F ***!
that there if I see the swollen. No, tell me if is it possible that, after having made a bunch the first time on television, then in between your teeth for three years, then a che fare con gente come Formigoni in Regione poi a contattare gemelle e a fargli vedere pure gli appartamenti (pure l'agente immobiliare devo fare adesso?) poi a briffare a tutte quello che devono fare nelle feste dovevo distribuire pure il testo di Meno male che Silvio c'è e farglielo imparare a memoria, poi litigare con Fede che arriva alle due del mattino e non fa arrivare le sue in orario, poi verificare se quella grandissima *#@=&^% non se ne va a filmare e fotografare tutto e poi venderlo al miglior offerente, poi ci sono quelle che non gli piace l'appartamento e lo vogliono dare alla cugina fuorisede - l'ho vista, è un cesso e non la si può utilizzare - , poi controllare che ci sia tutto, farfalline Swarowki e Cd di Apicella compresi, poi ritirare i costumi da infermiera poliziotta e Oba-Oba (e manca sempre qualche pezzo e a me mi tocca controllare), poi fare la conta delle buste disposte da Spin per la serata, poi mettere le autoreggenti bianche e travestirmi da infermiera del Drive In e DOPO tutto questo rimettermi il maglioncino color crema (l'ho visto addosso a Mara , il mio idolo) e presentarmi in Regione alle sette in punto. E alla Fico , no, dico, alla Fico quella terrona che ha fatto solo il Grande Fratello lui gli ha regalato la casa? Ma scherziamo? Cosa ha fatto Raffaella - b **** y - f **** ing - Fico (native speakers of English, he sang it to him by Lerner) so special? I do what I do not see any, I'll slam + °#*++ Fico but no! Rather than go back to detect the plaque!
Karima El Mahroug
What am I doing here?
They made me stay in the car for an hour in a garage, and then enter a side door. Then I was in a living room with all the photographers kept at a distance (but I thought I was famous when I photographed them all). I do not know what to do, I shouted from the track of things, but they told me to stand up and smile, that in a bit 'all over. I gave them money in advance, of this I'm sure (Denis told me) and also in cash, as I said to the Crown (Belén and there has to put up!). He, he he told me also to do so crazy that he would not understand anything, and also told me that I have covered with gold, which would give me five million, however, I should not say anything to anyone. I want to become famous, become a Christian, I'm not going to have stained the name for this story, but when I take pictures? He told me that skinned ladies of television to tell when I wanted to invent a parallel life dpo that my father had beaten her. I am the nephew of Mubarak? I come from Morocco, but it may well be, who knows. But when it ends this evening, I am exhausted. There, I said bitch on the track, it is not true, there are only gone to the house, I said that I had to sixteen hours a day and he touched me at all. Okay, I stole it but it was a moment, then I would have returned the money. I have to go well in all these situations, he also told me, Jesus, I'm tired, take me to my house where Luke, had told me that I would call, and these shoes hurt me ...
Where is the catalog? I had to pick other, that they are becoming rancid, rancorous, you can not trust most, and then I broke the ***** to do more in the scripted television, now Masi calls me know if I can speak directly to programs fewer share to pull them up, damn that fag, this is one of his ideas, I'm always wanted to go to Antigua, I was struggling just to buy it, I have to stay here, but you know what is best for the black boy over there , cool and soda, I'll cables with a present and they are all yours, if they have sixteen years does not give anyone anything, Emiliooooo! Where are you, I finished Cialis! Here, they're trying the lights in the basement, Piersilvio Truzzi says they do, but I like it, remind me of the cruises and the Drive In, ah, Carmen, Tini Cansino, Johara, Beppe Recchia, Has Fidanken, where are you? Now I will be here Nurse and police officers, and the Brazilian schoolgirl, yes, all of me and Faith, Emilio true that there will you? Emilioooooo!