are Jarvis Cocker, who participates in the official video and also as an actor. The piece is very electrodance early '80s, with the voice of Jarvis, who likes to type languideggiare Amanda Lear (melodic line "slow" as opposed to a fast rhythm, complete with a disco-strings , to be clear that those are also the basis of the arrangement of Triangle Renato Zero).

If the text is about how a lightning strike at the disco suddenly put two people in sync with time, space, strobe lights and battery (there is also a Dante Alighieri spoke at the end of the Paradise of a love that moves 'l sun and other stars , and there was dancing up there), the video, directed by French JF Julian consists of three fragments of lives in three rooms of a hotel that seems mysterious to Barton Fink of Coen brothers. A man and a woman get naked and prepare something that seems an injection of heroin, but it's a tattoo session. A woman takes a shower and leaves the bathroom with bathrobe lying on the bed and lit a cigarette under a wet crucified. Jarvis watch TV in the dark, meditate, and at some point begins to dance in the room as if it were drawn by the memory something.
What ties these three pieces? May be three different stories, or before and after a love story (with Jarvis remembers that), or even the woman herself and Jarvis are the two components of the couple taken in the room 507 years later, have already started - you has a tattoo on his arm and his glasses -. Each hypothesis is possible, and not ruling out any video. Note the repeated use of assembly-type connotative : we do not "see" two people who pierce in a hotel room, but a number of details that make us mentally anticipate how the sequence could end : 1) Detail of one hand rubs his arm with a wad:

2) Detail of a colored liquid that goes into a long narrow container:

3) close-up of Jarvis that covers his eyes with his hand as a reminder what he saw (and we'll see shortly):

4) Detail of the eye of the woman alone, seen from behind the frosted door bathroom (important, because it makes us immediately think that something of what we think is going to happen happened to her):

5) details results of a tip that is about to be submerged in a bowl filled with liquid mysterious

Throughout the sequence Rhythm is backed by five of stress syn - CHRO - nize - to-night, and finally the mystery is revealed: we see a mysterious ritual session based on tattoos (more than bunga bunga!). But it is not made explicit why these tattoos - drugs hidden? Emotional dependency? - Jarvis The same video that is taken by the demon in the middle of the disco, dancing as a puppet to whom they have temporarily removed the wires at the end and culminating in a first plane in which he pulls a long drag from a cigarette. Very French. For VIDEOMONDO today, the stuff of the Criminal Code. is not the first time our then gets back lying on an unmade bed to meditate on the sins of the world: just watch the video of Do You Remember Your First Time? (1993), from the album His 'n Hers its Pulp

It' funny how the same tilting movement of the machine (which embraces that Jarvis all other characters in the video in una giostra senza fine) lo ritroviamo ne Le conseguenze dell'amore di Paolo Sorrentino (2004), la scena in cui - una volta a settimana - il protagonista si inietta l'eroina:

A questo punto sorge una domanda: Synchronize è forse Le conseguenze dell'amore rifatto nel 21° secolo, con Jarvis come Titta Di Girolamo ?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Romantic Get Away In The Luzon

The geometric matrix dell''Universo

Chemical Reactions For Running Cars

matter does not exist

Friday, January 14, 2011

Dressy Boots In New York

The mystery of the three pyramids of Giza

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pakistani Wedding Table Centerpieces

Syringes ("'She can hand them fierce ...")

Il vero uomo si riconosce not by intention but by the injections.
From piccolisimi brought us to the clinic to let us do all the bivalent vaccine (Diphtheria and Tetanus), which then had to be repeated some years later was called the Call of the bivalent. The name sounded a bit 'spaghetti westerns ( Friend, the bivalent is back: you've closed it again! ), and while Recall Polio was more acceptable - was soaked in a sugar content of the vaccine - the bivalent was rather treacherous a real injection. My earliest memory is of a syringe in me that I was running around the bed of the surgery (four years) and being chased by my mother to the doctor because I did not want me to do the sting. The syringes Painless were beyond to come, and the eyes of a quattrenne needles were high as the close-ups of malaria mosquitoes in documentaries.
Another memory that would have heavily influenced my opinion on the bite was taken by a movie scene, way home ( Hal Ashby, 1978), in which one of the characters killed injecting air into a vein with a syringe. The scene, with commentary by un'ossesiva of White Rabbit Jefferson Airplane was terrifying, and contributed not a little to my natural antipathy to the injections.
Without disturbing the famous sequence of injection of adrenaline in the heart of Uma Thurman in a coma from an overdose in Pulp Fiction ( and now I'm going home to get me a heart attack )

