Il vero uomo si riconosce not by intention but by the injections.
From piccolisimi brought us to the clinic to let us do all the bivalent vaccine (Diphtheria and Tetanus), which then had to be repeated some years later was called the Call of the bivalent. The name sounded a bit 'spaghetti westerns ( Friend, the bivalent is back: you've closed it again! ), and while Recall Polio was more acceptable - was soaked in a sugar content of the vaccine - the bivalent was rather treacherous a real injection. My earliest memory is of a syringe in me that I was running around the bed of the surgery (four years) and being chased by my mother to the doctor because I did not want me to do the sting. The syringes Painless were beyond to come, and the eyes of a quattrenne needles were high as the close-ups of malaria mosquitoes in documentaries.
Another memory that would have heavily influenced my opinion on the bite was taken by a movie scene, way home ( Hal Ashby, 1978), in which one of the characters killed injecting air into a vein with a syringe. The scene, with commentary by un'ossesiva of White Rabbit Jefferson Airplane was terrifying, and contributed not a little to my natural antipathy to the injections.
Without disturbing the famous sequence of injection of adrenaline in the heart of Uma Thurman in a coma from an overdose in Pulp Fiction ( and now I'm going home to get me a heart attack )
I had to live, almost a kind of retaliation, the excitement of preparing a syringe and an injection. Intramuscularly. With the thick needle. 5cc syringe.
From piccolisimi brought us to the clinic to let us do all the bivalent vaccine (Diphtheria and Tetanus), which then had to be repeated some years later was called the Call of the bivalent. The name sounded a bit 'spaghetti westerns ( Friend, the bivalent is back: you've closed it again! ), and while Recall Polio was more acceptable - was soaked in a sugar content of the vaccine - the bivalent was rather treacherous a real injection. My earliest memory is of a syringe in me that I was running around the bed of the surgery (four years) and being chased by my mother to the doctor because I did not want me to do the sting. The syringes Painless were beyond to come, and the eyes of a quattrenne needles were high as the close-ups of malaria mosquitoes in documentaries.
Another memory that would have heavily influenced my opinion on the bite was taken by a movie scene, way home ( Hal Ashby, 1978), in which one of the characters killed injecting air into a vein with a syringe. The scene, with commentary by un'ossesiva of White Rabbit Jefferson Airplane was terrifying, and contributed not a little to my natural antipathy to the injections.
Without disturbing the famous sequence of injection of adrenaline in the heart of Uma Thurman in a coma from an overdose in Pulp Fiction ( and now I'm going home to get me a heart attack )
I had to live, almost a kind of retaliation, the excitement of preparing a syringe and an injection. Intramuscularly. With the thick needle. 5cc syringe.
The first difficulty is to break the vial with the injection solution. At one time the single-dose glass vials with the bottleneck at the center were given a note microseghetto to saw the glass in two and open the vial. So I take a kitchen knife and give sull'acquaio tapping with the blade on the thinnest point, hoping that yields (saw off the glass with a knife is not possible, and try your hand is how to split a nut holding it in hand: one is left with nothing, with the aggravating circumstance that the glass particles can penetrate the skin). When one least expects the top yields and small fragments are light scatter on

sink. I remove them and try them all in the unfortunate event that I will
can find embedded in his hand. I open the protective bag and pull out the syringe. The safety cap is cosa più difficile da sfilare, infatti non si deve sfilare ma farlo ruotare e poi sfilarlo piano per non piegare l'ago in due (come ho saputo poi a mie spese).
Tolgo l'aria dall'ago una, due volte. Poi infilo l'ago nella fiala. Attenzione, non è una cosa facilissima risucchiare la soluzione nella siringa, dato che occorre tirare su lo stantuffo in modo lento ma continuo.
A questo punto la siringa - una volta accertato che non vi sono bolle d'aria - è pronta per l'uso, e qui avviene la seconda battaglia. Nei film la puntura si fa sempre nel gluteo ( Sedadavo? Domanda Igor in Frankenstein Jr. con la Creatura in outburst). In reality must be made above, in the dorso-gluteal .
long massage the area with disinfectant, then with his heart in his throat seeking a place quite "meaty" where the needle stick, and here I ricodo the pinch of Mario Brega in Bianco, Rosso e Verdone (1981, Carlo Verdone). ( 'She is fierce and can they can hand them down. Today was' na feather.) Tang meat. I put the needle. I expect the shout. The Sound does not come. I already a dead man? No, still breathing. I push the plunger and inject the liquid slowly. I try not to think. Here, the end of the piston touched the needle. I finished!

put the hood before discarding the syringe needle. The cotton ball and scrambled mercilessly squeezed lies next to the fragment of the vial. My hands know inexorably disinfectant. It seemed that the sedadavo they had given me.
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