Master (TU) ... do not let the day happen ... the teacher creates the day and the guide to become an "experience" ... You must do the work and find the truth'.... Now what is the truth ..... '!?.... AND 'to acquaint the philosophy ..... put it here (head) and then apply the' off .... If you produce an effective and able to put it into practice at that point is truth '... FIRST AND ONLY' GUESS ..... And who knows who has applied these lessons all this "work" ... so little time to put its teachings into practice when you are happy, because then it is easier to apply.
It will look like 'that what is called God has poured his blessings on you and that nothing bad could go there ....... until one day everything will go really bad that day because you forgot to create it .... and thus become, as they say, instead of being subject to the FACT YOU TO THE GOVERNMENT.
When there is bad, therefore, live evil, and there entrenched (as they say) EXISTENCE PROBLEM.
This is the origin of depression ... It 's become a habit and you're depressed .... one day ... down to what we call "quality of life" for the day AFTER ...... and then you wake up the next day is pretty sad 'cause it was just so .... GENERATED FROM THE PREVIOUS DAY.
And you wake up and there is sadness and melancholy and then you live do not let it increase it for the next day ......... this is' your cycle .....
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