Time that heals and destroys ...
About syringes, here's a video that appears to show one, but it is not true. This is the official video Synchronize (2010), a song inspired by the hard Discodeine , electronic duo-and-many-other-things-even the French. The lyrics of Synchronize are Jarvis Cocker, who participates in the official video and also as an actor. The piece is very electrodance early '80s, with the voice of Jarvis, who likes to type languideggiare Amanda Lear (melodic line "slow" as opposed to a fast rhythm, complete with a disco-strings , to be clear that those are also the basis of the arrangement of Triangle Renato Zero).
If the text is about how a lightning strike at the disco suddenly put two people in sync with time, space, strobe lights and battery (there is also a Dante Alighieri spoke at the end of the Paradise of a love that moves 'l sun and other stars , and there was dancing up there), the video, directed by French JF Julian consists of three fragments of lives in three rooms of a hotel that seems mysterious to Barton Fink of Coen brothers. A man and a woman get naked and prepare something that seems an injection of heroin, but it's a tattoo session. A woman takes a shower and leaves the bathroom with bathrobe lying on the bed and lit a cigarette under a wet crucified. Jarvis watch TV in the dark, meditate, and at some point begins to dance in the room as if it were drawn by the memory something. What ties these three pieces? May be three different stories, or before and after a love story (with Jarvis remembers that), or even the woman herself and Jarvis are the two components of the couple taken in the room 507 years later, have already started - you has a tattoo on his arm and his glasses -. Each hypothesis is possible, and not ruling out any video. Note the repeated use of assembly-type connotative : we do not "see" two people who pierce in a hotel room, but a number of details that make us mentally anticipate how the sequence could end : 1) Detail of one hand rubs his arm with a wad:

2) Detail of a colored liquid that goes into a long narrow container:
3) close-up of Jarvis that covers his eyes with his hand as a reminder what he saw (and we'll see shortly):
4) Detail of the eye of the woman alone, seen from behind the frosted door bathroom (important, because it makes us immediately think that something of what we think is going to happen happened to her):
5) details results of a tip that is about to be submerged in a bowl filled with liquid mysterious

Throughout the sequence Rhythm is backed by five of stress syn - CHRO - nize - to-night, and finally the mystery is revealed: we see a mysterious ritual session based on tattoos (more than bunga bunga!). But it is not made explicit why these tattoos - drugs hidden? Emotional dependency? - Jarvis The same video that is taken by the demon in the middle of the disco, dancing as a puppet to whom they have temporarily removed the wires at the end and culminating in a first plane in which he pulls a long drag from a cigarette. Very French. For VIDEOMONDO today, the stuff of the Criminal Code. is not the first time our then gets back lying on an unmade bed to meditate on the sins of the world: just watch the video of Do You Remember Your First Time? (1993), from the album His 'n Hers its Pulp
It' funny how the same tilting movement of the machine (which embraces that Jarvis all other characters in the video in una giostra senza fine) lo ritroviamo ne Le conseguenze dell'amore di Paolo Sorrentino (2004), la scena in cui - una volta a settimana - il protagonista si inietta l'eroina:
A questo punto sorge una domanda: Synchronize รจ forse Le conseguenze dell'amore rifatto nel 21° secolo, con Jarvis come Titta Di Girolamo ?
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