I had to live, almost a kind of retaliation, the excitement of preparing a syringe and an injection. Intramuscularly. With the thick needle. 5cc syringe.
The first difficulty is to break the vial with the injection solution. At one time the single-dose glass vials with the bottleneck at the center were given a note microseghetto to saw the glass in two and open the vial. So I take a kitchen knife and give sull'acquaio tapping with the blade on the thinnest point, hoping that yields (saw off the glass with a knife is not possible, and try your hand is how to split a nut holding it in hand: one is left with nothing, with the aggravating circumstance that the glass particles can penetrate the skin). When one least expects the top yields and small fragments are light scatter on
sink. I remove them and try them all in the unfortunate event that I will
can find embedded in his hand. I open the protective bag and pull out the syringe. The safety cap is cosa più difficile da sfilare, infatti non si deve sfilare ma farlo ruotare e poi sfilarlo piano per non piegare l'ago in due (come ho saputo poi a mie spese).
Tolgo l'aria dall'ago una, due volte. Poi infilo l'ago nella fiala. Attenzione, non è una cosa facilissima risucchiare la soluzione nella siringa, dato che occorre tirare su lo stantuffo in modo lento ma continuo.
A questo punto la siringa - una volta accertato che non vi sono bolle d'aria - è pronta per l'uso, e qui avviene la seconda battaglia. Nei film la puntura si fa sempre nel gluteo ( Sedadavo? Domanda Igor in Frankenstein Jr. con la Creatura in outburst). In reality must be made above, in the dorso-gluteal .

long massage the area with disinfectant, then with his heart in his throat seeking a place quite "meaty" where the needle stick, and here I ricodo the pinch of Mario Brega in Bianco, Rosso e Verdone (1981, Carlo Verdone). ( 'She is fierce and can they can hand them down. Today was' na feather.)

Tang meat. I put the needle. I expect the shout. The Sound does not come. I already a dead man? No, still breathing. I push the plunger and inject the liquid slowly. I try not to think. Here, the end of the piston touched the needle. I finished!
pull out - or rather, out of the syringe needle bared the flesh I hold between two fingers. Exit all. Massage the area for a good five minutes hoping that he put his leg in the best position. I seem to have had a complicated surgical operation, I would like someone detergesse the sweat from his forehead as they do in the operating room, but I realize I have no face sweaty. I would be a bad surgeon.
put the hood before discarding the syringe needle. The cotton ball and scrambled mercilessly squeezed lies next to the fragment of the vial. My hands know inexorably disinfectant. It seemed that the sedadavo they had given me.

What Colour Shag Bands Mean What


Always be a "simple "..... When you're a simple soul your voice reaches every" soul "....... When you are "complex" ... you understand a few .... and you're not just for ..... ALL FOR YOU .....( Anir)

Scope Mouthwash Active Ingredients

the instant

The moment you wake up in the morning, you have to think that what è il momento più importante del giorno che state vivendo. Perché?… Perché da quel momento dipenderà tutto il resto della giornata, e da quella giornata dipenderà anche il seguito della vostra esistenza.....

Driver Ms Pro Duo Magicgate


La cosa più preziosa che abbiamo nella nostra vita è il respiro.....La prossima volta che avrete paura o qualche dubbio, pensate a quanta abbondanza d'aria c'è...Tu hai tutti i respiri necessari fino all'ultimo giorno della tua vita....

Denise Milani Posing In Mountains

Alcuni dei valori in cui crediamo non sono mai stati reali: erano timori altrui.... Concediti la possibilità di rivedere i tuoi pensieri, changing the negative ..... Is it worth it .... Namaste (Anir)