In the beginning was the refrigerator.
This appliance has saved thousands of foods from the early decay, and allowed hundreds - then thousands - of families to put away the food, not to spend half their lives to the grocery store and especially to find something from food and drink, especially in the non-canonical hours (before there was, for the wealthiest families, the ice ,

with the column of ice inside, but it is not same thing). An Italian advertising from the early '50s promised that the refrigerator would completed the "duel in the sun" of the Italians against the food gone bad.
Once treated, the presence of the fridge and therefore reduced its sacredness as an object, - roughly since he started calling fridge and one has stopped to peek if you turn off the light inside the once tight door - came a new object. One of the games "educational" (not yet educational ) in the 70s were the plastic magnetic letters Quercetti . They were actually molds of colored plastic, hollow inside, with a small compartment in the center containing a tiny magnet. The drama me era quello di perdere la calamitina - nera, con una scanalatura al centro - e di smagnetizzare così la lettera. (Gli anni '70 sono stati il periodo d'oro dei giocattoli con i vani nascosti, come il micromangiadischi dentro la schiena della bambola Michela ).
Qualcuno, forse qualche mamma, iniziò a far comporre parole con le letterine sulla superficie più magnetica della casa: quella del frigo.

Il ghiaccio era rotto.
La bombata superficie dell'elettrodomestico non faceva più parte di un'entità sacra posta in mezzo alla cucina. Si stava per trasformare in una sorta di tabula rasa and white enamel on which to attack what we had to remember (and that our brain refused to hold). This, at least, was the primary purpose of the first "fridge magnets". Following increased the secondary functions of the object, transforming the tiny magnet in a container of messages. Why, for example, there are a lot of miniatures on the market of industrial products? In addition to reasons of employment, the reason could be the secret
further digestion pop art (which already used the "triviality" of the goods for his artistic discourse). Hang the fridge thumbnails of each type of goods as the Victorian era were built dollhouses in detail: to celebrate what they believe is more. This link faith-magnets will be increasingly developed with the next wave of "plaques" bearing all sorts of warnings. It 's interesting how the refrigerator, place in the kitchen or at the place where he spends a good deal of time to prepare and eat good things - as opposed to the bathroom, where you pass the time instead to expel and wash away other things, and in fact there is not no hanging magnet - has become

further digestion pop art (which already used the "triviality" of the goods for his artistic discourse). Hang the fridge thumbnails of each type of goods as the Victorian era were built dollhouses in detail: to celebrate what they believe is more. This link faith-magnets will be increasingly developed with the next wave of "plaques" bearing all sorts of warnings. It 's interesting how the refrigerator, place in the kitchen or at the place where he spends a good deal of time to prepare and eat good things - as opposed to the bathroom, where you pass the time instead to expel and wash away other things, and in fact there is not no hanging magnet - has become
the repository of our personalities, attracting
messages as no wall of the house can no longer do. Of course, companies have emerged specialized in the manufacture and assembly of magnets, like this FunkyFridge American has more than 1500 items for all tastes, including a reproduction of the cover of an old " guide to conjugal love."

However, the magnet has a cultural force as to prevent him from becoming a vintage item over time ( Remember when the magnets were fashionable? Ah, those times! ). It will always look for the model that puts an end to all the other magnets, just a tiny magnet supreme when applied to the door of the refrigerator will put us maybe in contact with other civilizations universe

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