La maggior parte delle persone tende a definirsi in base al proprio corpo delimitato.....ma tu non sei un corpo delimitato.
Perfino sotto a un microscopio sei un campo energetico. Here's what we know about energy: if you go to a quantum physicist and ask him what it is that creates the world he will answer: "energy ".... Well Describe energy. "Ok, energy can never be created or destroyed, there has always been, whatever is there already existed ... ', it moves in the form ... through form and out of shape."
If you go to a theologian and ask them who created the universe will answer him: "God "..." God has always been there can never be created or destroyed, everything 'that there will always be there .... moving continuously in the form .... through form and out of shape ."............ As you can see the description is the same, only changes terminology ....
So you're an energy field which acts in an energy field, the biggest ......
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